Q 4: Is behavioural activation better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in adults with depressive episode/disorder?brief, structured psychological treatment in non-specialist health care settings better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in people with de...pressive episode/disorder?
Q13: What is the effectiveness of behaviour change techniques including life skills education in promoting mental health for children and adolescents?
The United Nations (UN) adopted a new international legal instrument in November 2000, the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. This contained a new definition of traf...ficking in persons and more particularly defined what was to be understood by child trafficking. The issue of human trafficking in general, and trafficking in children in particular, was highly relevant during the subsequent decade and anti-trafficking projects and initiatives attracted a great deal of funding. However, by the end of the decade, when funding declined, it was still not clear how much had been achieved.
Mood disorders
Chapter E.2
Ce document d'orientation est basé sur une recherche sur les activités des médias sociaux liées à l'utilisation des antibiotiques au niveau de l'UE, ainsi que sur une enquête sur les activités des médias sociaux des organisations partenaires de l'EAAD, principalement des organisations de pat...ients et de professionnels de la santé de l'UE. La recherche a montré qu'il existe déjà une certaine activité des médias sociaux sur l'utilisation prudente des antibiotiques et que quelques influenceurs potentiels apparaissent. De même, l'enquête menée auprès des partenaires de l'EAAD à l'échelle de l'UE a montré que les personnes interrogées deviennent actives sur les plateformes de médias sociaux.
Disability Fact Sheet #13 (FS13)
This overview of the current situation summarizes the links between nutrition and disability and identifies potential areas where the global partnership may influence the global agenda
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (NSID) 168,094 persons out of Burkina Faso’s 14,017,262 inhabitants are living with a physical, sensory or mental disability. The numbers are questioned as the effort to collect in-depth statistics has not been great. Furthermore, mu...ch of the statistics is only collected in more densely populated provinces and towns and not in smaller rural communities. Handicap International (HI) estimates that the number is as high as 7 per cent.
Since 2001, local NGO Dakupa,1 with the support of WaterAid, began to implement a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) project in several urban municipalities in the Central East region of Burkina Faso. In line with the principles of equity and inclusion, the objective of this project was to improve... access to WASH services for people with
disabilities (PWD) through the construction of accessible water points and latrines. To date, about ten wheelchair accessible standpipes have been constructed in places such as the town of Tenkodogo, the subject of this study.
Q1: Are brief psychosocial interventions for people using cannabis or psychostimulants effective in reducing drug use, dependence and harm from drug use?
Lessons learned in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia & Mozambique 2009 - 2011
Du 26 au 28 mars 2012 a lieu au centre Muraz de Bobo Dioulasso, la formation d’une vingtaine de chercheurs en élaboration de notes de politique. Cette formation a été faite par trois facilitateurs, Adjima GBANGOU et Salimata KI/OUEDRAOGO de la direction de la recherche pour la santé du minist...ère de la santé et membres de l’équipe EVIPNet du Burkina Faso et Isabelle HUGUETWACHSMUTH du secrétariat EVIPNet de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé à Genève.
Over the reporting period, THP-Burkina Faso (THP-Burkina) maintained a continuous focus on ensuring the selfreliance of the health program in each of its epicenters. Building upon its exclusive use of government-run health clinics at its epicenters, THP-Burkina developed a firstever partnership agre...ement with the national Ministry of Health. This allowed greater partnership with medical professionals at the epicenter level, as was practiced at Boulkon Epicenter in June 2012 (see photo). THPBurkina continued advancing four of its 10 Phase III epicenter rural banks toward government recognition.
Le présent guide qui comprend une liste consensuelle de quarante-cinq (45) maladies,
affections et évènements prioritaires est structuré en une partie introductive comportant des définitions et généralités et de neuf (09) sections.
Les 9 sections sont :
i) identifier les cas de maladies,... affections prioritaires et évènements
de santé publique
ii) notifier les maladies, affections prioritaires et évènements de santé publique
iii) analyser les données
iv) investiguer les flambées épidémiques notifiées et autres évènements de santé publique
v) se préparer à riposter aux épidémies et autres évènements de santé publique
vi) répondre aux épidémies et autres évènements de santé publique
vii) communiquer l‟information
viii) suivre, évaluer et améliorer la surveillance et la riposte
ix) récapitulatif des directives relatives aux maladies, affections prioritaires
spécifiques et évènements de santé publique