This learning report attempts to understand the drivers for, and barriers to, effective implementation as well as review the experiences of Start Fund members in responding to these outbreaks to support evidence-based decision-making within the Start Network at project, crisis, and system level. Spe...cifically, it analyses the effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of Start Fund disease outbreak responses by reviewing and analysing funding, decision-making and response activities before ultimately exploring implications and recommendations.
Children's Health and the Environment WHO Training Package for the Health Sector World Health Organization
UNICEF Annual Report 2017 - Burkina Faso
- Healthcare policy for children
- Food insecurity
- Community health strategy
- National child protection system
To Initiating a Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project in Urban Slums with Social Mapping, Census Taking, and Community Engagement
Regional Operational Plan 2016 FY17 Strategic Direction Summary
2 May 2016
For humanitarian organisations to respond effectively to complex crises, they require access to up-to-date evidence-based guidance. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of updating global guidance to context-specific and evolving needs in humanitarian settings. Our study aimed to under...stand the use of evidence-based guidance in humanitarian responses during COVID-19. Primary data collected during the rapidly evolving pandemic sheds new light on evidence-use processes in humanitarian response.
The case is intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a Medical Peace Work situation. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
Au cours des dix années à venir, la Fédération internationale œu
vrera, collectivement, à la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques
1. Sauver des vies, protéger les moyens d’existence et renforcer
le relèvement après les catastrophes et les crises
2. Promouvoir des modes vie sains et sûrs
3. Promouvoir l’intégration sociale et une culture de non-violenceet de paix.