This document provides a summary of the recommendations for hand hygiene best practices to be performed by health workers providing care and/or support to patients with filovirus infection (Ebola and Marburg viruses).
Outil pour la communication comportementale et sociale dans le cadre de la riposte aux flambées épidémiques
IEC Poster 60x40cm
IEC Poster 80x60cm
L’Ebola est mortel. En cas de fièvre, diarrhée, vomissement, saignement, allez vite à l’hôpital, appelez 143 ou 101. Consultez
(158 caractères)
L’Ebola est mortel. Lavez-vous régulièrement les mains au savon. Désinfectez tout à l’eau de javel. Signal...ez vite tout cas suspect au143 ou 101.
(150 caractères)
Le Risque EBOLA est réel. Ne pas chasser, manipuler et manger la viande de brousse. Evitez de serrer les mains, les contacts avec les animaux et les cadavres.
(160 caractères)
The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment, availability of these items is already extremely limited in some... countries.
You can also view the results in the interactive dashboard below, which will be updated with new data over time.
Organisation mondiale de la Santé, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture & Organisation mondiale de la santé animale. (2021). Résistance aux antimicrobiens et plan-cadre de coopération des Nations Unies pour le développement durable : orientations pour le...s équipes de pays des Nations Unies. Organisation mondiale de la Santé.
Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e341–51
Francophone Africa still carries a high burden of communicable and neonatal diseases, probably due to the weakness of health-care systems and services, as evidenced by the almost complete attribution of DALYs to YLLs. To cope with this burden of disease, Africa should define its priorities and invest more resources in health-system strengthening and in the quality and quantity of health-care services, especially in rural and remote areas. The region could also be prioritised in terms of technical and financial assistance focused on achieving these goals, as much as on demographic investments including education and family planning
his two minutes and forty seconds animated video provides basic information and precautions on how to protect self from Ebola virus disease. It also outlines modes of transmission, symptoms, as well as the top-listed frequently asked questions.