This bi-weekly brief details the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world as well as updates to the COVID-19-related guidance from Africa CDC, WHO and other public health agencies.
COVID Reference 23 May 2021
COVID Reference 23 May 2021
BMJ is offering a range of free online resources to support researchers, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to understand and respond to the global health emergency caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
The free online resources are aimed at healthcare professionals locate...d in China and across the world, to help keep them updated with the latest developments and guidance
Expert international faculty present weekly, concise MedicalMinute updates, host biweekly Question and Answer Webinars, and author a continually updated downloadable slideset including the latest data on COVID-19 epidemiology and clinical management; specific topics include best practices and ongoin...g research in screening, prevention, diagnosis, disease management, and treatment for diverse patient populations.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is evaluating potential COVID-19 treatments and vaccines to enable promising medicines to reach patients as soon as possible. It is also interacting with medicine developers and making use of real-world data to monitor the safety and effectiveness of medicines use...d in patients with COVID-19.
Ausführliche Informationen zu klinischen Prüfungen und Risiken für bestimmte Gruppen sowie zu Wechselwirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Impfstoffen und Arzneimitteln zu COVID-19 und SARS-CoV-2
Slideset updated regularly to reflect the state of the COVID-19 pandemic and to include the latest data and guidance on best practices for diagnosis and management; topics include global epidemiology, screening and diagnosis, natural history and clinical presentation, disease severity, medical manag...ement, and treatment options.
A collection of resources on Covid-19 vaccines, including frequently asked questions, continuing medical education, published research, and commentary.
The pan-african open access portal.
AfricArXiv is a community-led digital archive for African research, working towards building an African-owned open scholarly repository; a knowledge commons of African scholarly works to catalyze the African Renaissance. We partner with established scholarly repo...sitory services to provide a platform for African scientists of any discipline to present their research findings and connect with other researchers on the African continent and globally.
Welcome to the Lancet COVID-19 Resource Centre, bringing together all COVID-19 research, reviews, commentary, news, and analysis from across the Lancet family of journals as it is published. The resource aims to assist health workers, policy makers, and researchers to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to ...a close. All of our COVID-19 content is free to access.
This website has been created to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Sputnik V.
A non-exhaustive repository of COVID-19 related scientific publications undertaken by LSHTM researchers since the beginning of the outbreak.
There is no secret to our procedure: the daily scanning of the literature helps us to stay afloat in the never-ending waves of new publications about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Many papers discussed in the Top 10 will eventually make it into subsequent editions of COVID Reference.
Older people are at higher risk for more serious complications from COVID-19. COVID-19 is a new disease and we are learning more about it every day.
Check back here for updates on COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment
Almost all organizations recommend masks for the general public. Unfortunately, earlier in the pandemic, many did exactly the opposite – due to limited data but also due to concerns about diminished mask supply for healthcare workers and out of fear that masked individuals might be tempted to rules of social distancing. In addition, conflicting national guidelines have led to variable public compliance. A few physicians, in line with some COVidiots, still argue against face masks
Every day – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – they present the Top 10 scientific COVID-19 papers of the day. The daily scanning of the literature helps us to stay afloat in the never-ending waves of new publications about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
A Free, Open Resource for the Global Research Community
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Allen Institute for AI has partnered with leading research groups to prepare and distribute the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), a free resource of over 51,000 scholarly articles, including 40,000 with full text, about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses for use by the global research community.
This dataset is intended to mobilize researchers to apply recent advances in natural language processing to generate new insights in support of the fight against this infectious disease. The corpus will be updated weekly as new research is published in peer-reviewed publications and archival services like bioRxiv, medRxiv, and others.
CORD-19 Explorer is a quick and easy way to search the CORD-19 corpus, and CoViz allows you to discover associations between concepts appearing in the dataset. Or, get started by downloading the complete data below.
On this site WHO is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and compiling it in a database. They are updating the database daily from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searches of the table of contents of relevant journals, and the addition of... other relevant scientific articles that come to our attention. The entries in the database may not be exhaustive and new research will be added regularly.