As COVID-19 has spread around the world, false and misleading information has spread with it.
A collection of 400 scientists have joined together to form Indian Scientists' Response to COVID-19 - committed to debunking false information about the virus.
The group have been communicating an...d coordinating with each other online.
Was Covid-19 made in a lab? Is eating non-vegetarian food risky? Can cow urine or cow dung protect me? Do Indians have a better immune system against coronavirus?
Not true, not true, not true, and most likely false.
Here you can download infographics and posters
Here you can download animations about COVID-19 for information, community organising, broadcast or whatsapp groups in multiple languages for Africa and Asia.
All about COVID-19: Advice for Communities. What is coronavirus? How does it spread? How does hand washing and physical distancing help? Wha...t are the symptoms? Who is most at risk of serious illness? This short animation answers these questions. There are versions for Asia and Africa.
NICE Scientific Advice is providing free fast track advice for researchers who are developing novel diagnostics or therapeutics for COVID-19. The team is working to help researchers from around the world optimise their approach to generating the essential evidence required for health technology ass...essments, which inform decision making.
Resources and Situation Updates COVID-19
Medical Learning Hub is a product of Tech Care for All, a social impact company that owns and commercializes digital health solutions across Africa and Asia.
This portal holds a vast collection of guidelines, tools, papers and lessons learnt from across and beyond the ALNAP Membership which are relevant to responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is updated on a regular basis and aims to include all resources published on our Member organi...sations’ webpages relevant to the planning, adaptation and delivery of humanitarian activities in response to COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Law Lab initiative gathers and shares legal documents from over 190 countries across the world to help states establish and implement strong legal frameworks to manage the pandemic. The goal is to ensure that laws protect the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities and that ...they adhere to international human rights standards.
The COVID-19 Law Lab is a database of laws that countries have implemented in response to the pandemic. It includes state of emergency declarations, quarantine measures, disease surveillance, legal measures relating to mask-wearing, social distancing, and access to medication and vaccines. The database will continue to grow as more countries and themes are added.
Accessed on 21.05.2020
Considering a hotline? This set of tools will help you assess, set up and manage different types of channels to communicate with communities during humanitarian crises.
Как подготовиться к сдаче ПЦР-теста на COVID-19, Психические реакции и нарушения поведения у лиц с COVID-19, Рекомендации для особых групп пациентов при инфекции COVID-19 и т.д.
This Collection links to the websites of providers of free training. We monitor these links regularly, however if the training providers change their websites, some of these links may not work. All other resources on the Humanitarian Library can be downloaded directly from the Library. This Collecti...on is monitored daily to identify new and updated materials.
This Collection contains technical guidelines from leading global institutions to support the operation of medical centres responding to the Covid-19 virus. Current guidance comes from the European Center for disease prevention and control, Centre Hospitalier de Grenoble, Elsevier, Health Protection Surveillance Center, Public Health England, Stadt Essen and the World Health Organisation.
BMJ has created a free resource on SARS-CoV-2 and covid-19 to inform diagnosis and treatment, and to promote the wellbeing and safety of staff and patients during this extremely stressful and challenging period.
BMJ’s dedicated covid-19 hub not only draws on the latest peer reviewed research, n...ews and opinion from The BMJ and BMJ’s 70 + specialist journals. It also provides online CPD from BMJ Learning and guidance on the evidence-based management of covid-19 from BMJ Best Practice.
The content is updated daily so that healthcare professionals on the frontline of care can readily keep abreast of the latest developments in thinking and practice
The key objective is to celebrate, source, and supply innovations across 12 COVID-19 categories (i.e. response areas). The growing list of 800+ featured innovations includes those that are ready to deploy, plus innovations that could be adapted for COVID-19 responses, or inspire new, much-needed sol...utions. A smaller list is identified as COVID-19 Recognized Innovations for their response efforts so others can more easily find and use them. We are also actively sourcing new innovations designed in response to COVID-19. We hope you find it valuable as we come together to address this global challenge, and would welcome your support so we can continue to help use innovation in tackling future crises yet to come.
Монитор реагирования систем здравоохранения на COVID-19 (HSRM) разработан для сбора и систематизации информации о том, как страны реагируют на этот кризис. В настоящее в...емя на нем размещена информация о большинстве стран Европейского региона ВОЗ, включая все государства-члены ЕС. Информация регулярно обновляется.
COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor also available in: english
This tracker, developed by the Vaccine Centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, will follow COVID-19 vaccine candidates as they progress through the development pipeline. We will update it weekly. An overview of the different vaccine types as well as the phases of clinical develo...pment is provided in the Summary tab.