Based on categories related to structure, content, language, and illustrations, the present study provides an evaluation of the quality of educational materials on leishmaniasis available to health services in Brazil. The 18 publications evaluated consisted of four handbooks, four guided studies, fo...ur booklets, and six leaflets. Of the total publications assessed, nine were produced by the Brazilian National Health Foundation (FUNASA), five by State and Municipal Health Departments jointly with FUNASA, and one by the Pan-American Health Organization. The evaluations were also performed by three professionals: a physician specialized in leishmaniasis, a parasitologist, and an information/communications expert. The publications failed to specify key items such as target public, objective, and bibliography. The illustrations, especially in the booklets and leaflets, failed to clarify the text, portrayed biased concepts, and omitted credits and scale. According to this study, informative materials on leishmaniasis distributed in Brazil present major limitations which jeopardize the quality of information they contain.
Este folleto define lo que es el trastorno bipolar y a quién le puede dar, su diagnóstico y tratamiento en los niños y los adolescentes, cómo ayudar a un niño o adolescente con este trastorno y cómo afecta a los padres y demás familiares.
Invest in Community, Invest in Zambia's future
Accessed July 27, 2019
Climate change also affects human health by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events. Increases in
the overall temperature of the atmosphere and oceans associated with climate change cause changes in wind, moisture, and heat circulation patterns. These changes contribute to shi...fts in extreme weather events, including extreme heat events.
Immunisation - the safest way to protect your child
This brochure is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides information on the 4 stages of HIV, as identified in the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV/AIDS for Adults and Adolescents.
A review of Save the Children’s work to promote the rights of children with disabilities
Decision-making for preparedness and response
Alcohol can be a source of enjoyment. However, it can also be a drug or a source of addiction, with negative consequences for your health and the people around you.
Accessed: 14.03.2019