Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
65675bad212eaade2e0ca208 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018006087 201839745 1 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.186475 0.0295055 0 0 0.186475 0.0295055 0 0.186475 0 Other health problems Mental health 100 ENABLING PSYCHO-SOCIAL WELLNES... more Enabling psycho-social wellnes... more Enabling psycho-social wellnes... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca209 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004457 6980/A0/05/882/006 8 Namibia South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0191732 0.0191732 0 0 0.0191732 0.0191732 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV COORDINATION HIV COORDINATION HIV COORDINATION. Namibia 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20a 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018006782 2970/A0/05/602/001 8 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0021674 0.0021674 0 0 0.0021674 0.0021674 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 2.1 DISTRICT HEALTH & HIV SYST... more 2.1 DISTRICT HEALTH & HIV SYST... more 2.1 DISTRICT HEALTH & HIV SYST... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20b 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000230 8 Tunisia North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00271215 0.00271215 0 0 0.00271215 0.00271215 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Other health problems Other 100 AC_139_VIOLENCE AND INJURIES AC_139_Violence and injuries Violence and injuries 0 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20c 2020 New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs an... more 2018000020 A100103v 3 Vanuatu Oceania LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.05061 0 0 0 0.05061 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 PACIFIC ISLAND FOOD REVOLUTION Pacific Island Food Revolution The Pacific Island Food Revolu... more 0 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health 13000 Third Country Government (Dele... more Third Country Government (Dele... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20d 2018 UNDP UNDP 2018000576 108264 1 Zimbabwe South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0551825 0.0551825 0 0 0.110365 0.110365 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Malaria 50 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TO MOHCC Capacity Development to MoHCC Capacity Development to MoHCC ... more 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 41114 United Nations Development Pro... more UNDP
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20e 2018 Australia Australian Government 2018001920 INM339 8 Burkina Faso South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.040048 0.040048 0 0 0.040048 0.040048 0 0.040048 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DIRECT AID PROGRAM: SMALL GRAN... more Direct Aid Program: Small Gran... more The Direct Aid Program (DAP) i... more 32140 Cottage industries and handicr... more III.2.a. Industry 11000 Donor Government Donor Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca20f 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004876 6490/A0/05/001/002 8 Papua New Guinea Oceania LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0139477 0.0139477 0 0 0.0139477 0.0139477 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY. Pap... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca210 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004128 3420/A0/05/801/004 8 Philippines Far East Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0245579 0.0245579 0 0 0.0245579 0.0245579 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV PREVENTION & SERVICES HIV PREVENTION & SERVICES HIV PREVENTION & SERVICES. Ph... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca211 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003089 3750/A0/05/100/005 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0484651 0.0484651 0 0 0.0484651 0.0484651 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.4 HIV 1.4 HIV 1.4 HIV. Rwanda 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca212 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005219 3750/A0/05/100/005 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0108731 0.0108731 0 0 0.0108731 0.0108731 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.4 HIV 1.4 HIV 1.4 HIV. Rwanda 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca213 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000987 8 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0552418 0.0552418 0 0 0.0552418 0.0552418 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases NTDs 100 AC_285_NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISE... more AC_285_Neglected tropical dise... more Neglected tropical diseases 0 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca214 2018 Switzerland Cantons and municipalities 2018005248 030-Q32-2017-1050 1 Brazil South America UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.005113 0.005113 0 0 0.005113 0.005113 0 0.005113 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DES COMMUNES Contributions des communes Decentralised Development Coop... more 12230 Basic health infrastructure I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca215 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004590 