O presente manual foi compilado como fonte de ideias e experiências que poderão ser utilizadas para workshops de orientação em matéria CLTS, advocacia para interessados, facilitadores de formação e líderes naturais, bem como na implementação de actividades de CLTS. É um livro de recurso e...specialmente para pessoal de campo, facilitadores e formadores para planeamento, implementação e acompanhamento de CLTS.
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This handbook has been compiled as a source of ideas and experiences that can be used for CLTS orientation workshops, advocacy to stakeholders, training facilitators and natural leaders and implementing CLTS activities. It is a resource book especially for field staff, facilitators and trainers for ...planning, implementation and follow-up for CLTS.
Polluted air is a public health hazard that cannot be evaded. It is widely known that long-term exposure to air pollution enhances the risks of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the University Medical Center Mainz now calculated in a ...new study that the global, public loss of life expectancy caused by air pollution is higher than many other risk factors such as smoking, infectious diseases or violence
Traumatic experiences arising from flight from war zones can lead to distressing symptoms, which impair everyday life. The symptoms often subside with time but sometimes persist. People exhibiting symptoms resulting from trauma should seek medical help.
Lancet Planet Health 2022;6: e760–68
The emergence of COVID-19 has drawn the attention of health researchers sharply back to the role that food systems can play in generating human disease burden. But emerging pandemic threats are just one dimension of the complex relationship between agriculture... and infectious disease, which is evolving rapidly, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) that are undergoing rapid food system transformation. This changing relationship is examined through four current disease issues.
this Service Delivery brief provides evidence-based strategies that can help support drug shops and pharmacies in providing a wider variety of family planning methods and information. Evidence shows that with training and support, pharmacy and drug shop staff can facilitate the use of a broad range ...of modern contraception, especially in areas where the unmet need is high, access to family planning services is poor, and health worker shortages and other barriers prevent women, men, and youth from accessing family planning services
Availabe in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
Accessed on 03.03.2020
The country recognizes the importance of family planning as they focus on achieving a demographic dividend. In order to improve the service delivery and supply chain, Senegal is strengthening its data management and reporting. Domestic resource mobilization for family plannin...g remains a key challenges for Senegal.
Kurzfilme über psychische und körperliche Beschwerden nach Flucht und Migration und zu Selbsthilfe n in 13 Sprachen:
Viele Geflüchtete entwickeln körperliche und psychische Beschwerden, wenn sie „angekommen“ sind. Schlafstörungen, Herzrasen oder Unruhe können Anzeichen der Verarbeitung s...chwieriger Ereignisse sein. Was betroffene Menschen dagegen tun können, zeigt ein Kurzfilm des Max-Planck-Instituts für Psychiatrie (MPI). Der Film "Flucht und Trauma" für Geflüchtete und Helfer klärt über mögliche körperliche und psychische Symptome nach Flucht und Migration auf - zur Entlastung und als Aufforderung, sich Hilfe zu holen. Der zweite Film "Flucht und Trauma - Selbsthilfe" informiert über Möglichkeiten, sich selbst zu helfen.
Traumatische Erfahrungen nach der Flucht aus Kriegsgebieten können zu belastenden Symptomen führen, die den Alltag beeinträchtigen. Die Symptome klingen oft mit der Zeit ab, bleiben aber manchmal auch bestehen. Menschen, die aufgrund von Traumata Symptome zeigen, sollten medizinische Hilfe in Ans...pruch nehmen
Das Youtube-Video des Max-Planck-Instituts zeigt in zwei Minuten, wie sich eine Traumatisierung äußern kann und was Betroffene tun können. Bald soll das Video auf Youtube auch auf Pashto, Tigrinya und Somali vorliegen
Traumatic experiences arising from flight from war zones can lead to distressing symptoms, which impair everyday life. The symptoms often subside with time but sometimes persist. People exhibiting symptoms resulting from trauma should seek medical help.
Available in different languages
In July 2016, the government of Myanmar shared the following update on progress toward achieving its Family Planning 2020 commitment during the 2015-2016 time period (commitment included below for reference). The government added new information to this update in April 2017.
Commitment objective
The Government of Myanmar views family planning as critical to saving lives, protecting mothers and children from death, ill health, disability, and under development. It views access to family planning information, commodities, and services as a fundamental right for every... woman and community if they are to develop to their full potential.
• Increase CPR from 41 percent to 50 percent by 2015 and above 60 percent by 2020
• Reduce unmet need to less than 10 percent by 2020 (from 12 percent in 2013)
• Increase demand satisfaction from 67 percent in 2013 to 80 percent by 2020
Explore 2016-17 estimates of FP2020 Core Indicators in these country Summary Sheets produced by FP2020 and Track20.
The AFP SMART Facilitator’s Guide is intended to help advocates plan, execute, and evaluate an advocacy strategy session.
- The Role of Plant Nutrition in Supporting Food Security
- Micronutrient Malnutrition: Causes, Prevalence, Consequences and Interventions
- Fertilizer Application and Nutraceutical Content in
Health-Functional Foods
- Plant Nutrition and Health Risks Associated with Plant Diseases
- Human Heal...th Issues Associated with Nutrient Use in Organic
and Conventional Crop Production
The video titled "Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Prevention" emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It discusses how engaging in consistent exercise can help prevent conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. The ...video also provides practical tips for incorporating physical activity into daily routines to enhance overall health and well-being.
Prior research has considered donor funding for developing world health by recipient and donor country but not by disease. Examining funding by disease is critical since diseases may be in competition with one another for priority and donors may be making allocation decisions in ways that do not cor...respond to developing world need. In this study I calculate donor funding for 20 historically high-burden communicable diseases for the years 1996 to 2003 and examine factors that may explain variance in priority levels among diseases. I consider funding for developing world health from 42 major donors, classifying grants according to the communicable disease targeted. Data show that funding does not correspond closely with burden. Acute respiratory infections comprise more than a quarter of the burden among these diseases but receive less than 3% of direct aid. Malaria also stands out as a high-burden neglected disease.
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed the fragility of pre-crisis African health systems, in which too little was invested over the past decades. Yet, development assistance for health (DAH) more than doubled between 2000 and 2020, raising questions about the role and effectivenes...s of DAH in triggering and sustaining health systems investments.