Le Plan Stratégique Multisectoriel d’Élimination du Choléra en République Démocratique du Congo (2013-2017) vise à réduire l’incidence du choléra à moins d’un cas pour 100 000 habitants. Ce plan repose sur une approche multisectorielle, combinant santé, eau, hygiène et assainissemen...t pour enrayer la transmission du choléra.
Il identifie trois types de zones : zones sources (A), zones épidémiques (B) et zones de diffusion (C), chacune nécessitant des interventions adaptées. Les stratégies incluent l’amélioration des infrastructures d’eau potable et d’assainissement, la surveillance épidémiologique, la prévention, la prise en charge médicale et la coordination des actions.
Malgré des progrès dans certaines régions, la mise en œuvre du plan a rencontré des défis, notamment en raison du manque de financements et de la persistance de foyers endémiques dans l'Est du pays. Une coordination nationale et internationale est essentielle pour mobiliser les ressources et atteindre l'objectif d'élimination du choléra en RDC.
Urogenital schistosomiasis is a common neglected tropical disease in many rural communities in African countries, with patches of infection in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Globally, an estimated 239 million people are currently infected, with burden estimated at more than 3.5 million disability...-adjusted life years (DALYs). In many endemic areas, severely infected individuals may suffer fibrosis of the bladder, kidney damage, bladder cancer, and death if untreated. This, however, depends on several factors such as host-parasite genetics, degree and length of exposure, intensity of infection, host immune response to the parasites, and coinfections with other tropical diseases such as malaria and HIV-1.
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3026 (Published 11 August 2020)
The BMJ "practice pointer" inlcudes a one-page visual summary of assessment and initial management of patients with persistant symptoms following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection
March 2020
This document provides a high-level mapping of outbreak stages with guidance on how to time the minimum uptake of different interventions that have been recommended by Africa CDC, driven by evidence and science.
The Call to Action on Protection from GBV in Emergencies, formally launched in 2013 by the United Kingdom and Sweden, aims to fundamentally transform the way GBV is addressed in humanitarian operations via the collective action of numerous partners, each bringing our various strengths and capacities... to the table. Our goal is to drive change and foster accountability within the humanitarian sphere. The commitment to act and to hold ourselves accountable for action is what binds us together under the Call to Action.
Compiled by Tin Geber for HIVOS. London, March 2018
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 29.
The annual Development Co-operation Report brings new evidence, analysis and ideas on
sustainable development to members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the international community more broadly. The objectives are to promote best practices and innovation in development co-ope...ration and to inform and shape policy reform and behaviour change to realise better lives and the Sustainable Development Goals for all