The objective of the BREATHE study was to estimate the regional prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms within the general population in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region and to document risk factors, disease characteristics and management using a standardised me...thodology.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems December 2011, 5:3
Community mental health programs in low-income countries face a number of challenges. Using a case study methodology developed for this purpose, it is possible to compare programs and begin to assess the effectiveness of diverse delivery models
The emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) gap analysis project was funded by The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), a program managed by Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA) in partnership with the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Per...formance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), and is a component of a larger initiative to identify and support innovations in emergency WASH. This paper gives an explanation of the background, methodology, and findings of the program.
MAGIC authoring and publication platform (MAGICapp) - for guidelines and evidence summaries - is developed through our research and innovation program.
The platform allows authors to write and publish their guidelines and evidence summaries in a highly structured fashion, using the GRADE methodol...ogy, new technology and a host of recent developed frameworks. MAGICapp is a web based collaborative tool that does not require any software installation and allows publication on all devices.
Explore domestic and ODA health financing data for all developing countries and relevant country groups. Navigate directly to information by clicking on a nation’s name in the country list. Methodology and data sources explained on the two final pages
2nd edition - Published in 2003, the first WHO/HAI medicine prices manual Medicine Prices – A
New Approach to Measurement Draft for field-testing provides a draft methodology and tools to conduct national medicine prices and availability surveys. This second edition of the survey manual has been... updated to reflect the wealth of practical
experience in conducting medicine prices and availability surveys garnered in the project’s first two phases.
- Part A is an introductory part which will give you background information about CBDRR in Myanmar. It has a small section about the importance of CBDRR in Myanmar, the stakeholders of CBDRR in Myanmar, as well as an overview about the challenges that are faced when implementing CBDRR... in Myanmar.
- Part B contains the instructions on how to conduct the 9-step process agreed upon and described in detail in the step-by-step methodology document. These nine (9) steps are considered the minimum required activities to be followed by all MRCS community based initiatives regardless of their budget or time frame.
- Part C includes all the implementation steps of CBDRR programs namely step 6 (Action Plan Development), and step 7 (Implementation of Action Plan).
- Part D includes all the steps that finalize a CBDRR program namely step 4 and step 8 (Baseline and Endline Study) as well as step 9 (Handover & Exit Strategy).
Health facilities in the Region of the Americas frequently suffer the effects of health emergencies and disasters, which jeopardize their ability to provide services to the population. The STAR-H methodology helps staff responsible for health emergency and disaster risk management to identify and as...sess risks as part of strategic planning to improve facility preparedness. It is intended to help them develop, with a multi-hazard approach, a response framework with operating procedures to deal with hazards of any type, scale, or frequency; determine roles and responsibilities; facilitate the effective use of resources; undertake strategic planning exercises, and improve the preparedness of facilities to effectively respond to and recover from impacts. This methodology is designed for use in health facilities of any size and capacity, and makes it possible to generate historical reports and national or subnational risk profiles. This information can be used to develop an effective health emergency and disaster risk management program.
Equity and inclusion are important principles in policy development and implementation. The aim of this study is to explore the extent to which equity and inclusion were considered in the development of Malawi’s National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan.
We applied an analytical methodology to review the Malawi’s National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan using the EquIPP (Equity and Inclusion in Policy Processes) tool. The EquIPP tool assesses 17 Key Actions to explore the extent of equity and inclusion.
The development of the Malawi National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan was informed by a desire to promote the rights, opportunities and wellbeing of persons with disability in Malawi. The majority (58%) of the Key Actions received a rating of three, indicating evidence of clear, but incomplete or only partial engagement of persons with disabilities in the policy process. Three (18%) of the Key Actions received a rating of four indicating that all reasonable steps to engage in the policy development process were observed. Four (23%) of the Key Actions received a score five indicating a reference to Key Action in the core documents in the policy development process.
The development of disability policies and associated implementation strategies requires equitable and inclusive processes that consider input from all stakeholders especially those whose wellbeing depend on such policies. It is pivotal for government and organisations in the process of policy or strategy development and implementation, to involve stakeholders in a virtuous process of co-production – co-implementation – co-evaluation, which may strengthen both the sense of inclusion and the effectiveness of the policy life-cycle.
In order to help Member States understand what commercial foods for infants and young children are currently on the market, and to support implementation of the Guidance on ending inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children at the European level, the WHO Regional Office for Europ...e developed a methodology for identifying commercial baby foods available in retail settings and collecting data on their nutritional content, as well as various aspects of their packaging, labelling and promotion.
Urbanisation has been associated with temporal and geographical differences in asthma prevalence in low-income and middle-income countries (lMics). however, little is known of the mechanisms by which urbanisation and asthma are associated, perhaps explained by the methodological approaches used to a...ssess the urbanisation-asthma relationship.
