Overview of Community-Based Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
Country statistics and global health estimates by WHO and UN partners | For more information visit the Global Health Observatory (http://www.who.int/gho/en/)
Country Profile for MDSR Implementation
The Policy Guidelines and Service Standards for National Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme document outlines the steps on how to offer and deliver services. Improving quality of care is critical to improving clients' health status as well as increasing access to, and utilization of Sexual and... Reproductive Health services. Service Standards and Guidelines are intended to be used by programme managers, implementers, trainers, surpervisors, and service providers as a tool for delivering quality care measures.
Eurosurveillance is a European peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the epidemiology, surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases, with a focus on such topics that are of relevance to Europe
This report presents the main characteristics of Ebola emergency preparedness in three EU Member States. Findings are organised in five sections: preparedness planning, organisational structures, recourses and capacities, intersectoral and cross-border collaboration, and country-specific findings
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
EpiSouth Network, established among countries of South-East Europe, North Africa and Middle-East to create a framework of collaboration on epidemiological issues for enhancing communicable diseases surveillance and control of public health risks through communication, training, information exchange ...and technical support to countries in the Mediterranean region.
Le Burkina Faso est un pays sahélien sans littoral d’une superficie de 274 000 km2 et une
population estimée à 17,4 millions d’habitants en 2013 avec une croissance démographique de
3,1%. C’est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde avec un Produit intérieur brut par tête de
684 US...$ (Banque Mondiale, 2013), un indice de développement humain (IDH) de 0,388 et une
incidence de la pauvreté de 46,7% (INSD, 2009). Environ 80% de la population vit directement
ou indirectement de l’agriculture de subsistance au gré des aléas climatiques.
erhältlich in den Sprachen Deutsch, Türkisch, Russisch, Englisch und Arabisch
Vieles, was in unserem Alltag selbstverständlich ist, ist für ankommende Flüchtlinge und Asylbewerber fremd und auf den ersten Blick sehr verwirrend. Anhand von kurzen, einfachen Sätzen und Bildern wird ihnen die "neue Heimat" mithilfe dieses Kartenfächers nicht nur vorgestellt, sondern auch de...r "deutsche" Lebensalltag verständlicher gemacht. Zu beziehen bei bestellung@tavir-ravensburg.de für € 4.- zzgl. Versand
Tools for communication with foreigners for emergency medical services in 20 languages. Available End 2015 at info@setzer-verlag.de. Price approx. € 20.-