Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a4 2017 UNICEF UNICEF 2017005091 4550/A0/04/103/003 8 Tanzania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.016 0.016 0 0 0.016 0.016 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROGRAMMES HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROGRAMMES 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a5 2017 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2017003121 34_10818 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.00095 0 0 0 0.00095 0 0 0.00095 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Other 100 HHS/CDC: UNSPECIFIED GRANTS HHS/CDC: Unspecified Grants HHS/CDC: CDC 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a6 2017 UNICEF UNICEF 2017008860 4550/A0/05/202/003 8 Tanzania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.004 0.004 0 0 0.004 0.004 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ACCESS TO QUALITY HIV SERVICES ACCESS TO QUALITY HIV SERVICES 11230 Basic life skills for youth an... more I.1.b. Basic Education
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a7 2017 United Kingdom Department of Health 2017003935 NIHR_CC 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 D01 2.47755 0.608334 0 0 2.47755 0.608334 0 2.47755 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 SUPPORT TO NIHR COORDINATING C... more Support to NIHR Coordinating C... more Support provided for resourcin... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11004 Other public entities in donor... more Other public entities in donor... more
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a8 2017 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2017005301 201676022 3 Malawi South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.0405856 0 0 0 0.0405856 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 USE OF E-LEARNING TO ACCELERAT... more Use of E-Learning to accelerat... more Use of E-Learning to accelerat... more 13081 Personnel development for popu... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs Donor country-based NGO
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1a9 2017 Italy Earmarked fiscal flows to NGOs... more 2017001991 300/e 2017 - 9 1 Ukraine Europe LMICs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0.140909 0.0704543 0 0 0.140909 0.0704543 0 0.140909 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DAY CARE REHABILITATION CENTRE... more Day Care Rehabilitation Centre... more Support to activities (individ... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more 22000 National NGOs Unione delle Chiese Metodiste ... more
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1aa 2017 United Kingdom Department of Health 2017003972 UKVN_CVD_IUK 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 44.8934 0.190112 0 0 44.8934 0.190112 0 44.8934 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 UK VACCINE NETWORK - CLINICAL ... more UK Vaccine Network - Clinical ... more A competition to fund the clin... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1ab 2020 Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs of... more 2017000433 4000000861 3 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0 0.08547 0 0 0 0.08547 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 FARMING SYSTEMS SUSTAINABILITY... more Farming Systems Sustainability... more Contribute to food and nutriti... more 0 31150 Agricultural inputs III.1.a. Agriculture 51000 University, college or other t... more Wageningen Universiteit
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1ac 2017 United States State Department 2017008745 65_11896 3 South of Sahara, regional South of Sahara Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.17531 0 0 0 0.17531 0 0 0 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 100 INTEGRATING OVERLOOKED REFUGEE... more Integrating Overlooked Refugee... more United States Population Migra... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 22000 National NGOs Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1ad 2017 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2017005648 7F-09900.02.01 1 Madagascar South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.142175 0.11374 0 0 0.142175 0.11374 0 0.142175 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 MAD ACF WASH/HEALTH MAD ACF WASH/Health 14032 Basic sanitation I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation 21000 International NGOs
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1ae 2017 UNICEF UNICEF 2017008694 4410/A0/04/883/001 8 Ukraine Europe LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.024 0.024 0 0 0.024 0.024 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 INTEGRATED COMMUNITY-BASED SER... more INTEGRATED COMMUNITY-BASED SER... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1af 2017 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2017003257 34_11014 3 Kenya South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.025 0 0 0 0.025 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Other 100 HHS/CDC: UNSPECIFIED GRANTS HHS/CDC: Unspecified Grants HHS/CDC: CDC 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 62000 Private sector in recipient co... more mHealth Kenya Limited
