Second Global Forum on Human Resources for Health 25 - 29 January 2011 | Bangkok, Thailand | Empower health workers for health outcomes | Reviewing progress, renewing commitments to health workers towards MDGs and beyond
A practical and reflective guide for teachers .
This guide is packed with practical tools and advice for teachers wanting to embed global citizenship in their classrooms. Learn how to effectively bring a global lens into your teaching with our handy planning framework, participation methods, and to...ols to assess learning.
Develop your teaching practice with both innovative and tried-and-tested approaches. Help your learners ask questions, make connections, and take action as active global citizens
The Principle of Subsidiarity: Responsibility for addressing an economic or social problem belongs to the smallest and closest community or authority that can handle the problem. Subsidiarity defines the role of the individual in charity and personal responsibility.
Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
An overview on the health equity impact of policy and action: Is it making a difference? Why or why not?
A story book on puberty for 8–10-year-old girls.
Education Material on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) for different age groups
CORE Group has developed a module to improve preparedness for and response of communities in countries at risk of a cholera epidemic. The module consists of four lesson plans with accompanying flipcharts, intended to be delivered through community health workers. The lessons target mothers and careg...ivers of children under age five, a group that is at particular risk of death if infected. The module shares information about symptoms and risks; what families can do to prevent infection; how, when, and where to seek care; and what actions to take in the aftermath of an outbreak.
A guide for patients and caregivers
Unachohitaji kujua kuhusu saratani kwa matumizi ya wagonjwa na wauguzi.