A Decade of Change for Newborn Survival: Bangladesh
The community based programme aims to address the psychosocial needs of children and youth through helping to rebuild peaceful child- and youth-friendly communities through the use of cultural, creative, recreational, sportive and social activities. Within War Child, the community-based approach is ...relatively new and Sierra Leone was the first self-implementing War Child Programme Area (WPA) applying this approach.
For Medical Centers, Pharmacies, and Clinicians
Ready-made materials you can use to inform your healthcare teams and other staff
Where Women Have No Doctor > Chapter 24: Cancer and Growths > Problems of the Breasts
Avec la Covid-19, nous ne plus vivons plus comme avant, nous sommes séparés de ceux que nous aimons. Pour beaucoup d’entre nous, c’est difficile. Ne plus avoir d'argent qui rentre, être confinés à plusieurs dans un logement trop petit, ressentir plus intensément certaines émotions – agr...essivité, peur, inquiétude face à l’avenir, gérer une dépression ou d'autres troubles mentaux chroniques, tout cela rend les choses encore plus pénibles. Étant donné que nous aurons à vivre longtemps dans ces conditions, il est très important de trouver des moyens de les surmonter au mieux.
The article from the African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine provides updated guidelines on endoscopic lung volume reduction (ELVR) for treating advanced emphysema, a severe form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is prevalent in South Africa and other low- and mid...dle-income countries. The guidelines focus on identifying suitable patients based on specific criteria, such as age, lung function, and the presence of hyperinflation, while ruling out contraindications like pulmonary hypertension and recent smoking.
ELVR aims to reduce lung volume in the most damaged areas, improving breathing mechanics and quality of life. Various devices, including endobronchial valves, intrabronchial valves, and coils, are reviewed with evidence from clinical trials supporting their use. The guidelines emphasize careful patient selection and recommend only performing ELVR in specialized centers due to its high cost and risk of complications, such as pneumothorax.
Ending the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030 is within reach, but not yet fully in our grasp.
With only 11 years left, we have no time to waste. We must step up the fight now.
Wir haben die Chance, die Welt von diesen drei Krankheiten zu befreien – Krankheiten, die zum Tod
von Millionen von Menschen und zur Auflösung von Gemeinschaften auf allen Kontinenten geführt haben.
Wir haben die Chance, einen wichtigen Schritt nach vorn zu gehen – einen Schritt in Richtung ...der globalen Ziele
für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG) und hier insbesondere Ziel 3: Gesundheit und Wohlergehen für alle.
Pledges at Global Fund Sixth Replenishment Conference. 9-10 October 2019 | Lyon, France
Gesamtleistungen und Auszahlungen für Gesundheit im Kontext
Stellungnahme zur Anhörung im Unterausschuss Globale Gesundheit
Debate about the effectiveness of foreign aid has intensified in recent years, as budgetary pressures on aid have increased in donor countries. Whatever the merits of opposing arguments, the question is: do conventional measures of aid (such as OECD's Net ODA), which lump together grants and loans, ...accurately reflect true aid flows? The authors analyze the methodological shortcomings of conventional measures of aid and propose a new approach.