Die Liste wird kontinuierlich aktualisiert und beinhaltet die entsprechenden Tests zur professionellen Anwendung, die sich nach aktueller Kenntnis des BfArM in Deutschland in Verkehr befinden und laut den Herstellerangaben die jeweils aktuellen durch das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) in Abstimmung mit... der Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) festgelegten Mindestkriterien für Antigen-Tests erfüllen.
In October 2020, the African Union officially launched the Trusted Travel platform as part of the overall Trusted Travel Initiative during a joint ministerial meeting of the ministers of health, transport, and information and communication of African Union Member States.
La sífilis es una infección curable de carácter sistémico causada por una bacteria llamada
Treponema pallidum. Se transmite por vía sexual y también durante el embarazo, de la persona gestante al feto, a través de la placenta (sífilis congénita) y en menor medida en el canal de parto. Dado... que la sífilis causa úlceras genitales, aumenta la probabilidad
de infección y transmisión del VIH.
Adapté de OMS VHF/SARI_Case_Record_Form 2016
Massoda Tonye et al. Malar J (2018) 17:156
Background: In 2011, the demographic and health survey (DHS) in Cameroon was combined with the multiple indicator
cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overl...ap with the high
malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted during the same year, within the
malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite
risk and of the effects of interventions obtained from the DHS and MIS survey data.
European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care 2017 Estonian Version
European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care 2017 Update (Romanian Version)
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation - Your partner in the fight against TB
Accessed November 2017
Orientierungshilfe für Ärztinnen und Ärzte
This is a basic form for reporting individual cases of plague. It asks for information regarding patient history and the course of the illness. In addition, it offers space for laboratory results, the case status, and epidemiological information.
Summary Findings and Recommendations
El presente documento contiene los requisitos mínimos necesarios para el trabajo seguro en la red de laboratorios de TB del país, de acuerdo a las directrices emanadas del Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de TB, correspondiente a la Sección Micobacterias en el Instituto de Salud Pública.
La ...estructura de la red de laboratorios se muestra en la siguiente tabla, con distintas denominaciones de acuerdo al criterio empleado para categorizarlos.
This report describes the geographical and temporal distribution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) using molecular typing data reported by European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) Member States for 2015 and the preceding years.