The Ministry of Health through the National AIDS Secretariat, has developed the Strategic Operational Plan for Condom Programming in Sierra Leone with a focus on reinvigorating condom use to ensure “uninterrupted access to male and female condoms and lubricants for Key Populations, young people an...d the general population.” Condom use in the country was estimated at 7 per cent and 23 per cent of women and men respectively who had sexual intercourse with non-regular partners. The primary goal of the strategic operational plan is to enhance access and utilization of male and female condoms, supporting national efforts to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and unintended pregnancies, for all sexually active individuals.
The development of the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) was based on a consultative and participatory process with strong commitment and support from the Ministry of Health of Ghana. The CCS draws on lessons from the implementation of the first, and second generation CCSs, the country focus, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2023–2025).
The strategic agenda of the CCS outlines three strategic priorities, which are:
1. improving universal access to essential health services through the primary health care approach.
2. health emergency preparedness and response: addressing gaps in IHR core capacities and strengthening national capacities to prevent, detect and respond appropriately to public health emergencies through a resilient health system.
3. addressing social, economic, and environmental determinants of health; promoting high-impact interventions to address public health risks using multisectoral approaches.
Data available for your search include drug targets, tested compounds, existing drugs, ethnopharmacological plants, and information on the genome of M. ulcerans
World Health Organization’s (WHO) presence in Sierra Leone throughout 2023 has been fulfilling. Out attention has been focused on advancing Universal Health Coverage and strengthening emergency preparedness and response. Collaborating closely with the Ministry of Health, our donor partners, and va...rious stakeholders, WHO supported capacities for Health Systems strengthening and delivery of impactful interventions, particularly towards improving maternal and child health outcomes, as well as the overall well-being of the population.
The protracted humanitarian situation in northeastern Nigeria, particularly in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY) States, remains a concern due to ongoing insecurity, displacement, food insecurity, disease outbreaks, and climate-related shocks. To address these complex challenges, the health sector has ...developed a comprehensive humanitarian response strategy aligned with the three States Development plans, Durable Solutions for the Population Displacement Plan, and the Humanitarian Need Response Plan for 2025. This strategy aims to reduce morbidity and mortality among crisisaffected populations by ensuring timely, equitable, and effective delivery of lifesaving health services, while strengthen the resilience of health system and enhancing local and national capacities for sustainable health response in protracted emergency.
Supported by an in-depth analysis of the ongoing health humanitarian response using the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) methodology, the strategy is guided by three key objectives:
1. Provide access to lifesaving interventions and sustain an effective response to the prolonged health emergency.
2. Prevent, mitigate, and prepare for health risks from all hazards and respond to all health emergencies.
3. Advance the primary health care approach and essential health system capacities for universal health coverage.
To achieve these objectives, the strategy employs the “Five C” framework which refers to:
• Collaborative Surveillance: Enhancing collaborative efforts for effective monitoring.
• Community Protection: Implementing community-based protection measures.
• Safe and Scalable Care: Ensuring care that is both secure and scalable.
• Access to Countermeasures: Facilitating access to necessary countermeasures.
• Emergency Coordination: Coordinating emergency responses efficiently.
These proactive approaches are designed to be more anticipatory and preemptive rather than reactive, aiming to meet the needs of the crisis-affected population by providing lifesaving interventions, enhancing preventive and anticipatory actions, and ensuring the resilience of the health system. All actions are guided by International Humanitarian Standards and the Humanitarian Principles.
The implementation of the health humanitarian response strategy will involve collaboration with local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international organizations. The strategy emphasizes localization and resource mobilization, efficient logistics and supply chain management, mainstreaming protection, and the deployment and training of healthcare workers. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation will ensure the effectiveness of the response. Cross-sector collaboration with sectors such as WASH, Nutrition, Education, and Protection will be crucial to enhance the quality and reach of health interventions. Additionally, sustainability and transition approaches will ensure long-term health outcomes and benefits, bridging the gap from humanitarian to development efforts.
