Die Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN) ist eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation mit dem Ziel, ernährungsbedingte Todesfälle weltweit zu eliminieren. Indem wir Ernährung zu einem zentralen Bestandteil der Gesundheitsversorgung machen und Gesundheitsfachkräfte in die Bemühungen... um eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährungsumgebung einbeziehen, treiben wir die Ernährungsumstellung voran, die zur Eindämmung der drei größten globalen Gesundheitskrisen – chronische Erkrankungen, Klimawandel und steigendes Pandemierisiko – erforderlich ist. Erfahren Sie im Folgenden mehr über unsere Arbeit.
WRI develops practical solutions that improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive.
WRI have deep expertise in policy, research, data analysis, economics, political dynamics and more. WRI work with partners in more than 50 countries and currently have offices in 12 countries: Brazil, Chi...na, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The EEA gathers air pollution data from a wide range of sources. This page provides links to available data and information on Europe's air pollution.
The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership, also known as UN CC:Learn, is a collaborative initiative of 36 multilateral organizations working together to help countries build the knowledge and skills they need to take action on climate change. These include better climate literacy and other cruc...ial skills to tackle this challenge.
UN CC:Learn provides guidance and quality learning resources to support people, governments and businesses to understand, adapt, and build resilience to climate change.
Climate Box is a comprehensive learning toolkit that educates school children about climate change and inspires them to take action.
Designed to make learning fun and interesting, the Climate Box provides up-to-date information on climate change with a range of creative tasks, games, quizzes and ...experiments, as well as resources for teachers/educators.
Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of more than 1,500 civil society organisations in over 130 countries driving collective and sustainable action to fight the climate crisis and to achieve social and racial justice. CAN convenes and coordinates civil society at the UN climate talks and... other international fora.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC prepares comprehensive Assessment Reports about the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risk...s, and options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place. It also produces Special Reports on topics agreed to by its member governments, as well as Methodology Reports that provide guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories.
This section includes relevant practices, innovative processes and 'learning from experience' examples. All information is provided by the stakeholders themselves who remain responsible for accuracy and veracity of the content.
Tools for developing your circular business model
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Over the past 20 years we have created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide.
The Coalition helps partners and stakeholders create policies and practices that will deliver substantial reductions in short-lived climate pollutant emissions, starting now.
The NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) conducts research to improve observations, understanding, modeling and predictions of weather, water and climate extremes, and their related impacts.
Mit einer Info-Hotline auf Russisch will das Klinikum Ingolstadt die neu Angekommenen bei der Orientierung unterstützen und sie über Hilfsmöglich
Центр психічного здоров’я надає можливість людям, що змушені були покинути Украї...ну і знаходяться у гострій психологічній ситуації отримати інформацію щодо можливостей допомоги.
Ви можете звернутись російською мовою до наших працівників за номером телефону 0841 880 2206 з понедiлка по п’ятницю, з 08:00 до 15:00 години.
Пiсля закiнчення прийомного часу будьласка звертайтесь письмово за електронною поштою: zpg@klinikum-ingolstadt.dekeiten vor Ort unterrichten
Refugio München hat Informationen für Privatpersonen zum Umgang mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten zusammengestellt.
This report, which involved input from across WaterAid, in particular from the Programme Support Unit (PSU) of WaterAid UK, includes case studies from a variety of countries, including Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Nepal, each demonstrating what must be done now to i...mprove WASH services and address current challenges, in order to increase community resilience to climate change.
El objetivo de este protocolo es facilitar la evaluación de los establecimientos de salud de América Latina y el Caribe en lo relativo a agua potable, alcantarillado, saneamiento, higiene, residuos sólidos y limpieza.