The Facilitator's Guide has been piloted in Borno (Nigeria) and in Fafan zone (Somali region, Ethiopia) and improved iteratively after each test.
What does the ROAP have that you won't find in other methodologies?
It is based on holistic, people-centred approaches that span across sectors an...d consider people's perceptions, priorities, ways of coping, and assistance preferences.
It introduces the concepts of inter-sector needs profile and inter-sector causal analysis, and how to use these to articulate shared objectives and better integrated and holistic response packages, as opposed to siloed plans.
It introduces the concept of basic needs basket, and how to define the BN basket based on both households' perspective and sector experts' opinions, and acknowledging that needs have different frequencies and timings, and units of analysis (individual, household, community).
Mit Notärzten auf der Basis von Diagnosehäufigkeiten entwickelt; Von Dolmetschern übersetzt; Von Muttersprachlern gesprochen; Von zweisprachigen Ärzten geprüft; Für iPad, Windows 10 und als Web-App
Gesprächsverlauf und eigene Notizen können protokolliert werden; Nach der Installat...ion auf dem Tablet ist keine Internetverbindung mehr erforderlich.
265 Audio Frage-Antwort-Sets (Ja/Nein oder multiple choice) mit Fragen und Antworten zu Symptomen, Anamnesen, Diagnostik und Erstversorgung. Beispiele hören Sie im Video
Fragen Sie uns nach einem kostenlosen Testzugang
Führen Sie Patientengespräche in den Sprachen: Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Persisch/Farsi, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Tschechisch
Wenn Patienten nur wenig Deutsch koennen, ist das Gespraech mit dem Arzt fuer beide Seiten schwierig. Laienverstaendliche Informationsmaterialen in verschiedenen Sprachen koennen die Kommunikation unterstuetzen und das gegenseitige Verstaendnis foerdern. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden ausgewaehlte In...formationsblaetter in sechs Sprachen uebersetzt.
Anhand von Bevoelkerungsstatistiken und im Erfahrungsaustausch mit den Projekttraegern wurden sechs Sprachen ausgewaehlt, bei denen die Anzahl der Menschen, die von einer UEbersetzung profitieren, am hoechsten ist. Seit Januar 2012 koordiniert das AEZQ die UEbersetzung von ausgewaehlten KiP daher in folgende Sprachen:
Arabisch | Englisch | Franzoesisch | Russisch | Spanisch | Tuerkisch
Project protocol
Introduction Ready-to-eat food sold in the street represents a global phenomenon, more common in urbanized areas, that constitutes an important dietary source in populations from low- and middle-income countries. However, research on the kind of street food offered and its composit...ion is scarce. The main objective of this study is to characterize the urban street food environment, including vending places, the food offered, its nutritional composition, food purchasing patterns and advertising.
Methods and analysis This protocol provides a framework for a stepwise, standardized characterization of the street food environment; it consists of three steps that are of increasing complexity and demand increasingly great human and technical resources. Step 1 comprises identification of street food vending sites and characterization of the products available; this stage may be complemented with an evaluation of food advertising in the streets. Step 2 comprises description of street food purchasing patterns, by direct observation. Step 3 requires collection of food samples for bromatological analysis. Different levels of data collection may be defined for each step; hereafter, these are presented as core and expanded evaluations. For the most part, data analysis involves descriptive statistics and basic spatial analysis.
The new WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of a range of sanitation interventions and provide a comprehensive framework for health-protecting sanitation, covering policy and governance measures, implementation of sanitation technologies, systems and b...ehavioural interventions, risk-based management, and monitoring approaches. Critically, the guidelines articulate the role of the health sector in maximizing the health impact of sanitation interventions.
The guidelines also identify gaps in the evidence-base to guide future research efforts to improve the effectiveness of sanitation interventions.
(French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic in production)
Singing to the Lions is a free training package (facilitator’s guide, supplement and video) by CRS, that is designed to help children and youth lessen the impact of violence and abuse in their lives. The main component is a three-day workshop where participants learn skills that can help them tran...sform their lives and no longer feel dominated by fear. Although the workshop is aimed at young people and includes games, art and songs, it can also be used to help adults take action on aspects of their lives that cause fear and, in so doing, become better parents and caregivers.
Singing to the Lions is available in English, French and Spanish, with Arabic and Hindi in process. See the links below. It can be easily adapted to different cultures, with different pictures and metaphors (e.g., “Singing to the Wolves” in Arabic; “Charming the Snakes” in Hindi.)
UNHCR and its partners implement interventions focusing on adolescent girls and boys, including:
▪ Formation and capacity building of adolescent girls and boys’ clubs as peer groups for awareness raising, and SGBV prevention and response mechanisms.
▪ Community based protection activ...ities and training on child protection
▪ Provision of secondary education for secondary school-aged youth and recruitment of female teachers to encourage adolescent girls to continue education
▪ Introduction of community sharing/ parenting sessions and increasing the number of women support networks
▪ Establishing girls’ friendly spaces, which includes information sharing and psycho-social support
▪ Awareness raising campaigns with all members of the community, including community leaders
Accessed Online June 2018 | When assessing potential opportunities for family planning, it is important to consider a wide range of areas related to demand for contraception, availability and access to services, quality and equity, and the enabling environment. This opportunity brief brings together... a range of data sources to allow for exploration of these key areas. This brief is meant to provide an overview of key data and population segmentations to spark conversations about prioritization and potential impact. Further analysis, including additional segmentation by residence or region may reveal additional nuances.