3900/A0/07/884/001 8 Sierra Leone South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0173388 0.0173388 0 0 0.0173388 0.0173388 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS PREVENTION,TREATMENT ... more HIV/AIDS PREVENTION,TREATMENT ... more HIV/AIDS PREVENTION,TREATMENT ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca216 2018 Australia Australian Government 2018001110 INL887 8 Vanuatu Oceania LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 0.0132701 0.0132701 0 0 0.0132701 0.0132701 0 0.0132701 0 0 Other health problems Other health problems Other 100 ENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFE IN A... more Enhancing Quality of Life in A... more The Enhancing Quality of Life ... more 15160 Human rights I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more 41143 World Health Organisation - co... more World Health Organisation - co... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca217 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018006351 201875434 1 West Bank and Gaza Strip Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.2832528 0.03588032 0 0 0.708132 0.0897008 0 0.708132 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 40 PROVIDING HEALTH, EDUCATION, P... more Providing Health, Education, P... more With the present project, NECC... more 16010 Social Protection I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca218 2018 Switzerland Cantons and municipalities 2018004435 030-Q31-2016-1234 1 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.081808 0.081808 0 0 0.081808 0.081808 0 0.081808 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DU CANTON DE BÂ... more Contributions du Canton de Bâ... more Decentralised Development Coop... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca219 2018 Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2018000861 MEU-18/0005-4 1 Middle East, regional Middle East Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.4425432 0.4425432 0 0 3.68786 3.68786 0 3.68786 0 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 12 REGIONAL SUPPORT TO PALESTINIA... more Regional Support to Palestinia... more Regional Support to Palestinia... more emergency health 400,000. tota... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 41130 United Nations Relief and Work... more UNRWA - UN Relief and Works Ag... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21a 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005392 4230/A0/05/123/002 8 Togo South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0093777 0.0093777 0 0 0.0093777 0.0093777 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ADOLESCENTS ET LA PRÉVENTION ... more ADOLESCENTS ET LA PRÉVENTION ... more ADOLESCENTS ET LA PRÉVENTION ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21b 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001192 8 Panama Caribbean & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00470096 0.00470096 0 0 0.00470096 0.00470096 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Other 100 AC_366_INFECTIOUS HAZARD MANAG... more AC_366_Infectious hazard manag... more Infectious hazard management 0 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21c 2018 Global Fund Global Fund 2018000118 TLS-M-MOH 3 Timor-Leste Far East Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 2.42724 0 0 2.42724 Communicable diseases Malaria 100 EXPANDING AN INTEGRATED AND CO... more Expanding an integrated and co... more 12262 Malaria control I.2.b. Basic Health 12001 Central Government Ministry of Health of the Demo... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21d 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005762 4380/A0/05/111/002 8 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0064079 0.0064079 0 0 0.0064079 0.0064079 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OUTPUT 1.2 HIV AND AIDS OUTPUT 1.2 HIV AND AIDS OUTPUT 1.2 HIV AND AIDS. Ugan... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21e 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018003090 34_5004 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.00153 0 0 0 0.00153 0 0 0 0 0.00153 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government 0.057966
65675bad212eaade2e0ca21f 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018002614 4410/A0/04/883/002 8 Ukraine Europe LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0645601 0.0645601 0 0 0.0645601 0.0645601 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 C4D ON HEALTH, PROTECTION, DEV... more C4D ON HEALTH, PROTECTION, DEV... more C4D ON HEALTH, PROTECTION, DEV... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca220 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001335 8 Paraguay South America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0791177 0.0791177 0 0 0.0791177 0.0791177 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 AC_451_NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE... more AC_451_Noncommunicable disease... more Noncommunicable diseases 0 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca221 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018002523 4410/A0/05/884/002 8 Ukraine Europe LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0702259 0.0702259 0 0 0.0702259 0.0702259 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PROVISION OF QUALITY HIV/AIDS ... more PROVISION OF QUALITY HIV/AIDS ... more PROVISION OF QUALITY HIV/AIDS ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca222 2018 Ireland Department of Foreign Affairs 2018007274 B2PROGRAM-CSFPRGFND 8 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.0623156 0.0623156 0 0 0.0623156 0.0623156 0 0.0623156 0 0 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 100 WOMEN AND MEN ADVOCATE AT NATI... more Women and men advocate at nati... more Civil Society Programme Fundin... more 15180 Ending violence against women ... more I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Trocaire
