Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca398 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003103 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00268593 0.00268593 0 0 0.00268593 0.00268593 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DATA ON POPULATION AND DEVELOP... more Output 12: Data on Population ... more Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 4:... more Data on Population and Develop... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca399 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003147 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00779314 0.00779314 0 0 0.00779314 0.00779314 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 SRH SERVICES Output 01: SRH Services Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 1:... more Increased availability and use... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39a 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003172 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00469899 0.00469899 0 0 0.00469899 0.00469899 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 100 GBV AND HARMFUL PRACTICES Output 10: GBV and harmful pra... more Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 3:... more GBV and harmful practices 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 20000 Non-Governmental Organisations... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39b 2014 United States HHS 2014026272 35_22 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.4701 0.49072 0 0 0.4701 0.49072 0 0.4701 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39c 2014 United States STATE 2014020095 35_79 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 1.03091 0.48779 0 0 1.03091 0.48779 0 1.03091 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39d 2014 United States HHS 2014026318 35_80 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 11.353 15.3008 0 0 11.353 15.3008 0 11.353 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39e 2014 United States DOD 2014018635 35_81 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.86945 0.46157 0 0 0.86945 0.46157 0 0.86945 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca39f 2014 Asian Development Fund AsDF 2014002819 LN1973-VIE 3 Viet Nam Far East Asia LMICs ODA Loans 4 10 410 C01 0 0 1.39345 0 0 0 1.39345 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 AGRIGULTURE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT... more Agrigulture Sector Development... more The objective of the agro-indu... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a0 2014 Asian Development Fund AsDF 2014002844 LN2135-PAK 3 Pakistan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Loans 4 10 410 C01 0 0 0.0757895 0 0 0 0.0757895 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 RESTRUCTURING OF THE TECHNICAL... more Restructuring Of The Technical... more The goal of the Project is to ... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a1 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002859 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00074753 0.00074753 0 0 0.00074753 0.00074753 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 SRH SERVICES Output 01: SRH Services Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Increased availability and use... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a2 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002902 2130/A0/07/302/032 8 Iraq Middle East UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.02884 0.02884 0 0 0.02884 0.02884 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 MTR-EY-IR1-EDUCATIO SECTOR MOD... more MTR-EY-IR1-EDUCATIO SECTOR MOD... more MTR-EY-IR1-EDUCATIO SECTOR MOD... more 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a3 2015 Sweden 2014002907 2012-3311_1 3 Kenya South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0 0.0251109 0 0 0 0.0251109 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 ACQUIRED IMMUNITY TO MALARIA: ... more ACQUIRED IMMUNITY TO MALARIA: ... more Malaria caused by Plasmodium f... more 12262 Malaria control I.2.b. Basic Health 51000 University, college or other t... more Karolinska Institutet
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a4 2014 UNDP UNDP 2014003038 91827 1 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.178966 0.178966 0 0 0.178966 0.178966 0 0 0 0 Communicable diseases Ebola 100 RÉPONSE NATIONALE À L'ÉPID... more Réponse nationale à l'épid... more APPUI A LA REPONSE NATIONALE A... more no information found 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 41114 United Nations Development Pro... more 99999 - United Nations Develop... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a5 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003071 3210/A0/04/708/001 8 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.16452 0.16452 0 0 0.16452 0.16452 0 0 1 1 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 100 2..1 - IMPROVED RI COVERAGE 2..1 - IMPROVED RI COVERAGE 2..1 - IMPROVED RI COVERAGE 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 0
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a6 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003124 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.011431 0.011431 0 0 0.011431 0.011431 Projects of reproductive healt... more Family planning 100 FAMILY PLANNING Output 02: Family Planning Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 1:... more Increased availability and use... more 13030 Family planning I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government 0