65675bac212eaade2e0ca1b0 2017 United States State Department 2017008726 65_11859 3 Kenya South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 0 0.0235388 0 0 0 0.02836 0 Emergency projects (meeting ad... more 83 INTEGRATED HEALTH, NUTRITION, ... more Integrated Health, Nutrition, ... more United States Population Migra... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 21018 International Federation of Re... more International Federation of Re... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b1 2017 UNICEF UNICEF 2017006000 4980/A0/05/200/001 8 Zambia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.047 0.047 0 0 0.047 0.047 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 02-01 PAEDIATRIC AIDS/PMTCT - ... more 02-01 PAEDIATRIC AIDS/PMTCT - ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b2 2017 UNICEF UNICEF 2017005546 6260/A0/06/102/001 8 Zimbabwe South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.076 0.076 0 0 0.076 0.076 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OUTP 2.1: HIV SERVICE DELIVERY... more OUTP 2.1: HIV SERVICE DELIVERY... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b3 2017 UNFPA UNFPA 2017000304 3 Bolivia South America LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0.0406284 0 0 0.0406284 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 POPULATION POLICY AND ADMINIST... more Population policy and administ... more Bolivia - La Paz: Dept. ID- 70... more Strengthened national policies... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b4 2017 Greece Ministry of Agricultural Devel... more 2017000070 MADF-CIHEAM-2017-7 8 Algeria North of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 E01 0.101454 0.101454 0 0 0.101454 0.101454 0 0.101454 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PROVISION OF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR... more PROVISION OF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR... more The Mediterranean Agronomic In... more 43081 Multisector education/training IV.2. Other Multisector 11001 Central Government CIHEAM-MAICh
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b5 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004605 333R/A0/10/001/002 8 America, regional America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0171678 0.0171678 0 0 0.0171678 0.0171678 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OUTPUT 1.2: MCH/PMTCT OUTPUT 1.2: MCH/PMTCT OUTPUT 1.2: MCH/PMTCT. LACRO,... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b6 2018 Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtsch... more 2018002147 201434406 3 Guatemala North & Central America LMICs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.103128 0 0 0 0.103128 0 0 0 Other health problems Other health problems Other 100 STRENGTHENING OF AUDIOLOGIC SE... more Strengthening of audiologic se... more Strengthening of audiologic se... more 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General 22000 Donor country-based NGO Donor country-based NGO
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b7 2018 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2018007601 177-Q37-2010-12313 3 Tanzania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.0680816 0 0 0 0.0680816 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DE PROGRAMME AUX... more Contributions de programme aux... more The PCF's overall goal is for ... more Based on information regarding... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 22000 Donor country-based NGO Fondation Village d'Enfants Pe... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b8 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018007349 6810/A0/06/881/003 8 Angola South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0008224 0.0008224 0 0 0.0008224 0.0008224 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 MATERNAL, NEWBORN, CHILD HEALT... more MATERNAL, NEWBORN, CHILD HEALT... more MATERNAL, NEWBORN, CHILD HEALT... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1b9 2018 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2018007735 177-Q37-2014-20915 3 Cambodia Far East Asia LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.10226 0 0 0 0.10226 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DE PROGRAMME AUX... more Contributions de programme aux... more EPER/HEKS concentre son progra... more Based on information regarding... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 22000 Donor country-based NGO Entraide Protestante suisse
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ba 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003861 0630/A0/05/883/003 8 Belarus Europe UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.029424 0.029424 0 0 0.029424 0.029424 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV PREVENTION AMONG ADOLESCEN... more HIV PREVENTION AMONG ADOLESCEN... more HIV PREVENTION AMONG ADOLESCEN... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1bb 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004426 1170/A0/05/001/002 8 Benin South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0196522 0.0196522 0 0 0.0196522 0.0196522 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH. Benin D?ici a fin 2018, les 9 Zones ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1bc 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005459 1170/A0/05/001/002 8 Benin South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0087986 0.0087986 0 0 0.0087986 0.0087986 0 10 0 10 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH OFFRE PIHI-SMNI-VIH. Benin D?ici a fin 2018, les 9 Zones ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1bd 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004961 0510/A0/04/101/001 8 Bolivia South America LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0131177 0.0131177 0 0 0.0131177 0.0131177 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OPT 1.1.1: DEMAND HEALTH HIV A... more OPT 1.1.1: DEMAND HEALTH HIV A... more OPT 1.1.1: DEMAND HEALTH HIV A... