Revision for Field Review
This online learning course is for primary care of children witt TB. It covers clinical presentation, diagnosis, management and prevention of tb in children and HIV/TB co-infection
Le succès de la mise en œuvre du PNAPF 2017-2020 dépendra de l’engagement de chaque entité à tous les niveaux à travers des arrangements institutionnels clairs. Il s’agit d’un document dynamique qui requerra une forte coordination des différentes parties prenantes multisectorielles. La ...mise en œuvre sera conduite par le Ministère de la Santé à travers la Direction de la Santé de la Famille (DSF). Les autres secteurs tels que les ministères connexes contribueront à favoriser l’environnement juridique et politique de la PF pour garantir l’accès de tous, notamment des jeunes aux services de PF. Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) et les PTF apporteront leur contribution à la mise en œuvre du plan, au renforcement des
capacités des acteurs en PF, au plaidoyer et à la mobilisation des ressources pour la pérennité du programme.
Standard Treatment Guidelines
This video reviews 5 key signs of severe infection in newborns, and provides 2015 WHO treatment guidelines when referral is possible and when it is not.
This video shows examples of babies with many of the signs of critical illness and includes the first care of the sick baby before referral.
This video shows how to prepare and draw up ampicillin and gentamicin for injection for a young baby.
This video shows how to evaluate and treat the baby with fast breathing as the only sign of illness
This video shows how to prepare amoxicillin correctly and some helpful tips for giving it to the young baby
L’Assemblée Nationale a délibéré et adopté en sa séance du 23 janvier 2015 la loi dont la teneur suit: PREMIERE PARTIE DES DISPOSITIONS GENERALES
The WHO e-Pocketbook provides up-to-date, evidence-based clinical guidelines for children requiring hospital care. It is the electronic version of the widely used Pocket book of Hospital Care for Children (Blue Pocketbook). Designed for doctors, nurses and other health workers responsible for the of children, these guidelines focus on the management of major causes of childhood mortality in developing countries. Please download your free application for your iPhone. The Android platform will be available soon.
Available in different languages
Somali version of Focused Antenatal Care for Skilled Healthworkers
Filimada Medical Aid ayaa soo saaray filimkan ku saabsan Xoog saarista Daryeelka Ka hor amase loo yaqaano FANC to sharaxaad looga bixiyo sida barashada wanaagsan inta lagu jiro daryeelka dhalmadu ka hor waxay ka hortagi kartaa dhi...mashada hooyada uurka leh iyo dhawrka maalmood hore ee nolosha cunnuga.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Midwifery Association (SLNMA).