Guidelines and Consensus for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Bontang City, Indonesia
OUAGADOUGOU – Le Burkina Faso et le Fonds mondial consolident leur partenariat en lançant quatre nouvelles subventions qui visent à mettre fin aux épidémies de VIH, de tuberculose et de paludisme et à renforcer les systèmes de santé en s’attachant tout particulièrement aux systèmes comm...unautaires et à la qualité des données.
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Disaster : District of Muna, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Bengkulu
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Central Kalimantan
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of East Flores, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: District of South Central Timor, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : District of East Barito
Arabic Analysis on World about Food and Nutrition; published on 22 Sep 2021 by UNICEF.
Available in different languages
Phytochem Rev (2023) 22:1691–1806
Plants have a lot of potential and will continue to contribute feasible, effective medicines and/or pesticides; more research is warranted to fully explore their future applications
Information about Maternity Assurance in Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Disaster Risk: District of Kapuas, Indonesia
Guidelines for Community Empowerment in Crisis Response Health in Indonesia
Booklet of Informations about Counseling Package: Infant and Child Feeding in Indonesia
Access : 18.5.2017
Decree of the minister of health of the Republic of Indonesia concerning regionalization of aid center as a health crisis response