Public Health & Primary Care / Research Article
Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197
Lefebvre et al., Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197
Yu et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:825
Research Article
Yaya et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:194
Ensuring equitable access to maternal health care including antenatal, delivery, postnatal services
and fertility control methods, is one of the most critical challenges for public health sector. There are significant
disparities in materna...l health care indicators across many geographical locations, maternal, economic, sociodemographic
factors in many countries in sub-Sahara Africa. In this study, we comparatively explored the utilization
level of maternal health care, and examined disparities in the determinants of major maternal health outcomes
Washington, D.C., ÉUA, du 23 au 27 septembre 2018
Point 8.3 de l'ordre du jour provisoire
CD56/INF/3 14 juillet 2018
Original: anglais
L'annuaire statistique a pour vocation entre autres, de fournir aux acteuers de terrain, décideurs et partenaires techniques et financiers un capital d'informations pour guider la prise de décision. Il est un référentiel en matière d'informations statistiques du pays. A ce titre, il vise à fou...rnir l'information sanitaire de qualité afin de situer le niveau de performance des strucutres sanitaires du pays.
Regional indicators to measure progress towards zero discrimination
UNAIDS 2018 | Guidance
HIV testing services
Policy Brief
November 2018
UNAIDS 2018 / Guidance
Guidance for policy-makers, and people living with, at risk of or affected by HIV
Nguyen HH et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2018, 21:e25151 |
Researchers focused on mental health of conflict-affected children are increasingly interested in the concept of resilience. Knowledge on resilience may assist in developing interventions aimed at improving positive outcomes or reducing negative outcomes, termed promotive or protective interventions....
Conférence internationale sur les soins de santé primaires d’Alma-Ata à la couverture sanitaire universelle et aux objectifs de développement durable , Astana, Kazakhstan, 25 et 26 octobre 2018
Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
Published: 23 May 2018
Research Article
PLOS ONE | February 15, 2018