Social Protection Policy Analysis, Tanzania
Operational Guidelines for Planning and Implementation in District Hospitals
Available in English and Spanish, Hesperian’s comprehensive app on pregnancy and birth contains a wealth of information on:
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to recognize danger signs during pregnancy, birth, and
after birth
what to do when a danger sign arises
whe...n to refer a woman to emergency care
instructions for community health workers with step-by-step explanations such as “How to take blood pressure,” “How to treat someone in shock,” “How to stop bleeding.”
These videos provide breastfeeding mothers with practical information on “how to” skills and problem management. Our goal is to help mothers become more successful with breastfeeding enabling more of them to exclusively breastfeed their babies until 6 months of age.
The video topics are: Breas...tfeeding in the First Hours After Birth, Positions for Breastfeeding, Attaching Your Baby at the Breast, Is Your Baby Getting Enough Milk, Increasing Your Milk Supply, How to Express Breastmilk, Storing Breastmilk Safely, What to Do About Breast Pain, and What To Do About Nipple Pain.
Go to the website for free download
Conflict and Health, vol. 9 Supplment 1. Free download of all articles at:
The IAWG has undertaken an updated review to identify services, quantify progress, document gaps and determine future directions for programs, advocacy and funding The 2014 review clearly highlights that humanitarian and development actors must identify and develop effective strategies to meaningfully engage affected communities to icrease use of reproductive health services, meet their reproductive health needs, and augment participation in the programs that affect their lives
This website provides practical tools and advice for programme planners and policy makers to run inclusive social protection programmes, especially in low and middle income countries. It draws on the findings of a study conducted in 2014 in Peru and Tanzania by the London School of Hygiene and Medicine and the Technische Universität München, together with the national partners, SODIS and CRONICAS in Peru, and REPOA in Tanzania
WHO Vaccine Management Handbook
Hinweise und Wissenswertes für ehren- und hauptamtliche Ünterstzung von Flüchtlingen. Die Broschüre des Flüchtlingsrats klärt zum einen über Fluchtursachen und Fluchtwege auf. Sie erklärt außerdem die wichtigsten Details des Asylrechts, von Anhörungen über Residenzpflicht bis hin zu Härt...efallanträgen. Und sie informiert über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der ehrenamtlichen Unterstützung.
Social auditing in Nepal’s health sector
Celebrating ten years of success 2004-2014
The Healthy Living Toolkit is developed to educate refugees, immigrants, resettlement agencies, clinics, community based organizations, and other service providers on refugee health issues. The toolkit presents material in a culturally appropriate manner and is intended to help health care-related p...rofessionals more effectively assist refugees and immigrants and reduce health disparities among these populations. The toolkit is available in multiple languages: Amharic; Arabic; Farsi; English; French; Russian, etc.
The Healthy Living Toolkit is developed to educate refugees, immigrants, resettlement agencies, clinics, community based organizations, and other service providers on refugee health issues. The toolkit presents material in a culturally appropriate manner and is intended to help health care-related p...rofessionals more effectively assist refugees and immigrants and reduce health disparities among these populations. The toolkit is available in multiple languages