Interim guidance v2, 19 March 2020
This document provides WHO checklists for risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) readiness and initial response for novel coronaviruses (nCoV) recently identified in Wuhan, China (2019-nCoV). The objective of this document is to provide actionable guid...ance for countries to implement effective RCCE strategies which will help protect the public’s health in the early response to nCoV. This document includes recommended RCCE goals and actions for countries preparing for nCoV cases and for countries that have confirmed -nCoV cases.
Available in English, French and Chinese
Science . 2020 Sep 11;369(6509):1309-1312. doi: 10.1126/science.abe2803. Epub 2020 Sep 3.
The Fair Priority Model offers a practical way to fulfill pledges to distribute vaccines fairly and equitably
Compte tenu des lacunes en matière d'infrastructures et de ressources, il convient d'envisager de recourir à la technologie pour la gestion à distance des soins de santé dispensés aux patients pendant cette période. Comme on peut le constater, même les pays disposant d'infrastructures et de r...essources de soins de santé plus avancées ont eu du mal à traiter les patients atteints de COVID-19 ou non pendant cette pandémie.
Guidelines on the management of chronic pain in children, developing and implementing national and local policies for pain management and protocols in children, implementing national and local regulations for pain management in children, pain management and protocols
Временные рекомендации23апреля 2020г.
Orientações provisórias23 de Abrilde2020
Interim Framework for the South-East Asia Region 28 October 2020
Collection of Tools, Techniques, Resources and Stragtegies for Journalists covering the Coronavirus Outbreak. Includes Tools for Fact-Checking, misinformation and hoaxes.
Directrizes para os países
En esta ficha se abordan las principales recomendaciones de seguridad frente a la manipulación de agentes desinfectantes, que al ser productos químicos tienen un riesgo y deben manejarse con la debida precaución. Adicionalmente, facilita un resumen con los elementos de aseo que no debemos mezclar... y los riesgos que generan.
Könnte ich mich mit dem neuartigen Corona-Virus infiziert haben?
Rev Méd Hondur, Vol 88, Núm 2, 202
Consensual Recommendation for treatment of COVID-19 in older adults