Lessons learned from recent public health events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease outbreaks, and other public health threats, including earthquakes and floods, have highlighted the need for countries to continuously develop, strengthen, and maintain capacities r...equired under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR (2005)).
Developing capacities for health security in a country requires the engagement of public and private entities across a broad range of sectors, including human and animal health, agriculture, environment, finance, security, emergency management, education, and transportation. The World Health Organization (WHO) is mandated through various resolutions, decisions, and reports of the World Health Assembly, and through the IHR (2005), to provide technical guidance and support to its Member States in developing, strengthening, and maintaining their health systems, including capacities required under the IHR (2005).
For countries to better prevent, prepare for, detect, notify, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies, they must build and maintain IHR core capacities and support the strengthening of health emergency prevention, preparedness, response, and resilience (HEPR) capacities. National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS), as capacity development plans, provide the tasks and resources needed to ensure adequate capacities are in place to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from public health events in a sustainable manner. Investing in the resilience of these capacities within national health systems at national and local levels not only improves national health security but also helps safeguard economic, social, and political developments.
Con esta publicación se procura orientar a las autoridades nacionales y subnacionales de salud, así como a las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, para que incorporen la perspectiva de las personas migrantes (en tránsito, refugiadas, en situación irregular y en proceso de retorno a su p...aís de origen) en el diseño y la implementación de las acciones de preparación y respuesta ante la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) y otras emergencias de salud.
Estas recomendaciones complementan el Documento de orientación sobre migración y salud (5), elaborado por la OPS para ayudar a los Estados Miembros a hacer frente a los desafíos de salud pública y sistemas de salud relacionados con la migración, incluidas la promoción y la protección de la salud de los migrantes a lo largo de su proceso migratorio
L’année 2020 a été une année particulièrement difficile pour la population de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les conflits armés, les épidémies, les catastrophes naturelles ainsi que l’impact socio-économique de la COVID-19 ont considérablement exacerbé les vulnérabilit...s déjà existantes dans un contexte marqué par un manque criant d’accès aux services essentiels pour une grande majorité de la population. La RDC, le plus grand pays d'Afrique subsaharienne et le troisième le plus peuplé, avec une population estimée à 103 millions, demeure confrontée à l'une des crises humanitaires les plus graves au monde.
In addition to the ongoing humanitarian emergencies in the country, the COVID-19 pandemic poses a potential monumental social and economic threat to Nigeria, with a devastating knock on effect for the most vulnerable population in the BAY states who have endured a decade of conflict. The UN system i...n Nigeria launched a One UN Response Plan to COVID-19 to support the rapid implementation of the Government’s National COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral Pandemic Response Plan and will continue to support strong coordination and coherence with all stakeholders responding to the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses an additional and critical challenge in a fragile humanitarian context, where the population is already highly vulnerable and lives in often overcrowded settlements where distancing is impossible, and with limited access to basic health services and hygiene. Further sprea...d of COVID-19 in the EHoA region will burden the already complex humanitarian situation with devastating consequences.
Рекомендации для населения в отношении инфекции, вызванной новым коронавирусом (COVID-19)
Il Coronavirus1 si sta diffondendo a livello globale. In che modo possono persone, comunità ed agenzie umanitarie fornire un’assistenza efficace durante l’epidemia di COVID-19? In che modo può il manuale Sphere guidare il nostro intervento?
Questo documento si compone di due sezioni: A. La... prima sezione presenta i principi fondamentali che sono alla base di un intervento olistico ed efficace. B. La seconda presenta gli standard e le linee guida pertinenti contenuti nei capitoli ‘Approvvigionamento idrico, servizi sanitari e sensibilizzazione all’igiene (WASH)’ e ‘Salute’ del manuale Sphere.
La crisis de personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanos es una de las mayores crisis de desplazamiento externo en el mundo. La pandemia COVID-19 ha agravado la ya desesperada situación de muchas personas refugiadas y migrantes, así como la de los países de acogida, poniendo a prueba los sistemas... nacionales de salud y asistencia social, así como la capacidad de los países para apoyar a su población vulnerable.
