Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
Guidelines for Treatment and Management of Heart Failure in Indonesia
Basic Data of Indonesian Community Health Centers as December 2015
A guide for hospital trusts' hotel services, procurement teams and caterers to provide more sustainable food.
The Kenya Essential Medicines List 2019 is an indispensable guide to the medicines recommended for the management of common conditions in Kenya. It is primarily directed at health care providers and medicines supply managers in the public and non-public health sectors. It should be used together wit...h the current versions of updated national clinical guidelines for those conditions for which such guidelines exist
Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on Health Insurance
Over the reporting period, economic actors continued to carry out their activities with little regard for their impacts on the livelihoods of the communities living in the surrounding areas. In Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District, cold dust from a Tatmadaw-run cement factory contaminated nearby waterways... during the rainy season. As a result, civilians from at least 15 villages faced water shortages. In Mu Traw (Hpapun) and Kler Lwee Htoo districts, gold mining activities damaged forests and polluted water and soils in several village tracts. In both cases, the economic actors involved failed to secure the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of the local population, and did not compensate the affected communities for the damage caused.
Government regulation No. 22/2008 about funding and management of disaster aid in Indonesia
First Revised Edition
March 2000
National AIDS and STI Control Program
Impact Evalution Report 61