By adopting this comprehensive approach, the humanitarian response in northeastern Nigeria, particularly in BAY States, can be effectively guided, ultimately reducing the suffering of affected populations.
Bas Uele, Equateur, Haut Uele, Ituri, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai Oriental, Kinshasa, Kongo Central, Kwango, Kwilu, Lomami, Lualaba,
Maindombe, Maniema, Mongala, Nord-Ubangi, Nord-Kivu, Sankuru, Sud-Kivu, Sud-Ubangi, Tshopo et Tshuapa
The humanitarian crisis in Northeast Nigeria, driven by conflict, climate-related shocks, and food insecurity, has created immense challenges for the health sector in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY) States. About 1.8 million people remain displaced(1), with inadequate access to healthcare services an...d persistent disease outbreaks, malnutrition, and mental health challenges. This strategy outlines a comprehensive localization approach to strengthen the health sector's capacity by empowering local and national actors (L/NAs) include state and local government structures to lead humanitarian responses at respective levels with minimal oversight functions.
The localization strategy aligns with the global commitments of the Grand Bargain 2.0, prioritizing equitable partnerships, capacity sharing, and resource mobilization to enhance sustainable, community-owned health systems(2). Key components include increasing the visibility and meaningful participation of L/NAs in health sector coordination, promoting direct funding to local actors, and addressing systemic barriers such as governance, leadership, capacity, and resource gaps.
The global humanitarian community made a commitment, as reflected in the Grand Bargain 2.0, to localization (3) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian aid. A key priority of this commitment is to empower local actors to take a leading role in delivering assistance, ultimately leading to better outcomes for affected communities. A localized health response, strengthened by partnerships, can achieve several key outcomes, including rapid response and access, community acceptance, cost-effectiveness, links to long-term development, and increased accountability to the community. Localization in health matters because it ensures sustainable and community-owned health responses.
In 2018 the Astana Declaration reaffirmed a global commitment to PHC as a cornerstone of sustainable health systems for accelerated progress on universal health coverage (UHC) (1). The vision for PHC in the 21st century is for a wholeof-government and whole-of-society approach to health that combine...s: 1) multisectoral policy and action; 2) empowered people and communities; and 3) primary care and essential public health functions as the core of integrated health service. Signatories, including Nigeria, were urged to implement the vision and commitments of the Declaration according to their national contexts. This case study examines Nigeria’s response to COVID-19 from a PHC perspective between March 2020 and mid-2021.
mise à jour de la situation
Climate change is one of the biggest crises of our time. Climate threats range from higher temperatures, heavy rainfalls and floods, erratic precipitation, droughts, desertification, and land degradation. This has negative implications on the quality and quantity of natural resources, such as land a...nd water, agricultural productivity, rural livelihood options, food prices, and nutrition security, particularly when there is a lack of adaptation capacities and preparedness measures (Pacillo, 2024). Farmers are at the forefront of the climate crisis where their livelihoods are being jeopardized, and they are faced with many challenges to secure water, energy, and agriculture inputs, and maintain agriculture productivity. This heightens the risk of competition over natural resources and aggravates grievances and structural inequalities related to land rights and ownership as well as land access, management, and governance. In Africa, land-related issues are among the triggers of many violent disputes (Medina et al, 2024). For instance, communal violence in Nigeria and Sudan is tied to competition over scarce fertile land and poor resource governance (Bruce and Bourdeaux, 2013).
En 2023, la nouvelle stratégie de Coopération de l’OMS avec le Niger 2023-2027 a été lancée, assortie d’un plan d’investissement. En outre, l’OMS a soutenu plusieurs initiatives majeures du pays, comme le lancement effectif de la Stratégie nationale de la Couverture Sanitaire Universel...le (CSU) 2023-2030, la mise à jour de la Stratégie nationale de financement de la santé, la mise en œuvre de la stratégie Triage, Évaluation et Traitement des Urgences pédiatriques (TETU) dans plusieurs régions. De nombreuses actions ont aussi été menées dans d’autres domaines, comme la riposte apportée à l’épidémie de diphtérie, le soutien continu à la vaccination de routine, l’appui au maintien de la chaine du froid pour les vaccins (menacée par l’interruption de la fourniture d’énergie), etc.
