Cogent Medicine, 7:1, 1794272,
Edutainment and infographics for
schistosomiasis health education in Ndumo area,
Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Tafadzwa Mindu1*, Muhubiri Kabuyaya1 and Moses J. Chimbari1
Educational interventions targeting which are at risk of contracting
schistosomiasis infection may empower them to develop capacity to minimize the
spread of the disease. We compared the effectiveness of health education inter-
ventions for schistosomiasis knowledge uptake among school-going children in
Ndumo area, KwaZulu-Natal using a quasi-experimental trial.
2nd edition.
The tool kit provides learning objects and curricular content to support the competencies for those proficiency/trainee levels
Настоящее руководство «Клиническое ведение случаев COVID-19» базируется на
вышеуказанных стратегических приоритетах и адресовано клиницистам, участвующим в
оказа...ии помощи пациентам с подозреваемой или подтвержденной инфекцией COVID-19.
Оно не предназначено для того, чтобы заменить индивидуальное клиническое суждение или
консультацию специалиста, но призвано помочь клиническим работникам в обеспечении
наиболее эффективного ведения случаев. Повышенное внимание в настоящем руководстве
уделяется вопросам, касающимся особых и уязвимых групп населения, таких как дети,
пожилые люди и беременные женщины.
Interim guidance on clinical management COVID-19
Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges
The aim of this study is to research deeply on the post-traumatic stress disorder in sexually abused children. Proving the presence of forms of the disorder in children and the their treatment mode will be in the center of the study. The methods used to conduct this study will be a literature review... on the focused issue referring to reviews of articles which focus on the defined peer group. For the purpose we have selected only articles focusing on sexually abused children treated for post-traumatic stress disorder. The results of the study reveal that all forms of abuse could bring consequences on children, even more, posttraumatic stress is the language with which the victims communicate their sorrow in the most typical mode. Sexual abuse as one of the major forms of abuse, is among the most severe which cause irreversible consequences over a category of children. In conclusion we can assume that post-traumatic stress in sexually abused children might appear through the most severe forms of psychiatric and psychological symptoms and for the recovery and rehabilitation of the child in many cases the pharmacological treatment seems as the best choice for the child.
Impact Factor 5.7
June 2015
Featuring a series of articles on HIV and STI epidemiology, prevention and control among MSM in Europe
Mental disorders impose an enormous burden on society, accounting for almost one in three years lived with disability globally. •In addition to their health impact, mental disorders cause a significant economic burden due to lost economic output and the link between mental disorders and costly, po...tentially fatal conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV, and obesity.•80% of the people likely to experience an episode of a mental disorder in their lifetime come from low- and middle-income countries.• Two of the most common forms of mental disorders, anxiety and depression, are prevalent, disabling, and respond to a range of treatments that are safe and effective. Yet, owing to stigma and inadequate funding, these disorders are not being treated in most primary care and community settings.
The emergence and transmission of zoonotic diseases are driven by complex interactions
between health, environmental, and socio-political systems. Human movement is considered
a significant and increasing factor in these processes, yet forced migration remains an
understudied area of zoonotic res...earch–due in part to the complexity of conducting interdisciplinary
research in these settings.
Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.43. DOI:;
The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, and stress) in Bangladesh and the factors associated with these symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
They found that ...about 64%, 87%, and 61% of the respondents in Bangladesh reported high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively and this varied between divisions (regions), more in women, those who self-quarantined, and those that experienced classical symptoms of COVID-19. We think there is a need for mental health support in this population to minimise the long term effects.
J Pediatr Rev 2015, vol.3 (1) e361
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Jul 1; (6): 1–61 -Published online 2016 July 1
A tool for measuring alcohol policy implementation
The technical note by the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) discusses the use of Oral Cholera Vaccines (OCVs) for international workers and travelers in cholera-affected areas. It reviews the effectiveness of WHO-prequalified vaccines (Dukoral®, Shanchol™, and Euvichol®), emphasizing ...their role in preventing infection and reducing transmission risks.
The document highlights concerns about travelers contracting cholera in endemic regions and potentially spreading the disease upon returning home. While the overall risk is considered low, certain groups, such as humanitarian workers and travelers to high-risk areas like South Asia, face a higher exposure.
Recommendations include vaccination for emergency and relief workers who may come into direct contact with cholera patients or contaminated environments. However, routine vaccination for general travelers is not widely recommended. The note also calls for better surveillance and studies to assess the potential of vaccines in preventing international transmission.
Cureus 2024 Jan 16;16(1):e52358. doi: 10.7759/cureus.52358
Anxiety Disorders
Chapter F.4
For COVID-19, as for many infectious diseases, the true level of transmission is frequently underestimated because a substantial proportion of people with the infection are undetected either because they are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms and thus typically fail to present at healthcare fac...ilities. There may also be neglected or under-served segments of the population who are less likely to access healthcare or testing. Under-detection of cases may be exacerbated during an epidemic, when testing capacity may be limited and restricted to people with severe cases and priority risk groups (such as frontline healthcare workers, elderly people and people with comorbidities). Cases may also be misdiagnosed and attributed to other diseases with similar clinical presentation, such as influenza.
Differences in mortality between groups of people and countries are important proxy indicators of relative risk of death that guide policy decisions regarding scarce medical resource allocation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This document is intended to help countries estimate CFR and, if possible, IFR, as appropriately and accurately as possible, while accounting for possible biases in their estimation
The goal of this Global Action Plan is to articulate synergistic actions that will be required to prevent HIVDR from undermining efforts to achieve global targets on health and HIV, and to provide the most effective treatment to all people living with HIV including adults, key populations, pregnant ...and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. The Global Action Plan has five strategic objectives: 1) prevention and response; 2) monitoring and surveillance; 3) research and innovation; 4) laboratory capacity; and 5) governance and enabling mechanisms.