The escalation of the war in Ukraine began on 24 February 2022, causing thousands of civilian
casualties; destroying civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, and triggering the fastest-
growing displacement crisis in Europe since World War II. The demographic profile of Ukraine,
combined wit...h the implementation of martial law and conscription policies, led to an awareness
of gender- and age-related factors within the regional humanitarian response that recognised
the pre-crisis situation of persons of all genders and diversities and how the war and subsequent
regional crisis were compounding the risks that they face.
Cascading risks from rising prices and supply disruptions, April 2022.
Global resource markets are still reeling from the impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; the two countries are major suppliers of energy, food and fertilizers. Supply disruption and the sudden imposition, in response to the... crisis, of unprecedented economic sanctions, trade restrictions and policy interventions have caused prices of commodities to skyrocket.
Before the conflict, demand for global resources already exceeded supply and drove up prices as economies rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic. This gave rise to a global cost-of-living crisis, characterized by increasing levels of energy and food poverty. This situation is likely to become much worse as a consequence of the war in Ukraine, and poses a threat to human security, particularly among low-income and vulnerable populations.
According to the report:
More than 5,000 children have been killed or injured in the violence – an average of five children every day since March 2015.
More than 11 million children now need humanitarian assistance – nearly every child in Yemen.
More than half of the country’s ...children don’t have access to safe drinking water or adequate sanitation.
An estimated 1.8 million children are acutely malnourished, including nearly 400,000 severe acutely malnourished children who are fighting for their lives.
Nearly 2 million children are out of school, including almost half a million who dropped out since the conflict escalated in March 2015.
Suspected cholera and acute watery diarrhea have affected over 1 million people, with children under 5 years old accounting for a quarter of all cases.
As the war in Ukraine rages on, it is clear that this conflict—and its associated fallout—will not be short-lived. As a major food and commodities exporting region, the impact of the war on global food systems was immediate and significant.
No more strongly are these impacts felt than in countries and communities who were major grain importers. Already reeling from COVID-19 and climate change, the poorest rural people now have a new obstacle to face.
Studie zur Situation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Flüchtlingsunterkünften in Deutschland
A manual for people working in environments contaminated by landmines and other explosive hazards including improvised explosive devices.
Arabic version of the Landmines, ERW and IED Safety Handbook.
28 days of war, 64 verified attacks on health care, and 18 million people affected.
24 March 2022; One month of war has had a devastating impact on Ukraine’s health system, severely restricted access to services, and triggered an urgent need to treat trauma injuries and chronic conditions. Destro...yed health infrastructure and disrupted chains of medical supplies now pose a grave threat to millions of people
The conflict in Yemen has a mounting cost to the lives of mothers and newborns
Many people with dengue can be cared for at home with adequate rest and hydration. But, if you experience any warning signs, go immediately to the nearest medical center.
This document is aimed at national authorities responsible for the organisation of tsunami warning and emergency response. It clarifies the status of the regional tsunami services for the Indian Ocean and suggests best practices for national and local actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Translation of the 1st ed., 2003
These guidelines were written for anyone trying to meet and solve the challenges of operating a warehouse today. They are an important reference tool for managers and staff, whether they are constructing a new warehouse, implementing a new warehouse syste...m, or redesigning their current system.
Guidelines for Warehousing Health Commodities is for use by supply chain managers, logistics advisors, and warehouse managers who want to improve and increase efficiency in their current health commodity warehouse.
GLEWS is a response system for the main animal diseases including zoonoses.
Many people with dengue can be cared for at home with adequate rest and hydration. But, if you experience any warning signs, go immediately to the nearest medical center.
Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events:
This guide is a revised edition to the previous version published in 2017.
This updated publication provides programme managers with a user-friendly tool that can: (i) analyse and draw conclusions from historic dengue datasets; (ii) identify appropriate alarm indicators that can predict forthcoming... outbreaks at smaller spatial scales; and (iii) use these results and analyses to build an early warning system to detect dengue outbreaks in real time and respond accordingly. This web-based tool can ensure enhanced, fast and secured communication between national and subnational levels, and standardized utilization of surveillance data.