Depuis fin 2016, des crises humanitaires consécutives liées aux conflits intercommunautaires et attaques des groupes armés secouent la province du Tanganyika en République Démocratique du Congo. Ce contexte a entraîné des déplacements importants de populations, dont certaines ont trouvé ref...uge dans des sites de déplacement.
La prévalence de la covid -19 chez la femme enceinte et les accouchées semble être faible. Elles étaient asymptomatiques et le pronostic maternel était satisfaisant. Néanmoins, le risque de for.pdf
L'anthrax est une maladie bactérienne, causée par Bacillus anthracis, qui peut se transmettre des animaux
herbivores à l'homme par contact étroit, en mangeant de la viande d'animaux infectés, ou par contamination
environnementale. L'anthrax peut être une maladie grave nécessitant un diagnos...tic et un traitement précoces
pour éviter une issue fatale, un handicap ou une charge financière pour les patients et leurs familles. e. La
maladie affecte également le bien-être de l'homme lorsque le bétail constitue son moyen de subsistance et
un élément important de la pratique agricole. La prévention est un mayen efficace de lutte contre la maladie.
Ces observations fournissent des données sur la survenue des cas d’anthrax dans les communes de Alafia
et Douekiré dans la région de Tombouctou ; les caractéristiques des populations et la description de la zone
en appliquant une approche One Health et la vaccination du cheptel. L’objectif était de Vacciner au moins
80% du cheptel identifié des communes de Alafia dans le cercle de Tombouctou, et de Douekiré dans le
cercle Goundam contre le charbon bactéridien afin de prévenir une épizootie de pathologie infectieuse
A country’s ability to manage a crisis depends on its level of resilience. Efforts are made to clarify the concept of health system resilience, but its operationalisation remains little studied. In the present research, we described the capacity of the local healthcare system in the Islamic Republ...ic of Mauritania, in West Africa, to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rebuilding Liberia’s health system is crucial for improving the country’s overall health outcomes. This annual report highlights key achievements, challenges,and lessons learned in implementing programmes of technical cooperation with the Government of Liberia from January to December 2022. T...he key achievements are summarized under the thematic areas of Universal Health Coverage, Health Emergencies and Corporate and Enabling Support.
Le rapport décrit la situation épidémiologique au Congo entre le 22 et le 23 juillet 2023, mettant en évidence les épidémies de choléra, de shigellose et de salmonellose. Il mentionne 19 cas confirmés de choléra, 3 de shigellose et 3 de salmonellose, ainsi que 63 cas d'intoxication alimenta...ire. Au total, 36 décès ont été signalés, avec une majorité des cas concentrés à Dolisie. Les autorités sanitaires ont mis en place des mesures de riposte, notamment la distribution de matériel médical, la sensibilisation communautaire et la surveillance épidémiologique. Des défis persistent, notamment l’identification de la source de contamination et le renforcement des capacités médicales.
L'objectif de ce projet pilote est de mitiger l’ampleur et l’impact de flambées de choléra à grande échelle en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Avec 13 000 cas suspects et 236 décès notifiés depuis le début de l’année 2022, le choléra demeure un problème de santé publique ...en RDC. La mise en œuvre d’un plan d'action anticipatoire, qui consiste en des interventions ciblées dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'assainissement, de l’hygiène et de la santé, sera accompagnée d'un programme d'apprentissage complet visant à comprendre l'efficacité, adaptabilité et la dimension éthique du projet pilote.
The Mapping Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use Partnership (MAAP) project has conducted a multi-year, multi-country study that provides stark insights on the under-reported depth of the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis across Africa and lays out urgent policy recommendations to addr...ess the emergency.
MAAP reviewed 819,584 AMR records from 2016-2019, from 205 laboratories across Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Eswatini, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. MAAP also reviewed data from 327 hospital and community pharmacies and 16 national-level AMC datasets.