65675bad212eaade2e0ca223 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018003147 35_16 1 Papua New Guinea Oceania LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.72503 0.58544 0 0 0.72503 0.58544 0 0.72503 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca224 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004000 4980/A0/05/200/001 8 Zambia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.027 0.027 0 0 0.027 0.027 0 10 0 10 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 02-01 PAEDIATRIC AIDS/PMTCT - ... more 02-01 PAEDIATRIC AIDS/PMTCT - ... more 02-01 PAEDIATRIC AIDS/PMTCT - ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca225 2018 Germany Foreign Office 2018007459 6609326 3 Syrian Arab Republic Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.763529 0.761068 0 0 0.763529 0.761068 0 0.763529 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 100 CONTINUING MEDICAL TREATMENTS Continuing medical treatments Continuing medical treatments ... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca226 2018 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2018007853 177-Q37-2015-92823 3 Guinea-Bissau South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.000902955 0 0 0 0.000902955 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DE PROGRAMME AUX... more Contributions de programme aux... more SWISSAID aims at empowering po... more Based on information regarding... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 22000 Donor country-based NGO Swissaid
65675bad212eaade2e0ca227 2018 Norway Norwegian Agency for Developme... more 2018001203 QZA-12/0763-476 1 Democratic Republic of the Con... more South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 3 10 110 B01 0.022545 0.0217515 0 0 0.022545 0.0217515 0 0.022545 0 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 100 NPM CAMPS-PREV: MENTAL HEALTH ... more NPM CAMPS-PREV: Mental health ... more Sexual and gender-based violen... more 15180 Ending violence against women ... more I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Digni
65675bad212eaade2e0ca228 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018003334 201618248 3 Ukraine Europe LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.413077 0 0 0 0.413077 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PROMOTION OF INTERSECTORAL COO... more Promotion of intersectoral coo... more This project is directed again... more 73010 Immediate post-emergency recon... more VIII.2. Reconstruction Relief ... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca229 2018 United States Peace Corps 2018007252 44_165 1 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D01 0.00894 0.00919 0 0 0.00894 0.00919 0 0 0 0.00894 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER PRE... more U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer Pre... more Volunteer Pre-Service Training... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22a 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018002063 8 Thailand Far East Asia UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0569028 0.0569028 0 0 0.0569028 0.0569028 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Malaria 100 AC_764_MALARIA AC_764_Malaria Malaria 0 12262 Malaria control I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22b 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018001034 MRC_ET_MR/P024548/1 3 Ethiopia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.256866 0.256866 0 0 0.256866 0.256866 0 0.256866 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 EVALUATION OF A NOVEL MICROBIO... more Evaluation of a novel microbio... more GCRF Foundation Infections 201... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22c 2019 UNICEF UNICEF 2019008191 5070/A0/05/101/001 8 Bangladesh South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.035 0.035 0 0 0.035 0.035 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.1 HEALTH-YOUNG CHILDREN & MO... more 1.1 HEALTH-YOUNG CHILDREN & MO... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS 5;3 I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 41122 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 5;3
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22d 2019 United Kingdom Department for Business, Energ... more 2019003848 MRC_IND_MR/R017182/1 1 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.135592 0.135592 0 0 0.135592 0.135592 0 0.135592 0 0 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Research a... more 100 SMARTHEALTH PREGNANCY: DEVELOP... more SMARThealth Pregnancy: Develop... more SMARThealth Pregnancy: Develop... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11000 Donor Government Donor Government 0
