This study was designed to examine the knowledge, attitude and beliefs about causes, manifestations and treatment of mental illness among adults in a rural community in
northern Nigeria.
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
This real-time learning process was carried out in order to identify the gaps and needs within World Vision’s current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) response in Sierra Leone and to inform World Vision on how other surrounding countries (specifically those with national offices such as Mali, Ghana,, Mauritania, Senegal and Chad) should prepare for a possible Ebola outbreak.more
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.more