Временные рекомендации
24 февраля 2020 г.
Настоящий документ подготовлен с использованием имеющихся в настоящее время фактологических данных о передаче коронави...усного заболевания 2019 г. (ранее носившего название 2019-nCoV, которое было заменено на COVID-19, используемое сейчас), а именно о передаче от человека к человеку воздушно-капельным путем или через непосредственный контакт с инфицированным лицом.
Guideline zu folgenden Themen:
I. Hintergrund
II. Mögliche Anpassung der Empfehlungen für Kontaktpersonen unter medizinischem Personal an Situationen mit relevantem Personalmangel
III. Ergänzende Grundsätze der medizinischen Versorgung in der aktuellen Situation
The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance to laboratories and stakeholders involved in laboratory testing for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
El siguiente manual se continuará actualizando, de ser necesario, a medida que se disponga de nueva información.
La dosis de refuerzo está indicada una vez transcurridos los 4 meses (120 días) de la última dosis del esquema inicial y será con vacuna de plataforma ARNm: Pfizer-BioNTech pediátrica a partir de los 5 años o Moderna para uso pediátrico a partir de los 6 años.
Los datos preliminares de eficacia se infirieron mediante un enfoque de “inmunogenicidad puente”, en el que los títulos neutralizantes obtenidos después de la vacuna en niños y niñas de 5 a 11 años se compararon con los títulos obtenidos en adolescentes de 16 a 25 años (en quienes se hab...a evaluado la eficacia).Entre los participantes sin evidencia de infección previa por SARS-CoV-2, hubo 3 casos de COVID-19 entre los 1.305 receptores de vacuna a partir de los 7 días de la segunda dosis y 16 entre los 663 receptores de placebo.
21 January 2022
The overall threat posed by Omicron largely depends on four key questions: (i) how transmissible the variant is; (ii) how well vaccines and prior infection protect against infection, transmission, clinical disease and death; (iii) how virulent the variant is compared to other varian...ts; and (iv) how populations understand these dynamics, perceive risk and follow control measures, including public health and social measures (PHSM).
The Coronavirus is spreading globally. How can individuals, communities and humanitarian actors best respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? How can the Sphere Handbook guide our response?
These guidelines are available in different languages
The Coronavirus is spreading globally. How can individuals, communities and humanitarian actors best respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? How can the Sphere Handbook guide our response?
This document has two sections: A. The first section covers fundamental principles which are crucial to a succe...ssful, holistic intervention. B. The second covers relevant standards and guidance in the handbook’s WASH and Health chapters.
Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in the Americas
The COVID-19 Genomic Surveillance Regional Network was created in 2020 not only to strengthen the sequencing capacity in the participating laboratories, but also for them to establish a routine SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing, as a strategy to increase the amoun...t of genetic sequence data available to the global community, which is critical to support the development of diagnostic protocols, the information for vaccine development and to better understand the evolution and molecular epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2.
This video 3D animation on COVID-19: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus is a collaboration between Nucleus Medical Media and our friends at the What If Channel.
The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment, availability of these items is already extremely limited in some... countries.
You can also view the results in the interactive dashboard below, which will be updated with new data over time.
This guideline is for:
• health and care practitioners
• health and care staff involved in planning and delivering services
• commissioners.
The recommendations bring together:
• existing national and international guidance and policies
• advice from specialists working in the NHS fr...om across the UK. These include people with
expertise and experience of treating patients for the specific health conditions covered by the
guidance during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19
Religious leaders, faith...-based organizations, and faith communities can play a major role in saving lives and reducing illness related to COVID-19.1 They are a primary source of support, comfort, guidance, and direct health care and social service, for the communities they serve. Religious leaders of faith-based organizations and communities of faith can share health information to protect their own members and wider communities, which may be more likely to be accepted than from other sources. They can provide pastoral and spiritual support during public health emergencies and other health challenges and can advocate for the needs of vulnerable populations.
As information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, it can be challenging to navigate and synthesize all of the information. The purpose of this document is to provide a synthesized, indexed reference of accurate, standardized COVID-19 information from trustworthy sources. Information is presented in... simple, clear language to support the development of messages and materials needed for social and behavior change interventions.
This What Matters? edition focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to communicat...ing with the Rohingya community about Covid-19.
Cochrane provides high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date synthesized research evidence to inform health decisions. This page highlights content relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the various related activities that Cochrane is undertaking in response.
They will be continually add...ing updates and additions to this page. Sections include information and resources for:
Public, patients, and carers
Healthcare workers
Policy and guideline developers
The Cochrane Community
This Special Collection includes Cochrane Reviews on the following topics: medication; behavioural support; and gradual quitting. Interventions that mimic the act of smoking, notably e-cigarettes, have been excluded from this collection as the risks associated with their use in relation to the curre...nt pandemic are not clear. Cochrane Tobacco Addiction are working to remain up to date on all the relevant information, to provide support to people attempting to stop smoking during this difficult time.