Findings from a cross-sectional qualitative study of HIV vulnerabilities among People Who Inject Drugs and their sex partners in Bihar and Manipur, India. The study is one of the first qualitative comparative studies to seek an in-depth understanding of the vulnerabilities to HIV acquisition among P...WID in the states of Manipur and Bihar
Health Systems in Transition. Vol. 5 No.3 2015
A call for national and regional containment, recovery and prevention
Disability Inclusion | Published by Child Development & Rights and Sustainable Health on behalf of World Vision International.
Education of children with disabilities in India and Pakistan: An analysis of developments since 2000 | Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 | Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) - APW with UNAIDS (thru TSF)
Curriculum reform efforts to enhance training on rational medicine use (RMU) and AMR should pay particular attention to ensuring that the right topics are integrated and the right teaching-learning methodologies are adopted.
This brochure is designed to help people who have experienced traumatic events and their families.
Available in 10 languages: albanian, arabic, german, french, english, serbian/bosnian/croatian, farsi, tamil, tigrinya, turkish. For other versions check:
Value in Health Regional Issues 4 C (2014) 37-40
Fact Sheet Global Atlas of medical devices
The changes occurring in Myanmar highlight the need to have a robust DRR network that can support the Government as well as the communities in their efforts to build a resilient Myanmar. To this end, the DRR WG devised and facilitated a multi-stakeholder process aiming to develop its Strategic 2013-2018. This document is the outcome of a series of internal workshops and external consultations, in particular with the relevant departments of the Government of Myanmar. This Strategic Framework will guide the collective efforts of the DRR WG over the next five years.
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)