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1be 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018000686 MRC_NS_MR/P006973/1 3 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.958718 0.958718 0 0 0.958718 0.958718 0 0.958718 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 ASSESSING THE SAFETY OF LOW DO... more Assessing the safety of low do... more MRC/JGHT 6 Full 2016 -grant as... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1bf 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018006201 0520/A0/06/005/001 8 Botswana South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0040608 0.0040608 0 0 0.0040608 0.0040608 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV IMPLEMENTATION ADOLESCENT HIV IMPLEMENTATION ADOLESCENT HIV IMPLEMENTATION ADOLESCENT.... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c0 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000790 8 Senegal South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.090917 0.090917 0 0 0.090917 0.090917 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 AC_269_NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE... more AC_269_Noncommunicable disease... more Noncommunicable diseases 0 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c1 2018 Australia Australian Government 2018001956 INM339 8 Georgia South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.00739146 0.00739146 0 0 0.00739146 0.00739146 0 0.00739146 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DIRECT AID PROGRAM: SMALL GRAN... more Direct Aid Program: Small Gran... more The Direct Aid Program (DAP) i... more 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more 11000 Donor Government Donor Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c2 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018001636 8 Tajikistan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0942543 0.0942543 0 0 0.0942543 0.0942543 0 0 0 0 Other health problems Non-communicable diseases 100 AC_615_NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE... more AC_615_Noncommunicable disease... more Noncommunicable diseases 0 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c3 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018003050 34_4943 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTR... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more U.S. Centers for Disease Contr... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government -0.0410033
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c4 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018001492 MRC_IN_MR/P020348/1 3 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.108165 0.108165 0 0 0.108165 0.108165 0 0.108165 Other health problems Other health problems Research... more 100 ALCOHOL USE DISORDERS-MOBILE B... more Alcohol use disorders-Mobile b... more Alcohol use disorders-Mobile b... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c5 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018002389 0690/A0/05/883/001 8 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0765783 0.0765783 0 0 0.0765783 0.0765783 0 10 0 10 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c6 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018003294 0690/A0/05/883/001 8 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0426561 0.0426561 0 0 0.0426561 0.0426561 0 10 0 10 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more ACCESS TO HIV CARE AND TREATME... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c7 2018 Switzerland Cantons and municipalities 2018005829 030-Q32-2018-196 1 Democratic Republic of the Con... more South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0005113 0.0005113 0 0 0.0005113 0.0005113 0 0.0005113 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Other 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DES COMMUNES Contributions des communes Decentralised Development Coop... more 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 22000 Donor country-based NGO Médecins Sans Frontières Sui... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c8 2018 Global Alliance for Vaccines a... more GAVI 2018000632 18-ERI-35b-Y 3 Eritrea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 1.0153 0 0 0 1.0153 0 0 0 0 Child health Immunisation 100 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT Operational Support Operational support for the im... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 12000 Recipient Government Recipient government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1c9 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000480 8 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0556331 0.0556331 0 0 0.0556331 0.0556331 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Other 100 AC_241_ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANC... more AC_241_Antimicrobial resistanc... more Antimicrobial resistance 0 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ca 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004162 0690/A0/05/883/003 8 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0238708 0.0238708 0 0 0.0238708 0.0238708 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR HIV P... more ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR HIV P... more ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR HIV P... