La enfermedad de Chagas, también llamada tripanosomiasis americana, sigue siendo endémica en 21 países de América Latina. Sin embargo, como consecuencia de las migraciones, la urbanización, la intensificación del turismo, la modificación de las estrategias agrícolas y el cambio climático, l...a enfermedad ha traspasado el marco rural y el ámbito latinoamericano que le dieron identidad durante decenios, y ha logrado instalarse en la periferia de las ciudades del área endémica y en países de América del Norte, Europa, Asia y Oceanía y transformarse en un problema de salud pública global.
Esta guía está enfocada en emitir recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas, como infección por Trypanosoma cruzi, agente protozoario de una parasitosis sistémica. Metodología: La presente guía de práctica clínica fue confeccionada siguiendo los método...s de elaboración de guías de la OMS (5). De forma general, se conformó un grupo desarrollador multidisciplinario compuesto por expertos temáticos, epidemiólogos, metodólogos y usuarios. Dado que no se identificaron guías susceptibles de ser adaptadas, la guía se desarrolló de novo.
Updated guideline, June 2019
This document provides up-to-date guidance on laboratory studies as well as smallscale (semi-field) and large-scale field trials to assess the efficacy and determine field application rates of new molluscicide products for control of schistosomiasis.
Nini watoto wanapaswa kujua kuhusu kichocho?
Schweizerische Fachgesellschaft für Tropen‐ und Reisemedizin FMH
The effective vaccine management (EVM) workshop, jointly organized by WHO and UNICEF, was attended by participants from 13 countries, who reviewed the various EVM benchmarks, identified the gaps in policies, guidelines, SOPs and job aids, and developed respective country action plans to fill these g...aps. This meeting report outlines the proceedings and outcomes of the workshop conducted in Bangkok, Thailand, in December 2024
The South African WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) 2023–2027 focuses on four key strategic priorities based on the country’s health needs and disease epidemiology, while also considering the need for building resilient health systems for UHC and health security in the post pandemic period....
These include:
1. augment health systems strengthening reforms to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage.
2. address the quadruple burden of diseases and promote well-being across the life course in view of achieving global targets.
3. build health systems resilience and strengthen health emergency preparedness and response capacities.
4. enhance multisectoral collaboration and global partnerships for concerted action on health and its determinants.
In order to harness its expertise across its three levels, namely: the WHO Country Office (WCO), WHO Regional Office for Africa, and WHO headquarters, WHO will work closely and collaboratively with the Government of South Africa to implement the 2023–2027 strategic priorities.
The WHO Guide on Oral Cholera Vaccines in Mass Immunization Campaigns provides guidance on the planning and implementation of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) campaigns. It covers key aspects such as when and where to use OCVs, vaccine specifications, and recommendations for use in endemic areas, outbreak... settings, and complex emergencies. The document outlines steps for macro- and micro-planning, logistics, budgeting, human resource allocation, and risk communication. It also highlights challenges, including cold chain management, vaccine supply, and community engagement, ensuring that vaccination campaigns are efficient and effective in reducing cholera outbreaks.
The Interim Guidance on Cholera Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) by the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) provides recommendations for using RDTs to detect cholera in areas with limited laboratory capacity. It highlights the advantages of RDTs, such as rapid detection (within 30 minutes), of use by non-laboratory personnel, and their role in early outbreak identification and surveillance. However, it emphasizes that RDTs should not replace culture or PCR testing, as they vary in sensitivity (58-100%) and specificity (60-100%). The document advises on proper test selection, storage, training, and integration into national surveillance systems to enhance cholera response efforts.
The COTS Cholera Outbreak Training and Shigellosis Program Pocket Card provides essential guidelines for health promotion workers to prevent and manage cholera and shigellosis outbreaks. It emphasizes proper sanitation, hygiene practices, safe water handling, and food safety as the primary methods f...or disease control. Key recommendations include handwashing, disinfecting water with chlorine, using latrines, and ensuring safe food preparation. The document also outlines hospital policies, waste disposal procedures, and safety measures for healthcare workers dealing with diarrheal diseases. Additionally, it provides dehydration assessment guidelines, treatment protocols using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and IV fluids, and appropriate antibiotic treatments for both cholera and shigellosis. The goal is to equip healthcare workers with quick-reference tools to effectively contain outbreaks and prevent further transmission.
The objectives of the research presented in this report were to identify case studies of community-led HIV-related health and social inclusion service delivery organizations in eastern and southern Africa; describe the typologies of the services provided; and identify evidence of their service deliv...ery and contribution beyond HIV, including advancing universal health coverage.
Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(11): e3229 (20 November 2014)
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 18(7): e0012282.
This review highlights common diagnostic
approaches for detecting schistosomiasis in field and clinical settings, major challenges,
and provides new and novel opportunities and diagnosis pathways that will be critical in sup-
porting elimination of schistosomi...asis.
BMC Infectious Diseases (2024) 24:1102
Communities living along the shoreline and on the islands of Lake Victoria in northwestern Tanzania
remain endemic for schistosomiasis and suffer from the life-threatening morbidities associated with the disease.
Hoja informativa para trabajadores de salud
En los últimos decenios se han logrado avances significativos en el control de la esquistosomiasis así como de las geohelmintiasis, y la OMS ha trazado una hoja de ruta para guiar la aplicación de las políticas y las estrategias planteadas en Accelerating work to overcome the global impact of ne...glected tropical diseases
Information for policy-makers and planners on conducting deworming as part of an integrated
school health program
Standard Treatment Guideline