This Guidance Note aims to provide an overview of entry points and means for monitoring the attendance and re-enrolment of students in the context of COVID-19 related school closures and re-openings. It is intended for UNICEF education staff, and education policy makers, planners and practitioners.
A call for national and regional containment, recovery and prevention
This Fiji contextualized manual was initially drafted for CANDO partners as a result of the work done by the humanitarian arms of the various Christian denominations. However as the work progressed it became evidently clear that the training was needed for all responders, and not only Christian resp...onders, and as such, the Christian component has been added as an Annex to this manual, whilst the entire manual is relevant and can be used to train all first responders in Fiji.
Версия 1.1
Дата: 25 января 2020 г.
According to the latest available estimates, more than 1 in 7 adolescents aged 10–19 is estimated to live with a diagnosed mental disorder globally. Almost 46,000 adolescents die from suicide each year, among the top five causes of death for their age group. Meanwhile, wide gaps persist between me...ntal health needs and mental health funding. The report finds that about 2 per cent of government health budgets are allocated to mental health spending globally.
The full report , excecutive summary, brief reports are available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic at
The strategy recommends that AU Member States should enhance, where feasible, existing COVID-19 surveillance to include:
Community-based surveillance to detect symptomatic cases early for treatment and to avert viral transmission;
Sentinel surveillance in high-risk populations to detect ...and track both presymptomatic and asymptomatic cases; and
Wastewater surveillance to monitor early environmental signs of virus transmission and identify communities where targeted interventions can be implemented to decrease transmission.
Migrants are less familiar in their new environment in which they temporarily live. They are prone to various social, psychological and emotional trauma in such situations, emanating from fear of neglect by the local community and concerns about wellbeing and safety of their families waiting in thei...r native places. Migrants are forced to leave their native places in search of better opportunities and earnings, sometime leaving behind their families. In many instances, the families in native places depend partially or entirely on the money sent by the migrant earning members of the family.
Информационный бюллетень Июнь 2020 г. Уязвимые группы населения в контексте ответных мер в отношении COVID-19
Vulnerable populations during COVID-19 response - Peo...ple experiencing homelessness (July 2020)
Scientific Brief, 30 June 2020
Методические рекомендации предназначены для главных врачей,
заместителей главных врачей, заведующих отделениями хирургического
профиля, врачей хирургических с...пециальностей и организаторов
здравоохранения. ( Emergency surgical care in the setting of COVID-19)
This manual aims to provide an overview of this subject to health care professionals, paramedics and other voluntary services involved in health care promotion
Временное руководство
19 марта 2020 г.
В отсутствие надлежащего планирования и эффективного управления массовые мероприятия в силу значительного числа людей могу...т привести к серьезным последствиям для общественного здравоохранения. Множество документальных источников подтверждает, что массовые мероприятия могут способствовать распространению инфекционных заболеваний. Распространение респираторных инфекций, включая грипп, нередко связывают с массовыми мероприятиями1. Передача инфекции может иметь место в течение мероприятия, во время проезда к мероприятию и возвращения с него, а также в местах проживания участников после их возвращения домой.