ESCAP Project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacfic Region
The adoption and the entry into force of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol challenge such attitudes and mark a profound shift in existing approaches towards disability.
Paper commissioned for the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010, Reaching the marginalized
This Manual is primarily intended for community level volunteers trained in Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and CBDRM Practitioners and Professionals.
The year of publication is not specified in the document.
A guide to help you create an Action Plan specific for your health-care facility
Participant Manual September 2009
В статье представлены данные катамнестического исследованияпсихической травмы, связанной с участием в боевых действиях, ипсихических нарушениях, обусловленных ...ю. В статье рассматрива-ются такие аспекты формирования ПТСР, как динамика среды (обще-ства), психическая травма и вызванные ею психические расстрой-ства, динамика травмированной личности.
A Training Course for Service Providers
Building communication and counseling skills