Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d6 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018002239 34_3683 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0.00555 0 0 0 0.00555 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 GH15-1632.NU2G GLOBAL HEALTH S... more GH15-1632.NU2G GLOBAL HEALTH S... more GH15-1632.NU2G GLOBAL HEALTH S... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 22000 Donor country-based NGO CDC Foundation 0.0487294
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d7 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018000978 MRC_AA_MR/R011117/1 1 Africa, regional Africa Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.292987 0.292987 0 0 0.292987 0.292987 0 0.292987 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITI... more Management of chronic hepatiti... more Management of chronic hepatiti... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11000 Donor Government Donor Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d8 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001579 8 Azerbaijan South & Central Asia UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 9.2E-5 9.2E-5 0 0 9.2E-5 9.2E-5 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 AC_611_MANAGEMENT AND ADMINIST... more AC_611_Management and administ... more Management and administration 0 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d9 2018 Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2018000567 2018000567 8 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0364737 0.0364737 0 0 0.0364737 0.0364737 0 0.0364737 0 0 Communicable diseases Tuberculosis 100 ACCORD CADRE CARITAS 2016-2020 Accord cadre Caritas 2016-2020 Nachhaltige Betreuung von Tube... more 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO ONG basée dans un pays donneu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1da 2018 Central Emergency Response Fun... more Rapid Response 2018000185 1 Guatemala Caribbean & Central America LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.31179 0.31179 0 0 0.31179 0.31179 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 100 VOLCANO Volcano Health 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 41307 World Health Organisation - as... more World Health Organisation - as... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1db 2018 United Kingdom Department for International D... more 2018004955 204142-103 3 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 0 0.00860825 0 0 0 0.0172165 0 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 50 COMMUNITY LEVEL CHILD PROTECTI... more Community level child protecti... more To strengthen violence prevent... more 16010 Social Protection I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 41122 United Nations Children's Fund United Nations Children's Fund
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1dc 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004470 1260/A0/05/803/001 8 Dominican Republic Caribbean & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0189712 0.0189712 0 0 0.0189712 0.0189712 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 REDUCTION OF INFANT AND MATERN... more REDUCTION OF INFANT AND MATERN... more REDUCTION OF INFANT AND MATERN... more 13020 Reproductive health care I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1dd 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018004321 201718204 3 Iraq Middle East UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 1.26874 0 0 0 1.26874 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 STRENGTHENING THE RESILIENCE B... more Strengthening the resilience b... more The aim of the project is by i... more 73010 Immediate post-emergency recon... more VIII.2. Reconstruction Relief ... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO OXFAM - provider country offic... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1de 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004895 4500/A0/04/803/005 8 Egypt North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0138091 0.0138091 0 0 0.0138091 0.0138091 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 IR 3.5: REDUCE RISKS TO HIV/AI... more IR 3.5: REDUCE RISKS TO HIV/AI... more IR 3.5: REDUCE RISKS TO HIV/AI... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1df 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004644 4500/A0/05/882/002 8 Egypt North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0166134 0.0166134 0 0 0.0166134 0.0166134 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 2.2: MATERNAL, CHILD AND ADOLE... more 2.2: MATERNAL, CHILD AND ADOLE... more 2.2: MATERNAL, CHILD AND ADOLE... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e0 2018 United Kingdom Department for International D... more 2018006463 201177-101 3 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 7.47245 0 0 0 7.47245 0 Communicable diseases NTDs 100 SUPPORT TO THE CENTRE FOR NEGL... more Support to the Centre for Negl... more To support the Global Alliance... more 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e1 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001620 8 Kyrgyzstan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0375165 0.0375165 0 0 0.0375165 0.0375165 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 AC_614_NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE... more AC_614_Noncommunicable disease... more Noncommunicable diseases 0 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e2 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018012128 1410/DM/01/001/001 1 Ethiopia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.0001649 0 0 0 0.0001649 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ETHIOPIA COUNTRY PROGRAMME (20... more ETHIOPIA COUNTRY PROGRAMME (20... more ETHIOPIA COUNTRY PROGRAMME (20... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e3 2018 United Kingdom Department for International D... more 2018007261 204954-102 3 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 3.11715 0 0 0 3.11715 0 Child health Nutrition 100 MQSUN+ - (PATH) NUTRITION TEC... more MQSUN+ - (Path) Nutrition Tec... more To support the global movement... more 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e4 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005294 1680/A0/06/101/002 8 Guatemala Caribbean & Central America LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0100607 0.0100607 0 0 0.0100607 0.0100607 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.2. STRENGTHENING YOUTH INSTI... more 1.2. STRENGTHENING YOUTH INSTI... more 1.2. STRENGTHENING YOUTH INSTI... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e5 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003524 1680/A0/06/101/003 8 Guatemala Caribbean & Central America LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.036675 0.036675 0 0 0.036675 0.036675 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.3. ADOLESCENT GIRLS 1.3. ADOLESCENT GIRLS 1.3. ADOLESCENT GIRLS. Guatem... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e6 2018 United States Department of Defense 2018003139 35_2 1 Togo South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.49022 0.37626 0 0 0.49022 0.37626 0 0.49022 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV Prevention 100 DOD HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROGRA... more DOD HIV/AIDS Prevention Progra... more DOD HIV/AIDS Prevention Progra... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e7 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018003268 201601517 3 Burkina Faso South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.505132 0 0 0 1.26283 0 0 0 Child health Nutrition 40 PROTRACTED RELIEF AND RECOVERY... more Protracted Relief and Recovery... more The aim of the plan is to make... more Mixed and blended food: 14 823... more 52010 Food assistance VI.2. Development Food Assista... more 41140 World Food Programme World Food Programme (WFP)