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1cb 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005377 0750/A0/04/811/001 8 Central African Republic South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.009482 0.009482 0 0 0.009482 0.009482 0 10 1 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 6.2.1 : STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH ... more 6.2.1 : STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH ... more 6.2.1 : STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH ... more 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1cc 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004626 0750/A0/05/881/007 8 Central African Republic South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0168892 0.0168892 0 0 0.0168892 0.0168892 0 0 1 1 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 VH2- HIGH-QUALITY, INTEGRATED ... more VH2- HIGH-QUALITY, INTEGRATED ... more VH2- HIGH-QUALITY, INTEGRATED ... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1cd 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005718 0810/A0/04/882/002 8 Chad South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0066894 0.0066894 0 0 0.0066894 0.0066894 0 10 0 11 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 OFFRE DE SERVICES LIÉS AU VIH OFFRE DE SERVICES LIÉS AU VIH OFFRE DE SERVICES LIÉS AU VIH... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1ce 2018 Switzerland Swiss Agency for Development a... more 2018007882 177-Q37-2016-15712 3 Guinea-Bissau South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 7 10 110 B01 0 0.00222211 0 0 0 0.00222211 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DE PROGRAMME AUX... more Contributions de programme aux... more SWISSAID aims at empowering po... more Based on information regarding... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 22000 Donor country-based NGO Swissaid
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1cf 2018 United States Department of Health and Human... more 2018001594 34_2975 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0.17455 0 0 0 0.17455 0 0 0 Child health Immunisation 100 GH13-1302.NU66 COOPERATIVE AGR... more GH13-1302.NU66 COOPERATIVE AGR... more GH13-1302.NU66 COOPERATIVE AGR... more 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General 11001 Central Government Central Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d0 2018 United Kingdom Department for Business, Innov... more 2018001476 MRC_MW_MR/R024731/1 1 Malawi South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0.112779 0.112779 0 0 0.112779 0.112779 0 0.112779 Other health problems Other health problems Research... more 100 THE RTRT PARTNERSHIP: REDUCING... more The RTrT Partnership: Reducing... more MRC/AHRC Global Public Health ... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 11000 Donor Government Donor Government
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d1 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018004894 0810/A0/05/883/005 8 Chad South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0138341 0.0138341 0 0 0.0138341 0.0138341 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRODUIT 3.4 : REPONSES URGENCE... more PRODUIT 3.4 : REPONSES URGENCE... more PRODUIT 3.4 : REPONSES URGENCE... more 74020 Multi-hazard response prepared... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d2 2018 United Kingdom Department of Health 2018003735 16_137_16 3 India South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 2.55942 1.10082 0 0 2.55942 1.10082 0 2.55942 Other health problems Other health problems Research... more 100 NIHR GLOBAL HEALTH RESEARCH GR... more NIHR Global Health Research Gr... more A UK and low- and middle-incom... more 12182 Medical research I.2.a. Health, General 51000 University, college or other t... more University, college or other t... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d3 2018 World Health Organisation WHO 2018000569 8 Kenya South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.446706 0.446706 0 0 0.446706 0.446706 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 AC_248_MANAGEMENT AND ADMINIST... more AC_248_Management and administ... more Management and administration 0 12110 Health policy and administrati... more I.2.a. Health, General
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d4 2018 Switzerland Cantons and municipalities 2018004593 030-Q31-2018-1677 1 Niger South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0030678 0.0030678 0 0 0.0030678 0.0030678 0 0.0030678 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 100 CONTRIBUTIONS DU CANTON D'URI Contributions du Canton d'Uri Decentralised Development Coop... more 12191 Medical services I.2.a. Health, General 22000 Donor country-based NGO Médecins Sans Frontières Sui... more
65675bad212eaade2e0ca1d5 2018 UNICEF UNICEF 2018005430 2250/A0/05/010/002 8 Côte d'Ivoire South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0090794 0.0090794 0 0 0.0090794 0.0090794 0 10 1 12 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 4.2.2 TREATMENT, CARE & SUPPOR... more 4.2.2 TREATMENT, CARE & SUPPOR... more 4.2.2 TREATMENT, CARE & SUPPOR... more 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more