As a parent of a child who will learn two or more languages, you may have questions. This guide will give you information based on research to help you. Language is the best tool to help a child do well later in school and in life.
Available in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, S...panish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu. For other language versions go to: and scroll down to Child Development.
Briefing note prepared by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, August 2014
Clincial Excellence for Nursing Care, Vol. 2 (1998) no.6 pp.-343-351. Open Access with the permission of the publisher and the author.
Ebola continues to attract worldwide attention as a highly lethal virus of unknown origin that leaves victims bleeding to death and has no known vaccine or cure. Th...e purpose of this historical research was to review and analyze the primary and secondary sources available on Ebola for use by primary care nurses in the event of future outbreaks.
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Nul n'est à Ll'abrid'un traumatisme psychique. Trauma-Broschüre Wenn das Vergessen nicht gelingt. French Version.
Diese Broschüre richtet sich an Frauen, Männer und Kinder, die Traumatisches erlebt haben, und ihre Angehörigen. Die Broschüre informiert anhand konkreter Beispiele über, Folgen und Bewältigung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung.
Mise en oeuvre de l’alerte précoce et réponse notamment la surveillance fondée sur les évènements
Received: 16/11/2013 - Accepted: 23/03/2014 - Published: 27/07/2014
Les femmes aborigènes ouvrent la voie
Mars 2014