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e8 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003299 6850/A0/04/882/003 8 Guinea-Bissau South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0425017 0.0425017 0 0 0.0425017 0.0425017 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ACCESS TO HIV SERVICES ACCESS TO HIV SERVICES ACCESS TO HIV SERVICES. Guine... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1e9 2018 United States Peace Corps 2018007073 44_151 1 Gambia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D01 0.0637 0.05789 0 0 0.0637 0.05789 0 0 0 0.0637 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER MED... more U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer Med... more Volunteer Medical Support for ... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 11001 Central Government Central Government 0.004308
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ea 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005916 6850/A0/04/882/004 8 Guinea-Bissau South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0054391 0.0054391 0 0 0.0054391 0.0054391 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ADOLESCENTS AND HIV/AIDS ADOLESCENTS AND HIV/AIDS ADOLESCENTS AND HIV/AIDS. Gui... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1eb 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018003045 34_4934 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government 0.190712
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ec 2018 United States Millennium Challenge Corporati... more 2018004683 40_250 3 Tanzania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 1.33188 0 0 0 1.33188 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV Other 100 MCC COUNTRY-BASED WORK PROJECT MCC Country-Based Work Project Data-Driven Communities Activi... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11003 Public corporations Public corporations
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ed 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018007479 2040/A0/05/901/010 8 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0006168 0.0006168 0 0 0.0006168 0.0006168 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.18 CHILDHOOD ILLNESS 1.18 CHILDHOOD ILLNESS 1.18 CHILDHOOD ILLNESS. India 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ee 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018004488 201730134 3 South Africa South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.03953735 0 0 0 0.0790747 0 0 0 Other health problems Mental health 50 PSYCHO-SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ... more Psycho-social and pedagogical ... more Psycho-social and pedagogical ... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ef 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018002139 BBSRC_NS_BB/M021157/1 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0300501 0.0300501 0 0 0.0300501 0.0300501 0 0.0300501 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 14RM3 14RM3 14RM3 Change! 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f0 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018007043 2100/A0/06/001/004 8 Iran Middle East UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0014608 0.0014608 0 0 0.0014608 0.0014608 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 1.4. HIV/AIDS PREVENTION 1.4. HIV/AIDS PREVENTION 1.4. HIV/AIDS PREVENTION. Ira... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f1 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003282 2280/A0/05/882/003 8 Jamaica Caribbean & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0429196 0.0429196 0 0 0.0429196 0.0429196 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL SUPPORT. Jamaica 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f2 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018000688 MRC_ZA_MR/M026639/1 3 South Africa South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.956643 0.956643 0 0 0.956643 0.956643 0 0.956643 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 TRIAL OF VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTA... more Trial of vitamin D supplementa... more Trial of vitamin D supplementa... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f3 2018 United States Peace Corps 2018007395 44_191 1 Moldova Europe LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D01 0.04285 0.0331 0 0 0.04285 0.0331 0 0 0 0.04285 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER SAF... more U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer Saf... more Volunteer Safety and Security ... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f4 2018 Switzerland Cantons and municipalities 2018005345 030-Q32-2017-2650 1 Madagascar South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 3 10 110 B01 0.005113 0.005113 0 0 0.005113 0.005113 0 0.005113 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DES COMMUNES Contributions des communes Decentralised Development Coop... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f5 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018002933 34_4832 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.00251 0 0 0 0.00251 0 0 0 0 0.00251 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government 0
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f6 2018 Germany Foreign Office 2018007418 6607909 3 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 2.78069 2.76452 0 0 5.56138 5.52904 0 5.56138 0 Child health Child health Other 50 MOTHER-CHILD-CARE CENTRE MAZAR... more Mother-child-care centre Mazar... more Rehabilitation of the mother-c... more Change 12230 Basic health infrastructure I.2.b. Basic Health 11003 Public corporations KfW
