Examining the infrastructure of the Russian and USA healthcare systems with respect to the management of HIV patients
From passive beneficiaries to active agents of change
Planning, Promotion, Contruction & Design. Manual
2020 is a critical year for our Joint Programme as we collectively define the path to getting back on track to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Our revised timelines for adoption of the next strategy are highly ambitious. We need the full support of all the tremendously dedicated people in UNAIDS-w...ithin our staff, our board and all our stakeholders to make this happen.
New England Journal of Medicine
April 9, 2021
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2104840
A list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.
Washington, D.C., ÉUA, du 26 au 30 septembre 2016
Point 4.10 de l’ordre du jour provisoire
CD55/14 8 juillet 2016
Original : anglais
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196239 April 23, 2018
This document is the third iteration of the Flash Appeal for Ukraine, which was originally published on 1 March 2022 and revised once in mid-April. This updated Flash Appeal covers the period of 10 months following the onset of the war in Ukraine that started on 24 February 2022 (i.e., from March to... December 2022). The financial requirement of this Flash Appeal reflects the humanitarian needs from March until the end of 2022, taking into account the funding status and the response achievements to date, as well as the realistic projection of response capacity in the second half of the year.
Scant data exists on the prevalence of violence against children worldwide. However, available information, including the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, shows that violence against children is a global problem. This desktop study aims to glean from published... and grey literature the extent of sexual violence and exploitation against children in Lesotho. The goal of this study is to better understand the government of Lesotho's national response efforts to reduce violence against children.
- Resilient Markets
- Resilient Agriculture
- Resilient People
- Political Leadership for Resilient Growth
Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine 6: 326. doi:10.4172/2161-105X.1000326