This briefing note, which focuses on the measurement of violence against women with disability, is one in a series of methodological cbriefing notes for strengthening the measurement and data collection of violence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women. briefing notes are meant for researchers, national statistics offices and others involved in data collection on violence against women. They have been developed as
part of the UN Women–World Health Organization Joint Programme on strengthening methodologies and measurement of and building national capacities for violence against women data (Joint Programme on Violence against Women Data). These briefing notes seek to contribute to strengthening the quality and availability of data on violence against women and hence enhance global, regional and national level monitoring of progress towards its elimination, including for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 5.2 on the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls
This briefing note, which focuses on the measurement of violence against women 60 years and older, is one in a series of methodological briefing notes for strengthening the measurement and data collection of violence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women . ...These briefing notes are meant for researchers, national statistics offices and others involved in data collection on violence against women.
L’enquête Smart rapide de 2022 s’est tenue dans la commune de Ouahigouya dans la Province du Yatenga, région du Nord. La commune est confrontée à des attaques de groupes armés et accueille des milliers de personnes déplacées interne fuyant l’insécurité.
La méthodologie SMART rapide ...a été utilisée pour cette enquête dont la collecte s’est déroulée du 13 au 15 juin 2022. Au total, cinq (05) équipes de deux enquêteurs ont été employées pour cette collecte. Vingt-trois (23) grappes sur vingt-cinq (25) grappes prévues ont été couvertes. Deux grappes n’ont pu être enquêtées pour des raisons sécuritaires. Au total, 230 ménages et 217 enfants ont été enquêtés au cours de cette enquête.
Les données ont été collectées sur des SMARTPHONES à travers un formulaire conçu à cet effet sur la plateforme Kobotoolbox. Le serveur de bureau d’Action contre la faim de Ouahigouya a servi de plateforme d’hébergement des données. Les données collectées ont ensuite été extraite puis traiter grâce au tableau Excel avant d’être analysé avec le Logiciel ENA pour SMART (version de janvier 2020).
Les résultats sont synthétisés dans le tableau I.
Après un rappel des données générales sur la malnutrition infantile, nous décrirons l'évolution de la mortalité et de la morbidité de ce fléau. Puis, nous exposerons la méthodologie et les résultats de notre étude. L'étude est d'abord rétrospective, analysant les indicateurs de fonctio...nnement du centre sous régime diététique traditionnel, puis prospective avec l'étude de l'efficacité d'un produit de renutrition prêt à l'emploi, le Plumpy Nut. Nous rappellerons les principaux facteurs de risque liés à l'installation d'un déficit nutritionnel. Les résultats obtenus, principalement en termes de gain de poids moyen et d'indicateursde fonctionnement du centre de renutrition seront comparés à ceux de la littérature. Nous développerons les méthodes d'approches thérapeutiques, multidisciplinaires les mieux adaptées à chaque situation pour améliorer la prévention et la guérison de la malnutrition des enfants malnutris.
Chinese Medicine, (2016) 11:37
Medicinal plants are globally valuable sources of herbal products, and they are disappearing at a high speed. This article reviews global trends, developments and prospects for the strategies and methodologies concerning the conservation and sustainable use of me...dicinal plant resources to provide a reliable reference for the conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants. We emphasized that both conservation strategies (e.g. in situ and ex situ conservation and cultivation practices) and resource management (e.g. good agricultural practices and sustainable use solutions) should be adequately taken into account for the sustainable use of medicinal plant resources. We recommend that biotechnical approaches (e.g. tissue culture, micropropagation, synthetic seed technology, and molecular marker-based approaches) should be applied to improve yield and modify the potency of medicinal plants.
Временные методические рекомендации
по оказанию специализированной
медицинской помощи взрослому
населению по профилю "урология" в
условиях новой коронавирусн...ой
инфекции COVID-19. ( Temporary methodological guidelines
on the provision of specialized
medical care for adults
Urology under conditions of the COVID-19)
Effective monitoring, epidemiological assessment and evaluation are necessary to achieve the aim of interrupting LF transmission. This manual is designed to ensure that national elimination programmes have available the best information on methodologies and procedures for monitoring MDA, assessing when infection has been reduced to levels where transmission is likely no longer sustainable, implementing adequate surveillance after MDA has ceased to determine whether recrudescence has occurred, and preparing for verification of the absence of transmission. The manual provides general guidance to national programmes; relevant background information on technical issues is contained in the annexes. As real-life situations may not correspond to predefined categories, consultation with WHO and experts is recommended in complicated situations.
При возобновлении проведения профилактического медицинского осмотра
и диспансеризации должны быть предприняты исчерпывающие меры
для исключения возможности р...аспространения новой коронавирусной инфекции
(COVID-19) при прохождении гражданами профилактических мероприятий.
Temporary methodological guidelines for the organization of preventive medical examinations and checkups in an environment where the risks of spreading a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) persist.
No publication year indicated
In the context of the floods in August 2015 in Myanmar, the Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG) was requested to provide clear recommendations to the DMH (Department of Hydrology and Meteorology)to strengthen preparedness activities, in particular for t...he next Monsoon season. UNDP as the lead of the DRR WG’s Policy Technical Task force carried out a desk review on EW (Early Warning) from all the DRR WG’s members at national and community levels. The document synthesizes the received information related to baseline surveys, lessons learned from the 2015’s floods, studies, project documents and initial recommendations on EW. Those serve as a base to this analysis and its overall recommendations.