An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals • doi: 10.7189/jogh.02.020405 ~ December 2012 • Vol. 2 No. 2 • 020405
The era of effective antibiotics is coming to a close. In just a few generations, many “miracle medicines”have been beaten into ineffectiveness by the bacteria they were intended to eradicate. Bacteria quickly adapt to the presence of antibacterial agents in order survive. The misuse of antibiotics,which is an international problem, only exacerbates the steady evolution of resistance. In August 2010, the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases posed the question "Is this the end of antibiotics?" documentingthe rapid spread of multidrug-resistant bacteriaand predicting that 10 years remain in the useful life of many agents.
This material was reprinted, with permission, from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s publication entitled Assessing
patients for sexual violence: A guide for health care providers. This guide is available by visiting
UNAIDS/10.03E / JC1767E (English original, March 2010) ISBN 978 92 9 173849 6
Improving the management of childhood tuberculosis within national tuberculosis programmes: research priorities based on a literature review
WHO/HTM/TB/2007.381, 07.02
A paper presented at the 10th International Congress on Infectious Disease, Singapore
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -4