Данный флаер предназначен для родителей детей в возрасте от 6 до 12 лет. Он призван привлечь внимание родителей к теме психического здоровья и содержит повседневные... советы о том, как можно укрепить психическое здоровье детей. Мы составили рекомендации на основе научной литературы, учитывающие мнение специалистов и родителей
Ova brošura je namijenjena roditeljima djece od 6 do 12 godina. Svrha ove brošure je da vas kao roditelje senzibilizira za temu mentalnog zdravlja i da vam pruži savjete iz svakodnevnice, kako da ojačate mentalno zdravlje vašeg
djeteta. Preporuke smo izradili na osnovu naučne literature i uz ...doprinose stručnjaka i roditelja.
Dieser Flyer richtet sich an Eltern von 6- bis 12-jährigen Kindern.
Er soll Sie als Eltern für das Thema psychische Gesundheit sensibilisieren und Ihnen alltagsnahe Tipps geben, wie Sie die psychische Gesundheit Ihres Kindes stärken können. Die Empfehlungen haben wir auf der Grundlage von wisse...nschaftlicher Literatur und mit Inputs von Fachpersonen und Eltern erstellt.
Ova brošura je namijenjena roditeljima djece od 6 do 12
godina. Svrha ove brošure je da vas kao roditelje senzibilizira za temu mentalnog zdravlja i da vam pruži savjete iz svakodnevnice, kako da ojačate mentalno zdravlje vašeg djeteta. Preporuke smo izradili na osnovu naučne literature i uz ...doprinose stručnjaka i roditelja
Ovaj vodič treba da pruži opšte/opće informacije o ovim oboljenjima, takozvanim „poremećajima koji se javljaju kao posljedica traume“ i naročito o „posttraumatskom stresnom poremećaju“ (PTSP). Osim toga, on treba da pomogne u traženju mogućnosti liječenja i savjetovanja.
This guide aims to inform about these illnesses - so-called ‘trauma-induced disorders’ - in general and ‘post-traumatic stress disorder’ (PTSD) in particular. It is also designed to offer support in finding treatment and counselling options.
Dieser Wegweiser beantwortet Fragen zur Entstehung und Behandlung der psychischen Erkrankungen nach traumatischen Erlebnisse. Er ist in den Sprachen Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch und Kurdisch (Kurmanci) erhältlich.
Factsheets with global and regional data from the IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition are available for download below.
Diabetes around the world in 2021
Diabetes in Africa in 2021
Diabetes in Europe in 2021
Diabetes in Middle-East and North Africa in 2021
Diabetes in North America and Caribbean in... 2021
Diabetes in South and Central America in 2021
Diabetes in South-East Asia in 2021
Diabetes in Western Pacific in 2021
Similar to other parts of the world, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the Asia-Pacific Region has rapidly increased during the last few decades. The purposes of this pilot study were to determine the feasibility and the effects of a capacity building program for Village Health Vo...lunteers (VHVs) to support self-management in a T2DM high risk population from a rural subdistrict in Northeast Thailand. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected using surveys, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed and used to develop a 12-week capacity building program for VHVs. This program was then implemented on 60 subjects at high risk of T2DM in the selected community. According to the paired t-test and Wilcoxon-signed rank test, VHVs had higher scores on knowledge and self-efficacy of T2DM prevention after a 12 week intervention (p =.03 and p =.02, respectively). Study participants at risk for T2DM also had a significant increase in T2DM knowledge and self-management (p <.001). Implementation of the capacity building program for VHVs in Northeast Thailand was feasible. The key successes were strong community bonding, community empowerment, and support from family and public health nurses. Effects of the program should be examined with those in other Asia-Pacific countries.
Психологічні кризи можуть виникати в будь-кого. Часто вони підкрадаються непомітно, тож хворим і їхнім близьким подеколи зовсім непросто розпізнати їх. На сайті www....psy.ch наведено можливі ознаки, які можуть свідчити про появу таких криз.
Mental wellbeing does not mean being happy all the time and it does not mean you won’t experience negative or painful emotions, such as grief, loss, or failure, which are a part of normal life. However, whatever your age, mindfulness can help
you lead a mentally healthier life and improve your we...llbeing.
It offers tips and suggestions that contribute to mental well-being and maintaining a positive outlook on life. Theyare intended as food for thought – try to incorporate one or more of these suggestions into your daily routine and allow yourself to be surprised!
Informacje dla osób dotkniętych traumą i ich bliskich
W trakcie naszej pracy wielokrotnie otrzymywaliśmy zapytania o krótkie pisemne
informacje na temat tego, jak zachowywać się po traumatycznych doświadczeniach. Osoby dotknięte traumą życzyły sobie możliwości przeczytania rzetelnych... informacji w wolnej chwili, podczas gdy krewni szukali materiałów, które pomogłyby im lepiej zrozumieć osoby dotknięte traumą.
Informace pro silně traumatizované osoby a jejich blízké
Při naší práci jsme byli opakovaně do tazováni, zda bychom mohli poskytnout
stručné písemné informace o tom, jak se chovat po traumatických zážitcích. Trau
matizované osoby si přály v klidu přečíst srozumitelné info...rmace, zatímco jejich blízcí hledali materiály, s jejichž pomocí by jim lépe porozuměli.
Информация для пострадавших и их близких. В нашей работе мы постоянно сталкиваемся с просьбами написать руководство, как вести себя после травматического опыта. П...страдавшим хотелось бы почитать такую информацию, их близкие ищут материалы, которые помогли бы им понять пострадавших.
Травма – що робити
Щоби Ви більше не відчували себе такими безпорадними
Інформація для постраждалих людей та їхніх близьких
Ukrainische Ausgabe der Broschüre:
Trauma – was tun? Damit Sie ...sich nicht mehr so hilflos fühlen müssen. Informationen für akut betroffeneMenschen und deren Angehörige
The Best practice portal is a resource for professionals, policymakers and researchers in the drugs field. We provide information on the available evidence on drug-related prevention, treatment and harm reduction, focusing on the European context. The evidence is compiled following an explicit metho...dological process.
This statistical overview has been prepared on the occasion of the European Institute for
Gender Equality (EIGE) study on FGM in the European Union and Croatia. Little is known
about FGM in the European Union in general, and this statement holds true about FGM
and asylum more specifically. In lig...ht of the recognized need for country- and community-
tailored responses, this study provides some of the statistical evidence needed to
advance the discussion on the necessary policies and tools to address the specific
vulnerabilities of female asylum-seekers with FGM in the asylum system on the one hand,
and of refugee girls and women living with FGM and integrating in EU Member States on
the other hand
Data from 22 countries across the region featured in the study shows children are bearing the heaviest burden of the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. While children make up 25 per cent of the population, they account for nearly 40 per cent of the additional 10.4 million people experienc...ing poverty this year.
The Russian Federation has experienced the most significant increase in the number of children living in poverty, with an additional 2.8 million children now living in households below the poverty line, accounting for nearly three-quarters of the total increase across the region. Ukraine is home to half a million additional children living in poverty, the second largest share. It is important to note that this is a conservative estimate which uses a GDP drop of 10 per cent.