Als Bestandteil der Dokumentationsvorlage für aufsuchende Gesundheitsfachberufe liegt die Schweigepflichtentbindung nun neben Deutsch auch in zehn weiteren Sprachen vor: Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Englisch, Farsi, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Spanisch und Türkisch.
Sie stellt eine... Hilfe für alle Gesundheitsfachkräfte, die in den Frühen Hilfen tätig sind, dar und kann unter diesem externen Link heruntergeladen werden.
Die Übersetzungen wurden von Kolleginnen und Kollegen des Familien-Projektes der Stadt Dortmund in Zusammenarbeit mit der Auslandsgesellschaft NRW e.V. vorgenommen und sind qualitätsgesichert.
External Homepage, accessed 2018/04/16
Designed for healthcare professionals, this six-week course will inform you about – and empower you to provide – safe, high-quality antibiotic use. You’ll interact with colleagues globally, to understand what antibiotic resistance means – and why the World Economic Forum has placed it alongs...ide terrorism and climate change on its global risk register. You can also join the course in Spanish, Chinese, or Russian.
This course will equip clinicians who frequently prescribe antimicrobials with knowledge and tools to improve their use of these essential medications in daily clinical practice. Through case based examples, the course will highlight how antimicrobial stewardship principles can be applied to common ...clinical scenarios. We will first review foundational clinical knowledge necessary to use antimicrobials wisely. Then, we will illustrate how clinicians can incorporate this knowledge into the management of patients with common infections through adherence to the five core competencies of appropriate antimicrobial prescribing. This course will provide a framework for approaching each clinical encounter from the perspective of combating antimicrobial resistance.
The course is available in English, French, Italian, Russiand and Spanish
Ratgeber in 18 Sprachen zu bestellen oder herunterzuladen
Albanisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Dari, Deutsch, Englisch, Farsi, Französisch, Kurdisch, Paschtu, Polnisch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Serbokroatisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Vietnamesisch
Where must I go if I feel unwell or have had an accident? Is medical treatment free in Switzerland or must I pay for it? What should I do in an emergency? What types of insurance do I need? How can I protect myself from illness? Where can I find health information in my own language? The Health Guid...e to Switzerland answers these and many other qüstions. Available in 18 languages: Albanian, Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian, Portugüse, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Thai, Tamil, Tigrinya, Vietnamese, Urdu, Farsi, Somali. For other languages check following link:überarbeitete-auflage/
Der Gesundheitsratgeber hilft Personen, insbesondere Migrantinnen und Migranten sich im komplexen schweizerischen Gesundheitswesen zurechtzufinden. Der neue Gesundheitswegweiser bietet umfassende und leicht verständliche Informationen rund um das Thema Gesundheit in der Schweiz.
Der Wegweiser ist folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: Deutsch,
Französisch, Albanisch, Arabisch, Farsi, Englisch, Spanisch,
Portugiesisch, Russisch, Kroatisch/Serbisch/Bosnisch,
Tamilisch, Thai, Tigrinya, Türkisch, Urdu, Vietnamesisch, Italienisch, Somalisch. Weitere Sprachversionen unter:überarbeitete-auflage/
Available in german, arabic, english, greek, croatian, kurdish, italian, polish, portugüse, russian, spanish, turkish, vietnameseüngesundheit/
he WHO Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) propose evidence-based recommendations for health care professionals to prevent, slow or reverse declines in the physical and mental capacities of older people. These recommendations require countries to place the needs and preferences of... older adults at the centre and to coordinate care. The ICOPE Guidelines will allow countries to improve the health and well-being of their older populations, and to move closer to the achievement of universal health coverage for all at all ages
Brochure available in Russian, Arabic, Chinese, French; Japanese; Spanisch
Specifically the Strategy focuses on five strategic objectives:
commitment to action on Healthy Ageing in every country;
developing age-friendly environments;
aligning health systems to the needs of older populations;
developing sustainable and equitable systems for providing lon...g-term care (home, communities, institutions); and
improving measurement, monitoring and research on Healthy Ageing.
Available in Englisch, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
The Washington Group/UNICEF Module on Child Functioning, finalized in 2016, covers children between 2 and 17 years of age and assesses functional difficulties in different domains including hearing, vision, communication/comprehension, learning, mobility and emotions. To better reflect the degree of... functional difficulty, each area is assessed against a rating scale. The purpose is to identify the subpopulation of children who are at greater risk than other children of the same age or who are experiencing limited participation in an unaccommodating environment. The set of questions is intended for use in national household surveys and censuses.
Available for ages 2-4 and 5-17 in English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Brazilian, Khmer
The training manual consists of: (i) Tools for communication, reassurance and comfort for staff working directly with distressed children; (ii) Advice and guidance for staff working with parents and primary care-givers; (iii) Suggestions for ways to support a distressed child. It provides a non-i...ntrusive skills set of communication and actions that can be used by staff working with survivors of distressing events. The training programme develops skills for providing physical and emotional comfort by modeling calmness and enables a constructive format through active listening that allows survivors to voice their concerns and needs. It also helps to connect survivors to practical assistance through referral networks and information on positive coping strategies.
The manuals are available in Englisch, French, Spanish, Arabic and German
Additional training aids download directly from the website.
A WHO guide to inform & harmonize national & international pandemic preparedness and response
The main updates from the 2013 interim guidance are:
Alignment with other relevant United Nations policies for crisis and emergency management, and
Inclusion of the significant development in re...cent years of the strategies for pandemic vaccine response during the start of a pandemic.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian