Vaccinator's Manual. Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty Vaccine
Vaccinator's Manual. CONVIDECIA Vaccine
Vaccinator's Manual. MODERNA Vaccine
Planetary Health needs frequent monitoring of global environmental changes and global land cover and land use - Power Point presentation
You can find the full text on the website (Source link)
This policy brief explores the challenges faced in disaster risk governance in relation to the climate emergency.
The Global Breast Cancer Initiative, established by WHO in 2021, will provide guidance to governments on health systems strengthening for breast cancer. This illustrated summary outlines its goals, rationale and framework.
English Analysis on World about Climate Change and Environment, Food and Nutrition and more; published on 07 Oct 2021 by IEP
Adaptable guidance, tools, trainings, and advocacy materials are being developed to support countries in preparing for COVID-19 vaccination. Please visit this page regularly for updates.
As of January 20, 2021 the Covid-19 - living NMA initiative collected 150 RCTs and 36 non-randomised studies of vaccines from the ICTRP. 93 of these trials are recruiting patients.
15 January 2021
This Aide Memoire is for policy makers, immunization programme managers, infection prevention and control (IPC) focal points at national, sub-national, and facility level, as well as for health workers involved in COVID-19 vaccination delivery. This document summarizes the key IPC p...rinciples to consider and the precautions to take for safely delivering COVID-19 vaccines. The principles and recommendations provided in this document derive from World Health Organization (WHO) IPC and immunization standards and other guidance in the context of COVID-19. WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available. All technical guidance for COVID-19 is available online.
International Migration 2020 Highlights presents key facts and messages regarding international migration globally and by region during 2000-2020, based on the 2020 revision of the international migrant stock data set, which provides updated estimates of numbers of persons living outside their count...ry of birth, classified by age, sex and origin, for 232 countries and areas. This Highlights also reviews policies and programmes to promote planned and well-managed migration and provides an overview of SDG indicator 10.7.2 on the number of countries with migration policies to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, used for measuring progress toward the achievement of SDG target 10.7.
You can download this paper and the full report in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian ans Spanish
Here are resources to help accredited continuing education (CE) providers develop and deliver education about the COVID-19 vaccines. If you have any questions about accreditation requirements or any aspect of accredited education related to these vaccines