«Ты мой герой» — это книга для детей из разных стран мира, затронутых пандемией COVID-19.
Книгу «Ты мой герой» должен читать вместе с ребенком или небольшой группой де...ей кто-то из родителей, воспитатель или учитель. Детям не рекомендуется читать эту книгу самостоятельно в отсутствие родителей, воспитателя или учителя. Дополнительное руководство «Что делают герои» (будет опубликовано позже) поможет рассмотреть темы, связанные с COVID-19, и научить детей справляться с чувствами и эмоциями, а также предложит дополнительные занятия для детей на основе этой книги.
Was Kinder gegen COVID-19 tun können!
WHO Regional Office for Africa
Using the WHO model list of essential medicines to update a national essential medicines list
Since 1977, WHO has been working with countries to design the package of essential medicines as an integral component of treatment within the continuum of care, developing and disseminating the Model List ...of Essential Medicines (Model List). WHO is committed to supporting Member States in sharing best practices in selecting
essential medicines, and in developing processes for the selection of medicines for national essential medicines lists (national EMLs, or NEMLs) consistent with the evidence-based methods used for updating the WHO Model List.
As care teams struggle to treat an increasing number of patients around the world, we have made the following Clinical Effectiveness COVID-19 resources available *at no charge* to anyone seeking the latest evidence-based information and clinical guidance. While we will update you via email when new ...resources are made available, please also bookmark this page, as the list will be updated regularly in response to new developments, evidence and guidance.
The DCPs are a series of disease specific datasheets that list the critical commodities and the technical specifications for each commodity per disease. The DCPs inform Member States and operational partners of commodity requirements and potential gaps in the health emergency supply chain. From an o...perational readiness perspective, the DCPs provide the basis for a globalized stockpile system, response planning, technical guidance and supply market assessments.
Initially, the DCPs consist of 11 infectious diseases; Ebola virus, Marburg virus, cholera, Lassa fever, pandemic influenza, MERS-COV, SARS, meningococcal meningitis, yellow fever, Shigellosis, and typhoid fever.
The household transmission investigation is a case-ascertained prospective study of all identified household contacts of a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (see 2.2 Study population). It is intended to provide rapid and early information on the clinical, epidemiological and virological chara...cteristics of 2019-nCoV.
There are three primary objectives of this household transmission study:
To better understand the extent of transmission within a household by estimating the secondary infection rate for household contacts at an individual level, and factors associated with any variation in the secondary infection risk.
To characterize secondary cases including the range of clinical presentation, risk factors for infection, and the extent and fraction of asymptomatic infections.
To characterize serologic response following confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (highly encouraged, but optional depending on laboratory capacity and resources)
Die Klimakrise stellt die größte Bedrohung der menschlichen Gesundheit im21. Jahrhundert dar. Die mit ihr
einhergehenden Umweltveränderungen, die unter anderem zu Hitzewellen, Überflutungen und Unterernährung durch
Ernährungsunsicherheit führen, wirken sich bereits heute negativ auf die Ge...sundheit einer großen Anzahl von Menschen aus.
This open access book not only describes the challenges of climate disruption, but also presents solutions. The challenges described include air pollution, climate change, extreme weather, and related health impacts that range from heat stress, vector-borne diseases, food and water insecurity and ch...ronic diseases to malnutrition and mental well-being.
For 100 cases among which 60 cases of children ≥ 5 years old and 40 cases of children < 5 years old and adults.
The new Pneumonia kit 2020 is specially designed to provide sufficient child-size antibiotics to treat pneumonia, targeting children under 5 years of age. It aims to provide life-savi...ng treatment based on the WHO protocols WHO treatment guidance Pneumonia should be treated with antibiotics.
The antibiotic of choice is amoxicillin dispersible tablets. Most cases of pneumonia require oral antibiotics, which are often prescribed at a health centre.
New digital map shows terrible impact of COVID-19 on school meals around the world
Orientações provisórias
20 de Março de 2020
Updated 23 March 2020 (23 uMatshi 2020)
Updated 23 March 2020 (23 Maart 2020)