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22e 2019 Global Alliance for Vaccines a... more GAVI 2019000874 18-PNG-31a-Z 3 Papua New Guinea Oceania LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0.999872 0 0 0 0.999872 0 0 0 0 Child health Immunisation 100 COLD CHAIN EQUIPMENT OPTIMIZAT... more Cold Chain Equipment Optimizat... more Cold Chain Equipment Optimizat... more 12220 Basic health care 3.b;3.8;3.3 I.2.b. Basic Health 41111 United Nations Capital Develop... more UNICEF
65675bad212eaade2e0ca22f 2019 United States Agency for International Devel... more 2019009067 76_34670 3 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.34019 0 0 0 0.34019 0 Communicable diseases Malaria 100 MALARIA Malaria Support the implementation of ... more 12262 Malaria control I.2.b. Basic Health 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca230 2019 United Kingdom Department for Business, Energ... more 2019003758 MRC_AA_MR/R020280/1 3 Africa, regional Africa Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.0921228 0.0921228 0 0 0.0921228 0.0921228 0 0.0921228 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 EXPLORING HOW TO IMPROVE ACCES... more Exploring How to Improve Acces... more Exploring How to Improve Acces... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11000 Donor Government Donor Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca231 2019 Ireland Department of Agriculture, Foo... more 2019001110 B2MISCARA-CSFSTRAT 8 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.0183623 0.0183623 0 0 0.0183623 0.0183623 0 0.0183623 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 100 CMS IRELAND HDCS NEPAL FLOODS ... more CMS Ireland HDCS Nepal Floods ... more Misean Cara CMS Ireland HDCS N... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 22000 Donor country-based NGO Misean Cara
65675bad212eaade2e0ca232 2019 UNAIDS UNAIDS 2019004419 AIRSJ1802638 8 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 D02 5.893E-5 5.893E-5 0 0 5.893E-5 5.893E-5 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV Other 100 PARTNERSHIPS, MOBILIZATION AND... more Partnerships, mobilization and... more DFC with Rede Crista. 519-Gen... more 16040 Low-cost housing I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 60000 Private Sector Institutions
65675bad212eaade2e0ca233 2019 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2019006699 201918242 1 West Bank and Gaza Strip Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 4.47778 1.11944 0 0 4.47778 1.11944 0 4.47778 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 INTEGRATED CARE FOR CANCER PAT... more Integrated Care for Cancer Pat... more Improving the health situation... more 12310 NCDs control, general I.2.c. Non-communicable diseas... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca234 2019 United Kingdom Department for Business, Energ... more 2019003458 BBSRC_KEN_BB/L019019/1 1 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0.394098 0 0 0 0.394098 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 13ZELSRPG 13ZELSRPG This project works towards the... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca235 2019 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2019006742 201918671 1 South Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 4.617723 3.426357 0 0 13.9931 10.3829 0 13.9931 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 33 JOINT PROGRAMME WFP AND UNICEF... more Joint Programme WFP and UNICEF... more To strengthen the resilience o... more Huge 16050 Multisector aid for basic soci... more I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 41122 United Nations Children's Fund United Nations Children's Fund... more 0
65675bad212eaade2e0ca236 2019 UNFPA UNFPA 2019003675 8 Asia, regional Asia Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.406392 0.406392 0 0 0.406392 0.406392 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Sexual and Reproductive Health Substantially increase health ... more 13081 Personnel development for popu... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 0 3.c
65675bad212eaade2e0ca237 2019 UNFPA UNFPA 2019000932 8 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.020795 0.020795 0 0 0.020795 0.020795 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 POPULATION AND DEVELPMENT Population and Develpment Support positive economic, soc... more Population and Develpment 16062 Statistical capacity building I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 11.a
65675bad212eaade2e0ca238 2019 UNICEF UNICEF 2019008461 6820/A0/06/881/002 8 Cabo Verde South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.023 0.023 0 0 0.023 0.023 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND CHILD HE... more MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND CHILD HE... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS 3 I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 41122 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 3
65675bad212eaade2e0ca239 2019 World Health Organisation WHO Core Voluntary contributio... more 2019002482 4.003 8 Tanzania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0562735 0.0562735 0 0 0.0562735 0.0562735 Sector-wide health programmes Access to medical products 100 CVCA_282_4.3 ACCESS TO MEDICIN... more CVCA_282_4.3 Access to medicin... more Access to medicines and health... more 12220 Basic health care 3.8 I.2.b. Basic Health 41143 World Health Organisation - co... more WHO-CVCA 3.8