Les coronavirus forment une vaste famille de virus qui peuvent être pathogènes chez l’homme et chez l’animal. On sait que, chez l’être humain, plusieurs coronavirus peuvent entraîner des infections respiratoires dont les manifestations vont du simple rhume à des maladies plus graves comme... le syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS) et le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS).
The Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020 - Russian
Цель доклада состоит в том, чтобы документально установить в какой степени государства выполняют следующие виды деяте...ьности:
• принятие национальных планов действий, стратегий и нормативных актов, соответствующих примерам передового опыта, приведенным в комплексе INSPIRE;
Geographical Paper No. 177
Accessed on: 18.06.2020
COVID-19 has taken away our daily work, home and school routines. This is hard for children, teenagers and for you. Making new routines can help.
Updated 8 June 2020
COVID‑19 strategic preparedness and response
This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high-risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing.
Arabic Version of COVID-19 Guidance on use of personal protective equipment for different clinical settings and activities
Available in English, French and Arabic
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
This summary assesses the current state of evidence on each approach in tabular form, providing: the definition and objectives; evidence of effectiveness; operational considerations (e.g., training, staffing, and logistics); cost considerations and evidence on cost-effectiveness; operational success...es and challenges; and areas for future research and learning. This document is not intended to endorse any particular approach. Rather, it aims to objectively present the state of the existing evidence on each approach, so as to inform decision-making among practitioners looking to further test, refine and implement such approaches.