Ecoanalítica Año 13. Número 08. Semana I Marzo 2018
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2016 (ENCOVI 2016)
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015 (ENCOVI)
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2014 (ENCOVI 2014)
El presente documento compila cronológicamente la normatividad legal-administrativa de salud, del diario oficial El Peruano y normas internas de la institución, de acuerdo al tema de COVID-19, correspondiente al segundo semestre 2020.
We as a large world community are facing an extraordinary challenge: keeping healthy against the threat of rapidly spreading novel Covid-19 virus. Starting with flu-like symptoms, the virus attacks the airways leading to severe breathing difficulties in the m ost vulnerable, that is, those whose im ...m unity is decreased because of various reasons: age over 65, living with chronic illness, taking im m unity reducing medicines. Rapid spread of the virus along with severity of its sym ptom s led health specialists to recommend social distancing, confinement and thorough hand washing to our governm ents who took actions to implement these guidelines.
Os responsáveis pelos serviços de água e saneamento têm um papel relevante na
prevenção e controle do vírus causador da doença COVID-19, e é importante que o
abastecimento de água, saneamento ...e higiene sejam gerenciados com segurança,
garantindo o cumprimento das regulamentações nacionais.
A nota informativa é dirigida à órgãos gestores e reguladores, e prestadores de serviços de água e saneamento básico. Fornece informações sobre as primeiras ações básicas a serem tomadas em caso de emergência para garantir a segurança dos serviços de água e saneamento, priorizando a ...atenção às populações vulneráveis nos países.
All health workers involved in implementation of COVID-19 vaccination need to have adequate knowledge and skills in order to ensure safe and efficient COVID-19 vaccine administration. The COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers package is developed for frontline health workers in countries.... The package, developed in collaboration with UNICEF, consists of 6 modules, which include video lectures, quizzes, job aids, interactive exercises and downloadable presentations with the available information.
Protocol for care and self-care for essential workers in the operational and administrative field - COVID - 19
The Big Idea of the Week delves deeper into a specific COVID-related topic. Each week, Big Idea tackles a specific area of COVID-19 and provides important information, guidelines, and messages for the public.