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a7 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003148 3300/A0/05/101/013 8 Pakistan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.033815 0.033815 0 0 0.033815 0.033815 0 0 1 2 Child health Nutrition 100 1.13 NUTRITION POLICIES/BUDGET... more 1.13 NUTRITION POLICIES/BUDGET... more 1.13 NUTRITION POLICIES/BUDGET... more 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a8 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003173 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0391583 0.0391583 0 0 0.0391583 0.0391583 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 100 GBV AND HARMFUL PRACTICES Output 10: GBV and harmful pra... more Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 3:... more GBV and harmful practices 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 20000 Non-Governmental Organisations... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3a9 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014006711 2910/A0/04/201/002 8 Morocco North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.005 0.005 0 0 0.005 0.005 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 QUALITY EDUCATION QUALITY EDUCATION QUALITY EDUCATION 11220 Primary education I.1.b. Basic Education
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3aa 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014006750 3810/A0/04/803/002 8 Senegal South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.085618 0.085618 0 0 0.085618 0.085618 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 3.2 RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES SER... more 3.2 RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES SER... more 3.2 RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES SER... more 72050 Relief co-ordination; protecti... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3ab 2014 Portugal GP 2014010756 10756 8 Guinea-Bissau South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0853483 0.0853483 0 0 0.0853483 0.0853483 0 0.0853483 0 0 Communicable diseases Ebola 100 FIGHT AGAINST THE OUTBREAK OF ... more Fight against the outbreak of ... more Assessment and diagnosis of ne... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3ac 2014 United States AID 2014029504 76_46147 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.18356 0.17609 0 0 0.18356 0.17609 0 0.18356 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Reduce the transmission and im... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3ad 2014 United States AID 2014031626 76_47698 1 Cameroon South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 3.2 0.12408 0 0 3.2 0.12408 0 3.2 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 CONTINUUM OF PREVENTION, CARE ... more Continuum of Prevention, Care ... more Continuum of Prevention, Care ... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs Cooperative for Assistance and... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3ae 2014 United States HHS 2014026289 35_22 1 Caribbean & Central America, r... more North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.61369 0.72977 0 0 0.61369 0.72977 0 0.61369 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3af 2014 United States HHS 2014026310 35_65 1 Caribbean & Central America, r... more North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 4.47443 3.27089 0 0 4.47443 3.27089 0 4.47443 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b0 2014 United States STATE 2014020107 35_79 1 Caribbean & Central America, r... more North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.08712 0.08712 0 0 0.08712 0.08712 0 0.08712 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b1 2014 United States DOD 2014018649 35_81 1 Caribbean & Central America, r... more North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.43696 0.68948 0 0 0.43696 0.68948 0 0.43696 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b2 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014000427 4980/A0/04/810/008 8 Zambia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.023628 0.023628 0 0 0.023628 0.023628 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 408 GOVT & PARTNERS PROVIDE... more IR 408 GOVT & PARTNERS PROVIDE... more IR 408 GOVT & PARTNERS PROVIDE... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b3 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002876 3210/A0/04/202/007 8 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.046173 0.046173 0 0 0.046173 0.046173 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 4.3 - ACCESS - PRE-SCHOOL CHIL... more 4.3 - ACCESS - PRE-SCHOOL CHIL... more 4.3 - ACCESS - PRE-SCHOOL CHIL... more 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b4 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002944 1 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0124688 0.0124688 0 0 0.0124688 0.0124688 Projects of reproductive healt... more Family planning 100 FAMILY PLANNING Output 02: Family Planning Myanmar - Yangon - Outcome 1: ... more Increased availability and use... more 13030 Family planning I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 20000 Non-Governmental Organisations... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b5 2014 Germany BMZ 2014002988 201424993 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.172482 0 0 0 0.172482 0 0 0.14385 0.0286321 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 PROVIDING FOR HEALTH (P4H) - ... more Providing for Health (P4H) - ... more The P4H-Network contributed su... more 12110 Health policy & administrative... more I.2.a. Health, General 10000 Public Sector (donor, recipien... more GIZ 0
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b6 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014006801 1830/A0/07/402/001 8 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.135935 0.135935 0 0 0.135935 0.135935 0 10 1 11 Sector-wide health programmes Health system strengthening (a... more 100 OUTPUT 1: RENFORCEMENT DES CAP... more OUTPUT 1: RENFORCEMENT DES CAP... more OUTPUT 1: RENFORCEMENT DES CAP... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b7 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014008326 4140/A0/04/108/008 8 Syrian Arab Republic Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.140515 0.140515 0 0 0.140515 0.140515 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR:1.8: ACCESS TO WATER, SANIT... more IR:1.8: ACCESS TO WATER, SANIT... more IR:1.8: ACCESS TO WATER, SANIT... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b8 2014 United States AID 2014008860 76_39994 1 Caribbean & Central America, r... more North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.92 0 0 0 0.92 0 0 0.92 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM... more Supply Chain Management System... more Supply Chain Management System... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs Partnership for Supply Chain M... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3b9 2014 United States HHS 2014026298 35_22 1 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 1.259 1.41211 0 0 1.259 1.41211 0 1.259 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3ba 2014 United States STATE 2014020113 35_79 1 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.31417 0.31417 0 0 0.31417 0.31417 0 0.31417 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3bb 2014 United States HHS 2014026344 35_80 1 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 7.27329 9.70262 0 0 7.27329 9.70262 0 7.27329 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3bc 2014 United States DOD 2014018658 35_81 1 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.36374 1.51898 0 0 0.36374 1.51898 0 0.36374 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3bd 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014000606 0610/A0/08/124/002 8 Burundi South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.105872 0.105872 0 0 0.105872 0.105872 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 WASH INTERVENTIONS IN COMMUNIT... more WASH INTERVENTIONS IN COMMUNIT... more WASH INTERVENTIONS IN COMMUNIT... more 14021 Water supply - large systems I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3be 2014 Asian Development Fund AsDF 2014002841 LN2109-PAK 3 Pakistan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Loans 4 10 410 C01 0 0 0.0217417 0 0 0 0.0217417 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 SUPPORTING PUBLIC RESOURCE MAN... more Supporting Public Resource Man... more The TA Project will provide su... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3bf 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002884 420R/A0/08/003/010 8 Asia, regional Asia Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.033 0.033 0 0 0.033 0.033 0 0 1 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CHILD PROTECTION CHILD PROTECTION CHILD PROTECTION 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c0 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002897 3210/A0/05/006/003 8 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.084319 0.084319 0 0 0.084319 0.084319 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 27 DISCONT. EARLY CHOOD CARE &... more 27 DISCONT. EARLY CHOOD CARE &... more 27 DISCONT. EARLY CHOOD CARE &... more 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c1 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002901 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0372629 0.0372629 0 0 0.0372629 0.0372629 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 ANALYSIS ON POPULATION DYNAMIC... more Output 13: Analysis on populat... more Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Analysis on population dynami... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c2 2017 Switzerland State Secretariat for Economic... more 2014002979 UR-00636.10.01 3 Tunisia North of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 3.96567 0 0 0 3.96567 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 WATER SANITATION IN 10 MEDIUM-... more Water sanitation in 10 medium-... more This program includes the cons... more 14022 Sanitation - large systems I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation 46000 Regional Development Banks KfW banking group
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c3 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003065 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00060456 0.00060456 0 0 0.00060456 0.00060456 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DATA ON POPULATION AND DEVELOP... more Output 12: Data on Population ... more Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 4:... more Data on Population and Develop... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c4 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003100 2670/A0/05/202/107 8 Madagascar South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00112 0.00112 0 0 0.00112 0.00112 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 102 - ACCESS IR 102 - ACCESS IR 102 - ACCESS 11120 Education facilities and train... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c5 2014 United Kingdom BIS 2014003169 G1100783/2 1 Kenya South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.243248 0.243248 0 0 0.243248 0.243248 0 0.243248 0 0 Communicable diseases Communicable diseases Research... more 100 EPIDEMIOLOGY, ECOLOGY AND SOCI... more Epidemiology, Ecology and Soci... more Epidemiology, Ecology and Soci... more 12250 Infectious disease control I.2.b. Basic Health 51000 University, college or other t... more Developing country-based NGO
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c6 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003190 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00952921 0.00952921 0 0 0.00952921 0.00952921 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 SRH IN EMERGENCIES Output 05: SRH in Emergencies Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 1:... more SRH in Emergencies 13020 Reproductive health care I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c7 2014 United States AID 2014006825 76_36270 3 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.00194 0 0 0 0.00194 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c8 2014 United States AID 2014030718 76_47153 1 Caribbean, regional North & Central America Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.39048 0.39414 0 0 0.39048 0.39414 0 0.39048 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 STRENGTHENING HEALTH OUTCOMES ... more Strengthening Health Outcomes ... more The Strengthening Health Outco... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb0212eaade2e0ca3c9 2014 United States HHS 2014026273 35_22 1 Central Asia, regional South & Central Asia Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.31402 1.79116 0 0 0.31402 1.79116 0 0.31402 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government