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f7 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018007328 2400/A0/06/003/004 8 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0008748 0.0008748 0 0 0.0008748 0.0008748 0 0 1 1 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OUTPUT 3.4: SYSTEMS STRENGTHEN... more OUTPUT 3.4: SYSTEMS STRENGTHEN... more OUTPUT 3.4: SYSTEMS STRENGTHEN... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f8 2020 Italy Earmarked fiscal flows to NGOs... more 2018001820 141/2018 3 Madagascar South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.010146 0 0 0.010146 Child health Child health Other 100 CONSTRUCTION OF A RECEPTION, T... more Construction of a reception, t... more This project is addressed to f... more 0 12191 Medical services 3 I.2.a. Health, General 22000 Donor country-based NGO Adeat ONLUS
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1f9 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018005486 201818608 1 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 1.1330112 0.5665056 0 0 7.08132 3.54066 0 7.08132 0 Child health Nutrition 16 KENYA COUNTRY STRATEGIC PLAN (... more Kenya Country Strategic Plan (... more Strategic Outcome 2.targeted s... more Mixed and blended foods 78 263... more 52010 Food assistance VI.2. Development Food Assista... more 41140 World Food Programme World Food Programme (WFP)
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1fa 2018 United Kingdom Department for International D... more 2018006747 204238-104 3 Montserrat North & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.01600644 0 0 0 0.133387 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 12 TO SUPPORT THE GOVERNMENT OF M... more To support the Government of M... more To support the provision of pu... more Health policy and administrati... more 74020 Multi-hazard response prepared... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more 12000 Recipient Government Recipient Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1fb 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018002880 201534486 3 Bangladesh South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.0973681 0.225738 0 0 0.0973681 0.225738 0 0.0973681 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PROMOTING CLIMATE SMART VILLAG... more Promoting Climate Smart Villag... more Promoting Climate Smart Villag... more 43050 Non-agricultural alternative d... more IV.2. Other Multisector 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1fc 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018002962 34_4848 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government 0.0232118
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1fd 2018 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2018008012 177-Q37-2017-4513 3 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.034729 0 0 0 0.138916 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 25 CONTRIBUTIONS DE PROGRAMME AUX... more Contributions de programme aux... more Social participation of youth ... more Based on information regarding... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 22000 Donor country-based NGO Terre des Hommes Schweiz (Base... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1fe 2018 United Kingdom Scottish Government 2018004821 ZAM1 3 Zambia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.357432 0.357432 0 0 0.357432 0.357432 0 0.357432 Other health problems Other health problems Other 100 PREVENT: COMMUNITY EAR AND HEA... more PrevENT: Community ear and hea... more CBM UK: This project will impr... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ff 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001055 8 Costa Rica Caribbean & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00595615 0.00595615 0 0 0.00595615 0.00595615 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 AC_336_FOOD SAFETY AC_336_Food safety Food safety Microbes and chemicals 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca200 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001053 8 Africa, regional Africa Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0111148 0.0111148 0 0 0.0111148 0.0111148 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Other health problems Other 100 AC_298_VIOLENCE AND INJURIES AC_298_Violence and injuries Violence and injuries 0 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca201 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018002163 8 Fiji Oceania UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.019133 0.019133 0 0 0.019133 0.019133 0 0 0 0 Child health Nutrition 100 AC_832_NUTRITION AC_832_Nutrition Nutrition 0 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca202 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000310 8 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0503877 0.0503877 0 0 0.0503877 0.0503877 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Pandemic preparedness / health... more 100 AC_229_COUNTRY HEALTH EMERGENC... more AC_229_Country health emergenc... more Country health emergency prepa... more 0 74020 Multi-hazard response prepared... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca203 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018003006 34_4872 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.05695 0 0 0 0.05695 0 0 0 0 0.05695 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government 0.000347243
65675bad212eaade2e0ca204 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018004312 201718097 3 Democratic Republic of the Con... more South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 1.14719 0 0 0 1.14719 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 100 SUSTAINABLE IMPROVEMENT OF HEA... more Sustainable improvement of hea... more Lowering the morbidity and mor... more 73010 Immediate post-emergency recon... more VIII.2. Reconstruction Relief ... more 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca205 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018007326 0600/A0/05/201/004 8 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0008785 0.0008785 0 0 0.0008785 0.0008785 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV HIV HIV. Myanmar 43010 Multisector aid IV.2. Other Multisector
65675bad212eaade2e0ca206 2018 United Kingdom Department for International D... more 2018005996 300341-108 3 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 3 10 110 B01 0 4.12855 0 0 0 4.12855 0 Child health Immunisation 100 PATH MENINGITIS VACCINE PROJEC... more PATH Meningitis Vaccine Projec... more This programme in the Ross Fun... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 21000 International NGO INTERNATIONAL NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca207 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018002397 6980/A0/05/882/002 8 Namibia South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0762448 0.0762448 0 0 0.0762448 0.0762448 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ADOLESCENT FRIENDLY HEALTH SER... more ADOLESCENT FRIENDLY HEALTH SER... more ADOLESCENT FRIENDLY HEALTH SER... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more