La République Démocratique du Congo connait une fragilité sociale issue de divers conflits communautaires qui ont déstabilisés le tissu économique du pays sans épargner le secteur éducatif depuis plusieurs années. Les sources de fragilité sont aussi liées à la pauvreté de la population ...et à l’insécurité alimentaire (15,5 millions de personnes en 2019). De plus, le pays fait face à d’autres crises comme les catastrophes naturelles et différentes épidémies y compris le Cholera, la maladie a virus d’Ébola et COVID19.
PEPFAR Malawi’s Country Operational Plan (COP) 2021 reflects a culmination of strong interagency collaboration between the PEPFAR Malawi team, Government of Malawi (GoM), and civil society organizations (CSOs) to mitigate the devastating impacts of COVID-19 and sustain progress achieved over the l...ast two decades towards HIV epidemic control.
At the conclusion of the March 2020 Johannesburg Regional Planning Meeting, the PEPFAR Malawi team presented a COP20 surge strategy to improve client-centered care, mitigate treatment disruption, scale prevention programs to key and vulnerable populations, and strengthen national health systems.
Following this meeting, the first three COVID-19 cases were reported in Malawi and immediately thereafter, adaptations to the COP20 strategy became imperative to deliver safe, client-centered care.
#COVIBOOK-Supporting and reassuring children around the world
This short book is created to support and reassure our children, under the age of 7, regarding the COVID-19. This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation. It is importa...nt to point out that this resource does not seek to be a source of scientific information, but rather a tool based on fantasy. My recommendation is to print this material so children can draw on it. Remember that emotions are processed through repetitive play and stories read multiple times. Share COVIBOOK and help ease kiddo's anxiety all over the world.
Available in different languages
Воздействие COVID-19 на пожилых людей в странах с низким и средним уровнем доходов – выводы за 2020 годРезюме
In 2021, the humanitarian community continued to support those in need, placing protection at the centre of its response. Learning from and building on past efforts, humanitarian actors will continue to respond and adapt their response to the various shocks impacting populations in Cameroon, such as... violence against civilians, natural disasters, and epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Le Plan de réponse humanitaire (PRH) 2020 a été révisé et publié en mai 2020 afin d’intégrer l’impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19 sur les besoins humanitaires existants et sur les activités des partenaires humanitaires.
Общие цели
1. Распространить информацию о ходе подготовки, в том числе о потенциале в области реагирования и планах и процедурах реагирования в целях выявления за...озных случаев COVID-19 в вашей стране и принятия ответных мер.
2. Определить сферы взаимозависимости субъектов сектора здравоохранения и других секторов.
3. Провести анализ недостатков с опорой на предложенные ВОЗ сравнительные показатели оперативной готовности к COVID-19.
4. Разработать план действий по повышению уровня готовности на основании сравнительных показателей ВОЗ.
MEDBOX has gathered a selection of over 60 African hits from different countries into a play list with the aim of raising awareness on the diverse ways to fight COVID-19 in addition to a COVID-19 Toolbox https://www.covid19box.org with all the up to date information on the pandemic. Feel free to pa...ss it onto your contacts, the poster can be printed and used in different settings such as cultural centers, hospitals and refugee camps. To the COVID-19 African hist playlist visit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQvyjafXneiihYMqxMmrQLD_iwXvi3eiT.
Enjoy empowerment and rhythm! Spread the music, not the virus!
Navegue pelos dados do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, com informações estratégicas e conheça tudo sobre a COVID-19 de forma transparente e analítica
Im Zusammenhang mit der aktuellen Situation zu SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 werden in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen verschiedene Typen von Masken zur Bedeckung von Mund und Nase genutzt. Da sich diese Masken grundsätzlich in ihrem Zweck - und damit auch in ihren Schutz- und sonstigen Leistungsmerkmale...n - unterscheiden, möchte das BfArM im Folgenden auf wesentliche Charakteristika hinweisen.
Lancet Planet Health 2022;6: e760–68
The emergence of COVID-19 has drawn the attention of health researchers sharply back to the role that food systems can play in generating human disease burden. But emerging pandemic threats are just one dimension of the complex relationship between agriculture... and infectious disease, which is evolving rapidly, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) that are undergoing rapid food system transformation. This changing relationship is examined through four current disease issues.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) science conversation
In this video and audio series WHO experts explain the science related to COVID-19. This series is available every week on WHO's YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels and on all major podcasts platforms.
Download all epis...ode transcripts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Maithili, Nepali