Chagas disease is a tropical parasitic infection transmitted by crawling, blood-sucking insects (kissing bugs). You may have flu-like symptoms or none at all. But the disease can lead to life-threatening complications. With prompt treatment, most people with Chagas disease, also known as American tr...ypanosomiasis, recover fully.
A dermatologist can often diagnose scabies by visually examining a patient’s skin from head to toe.
To make sure that a patient has scabies, a dermatologist may remove some skin. This is painless. Your dermatologist will put the skin on a glass slide and look at the slide under a microscope. If y...our dermatologist sees scabies mites or their eggs, it is certain that you have scabies.
Sleeping sickness is a neglected tropical disease affecting rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. The reduction in the number of reported cases in recent years indicates that disease transmission is under control. However, many aspects of patient management still need to be improved. Undiagnosed ...patients or inappropriate treatment due to an incorrect determination of the disease stage could in fact lead to its re-emergence. There is thus a strong need for new diagnostic and staging tools to keep the disease under control and to improve the clinical care of patients. This review describes the most promising biomarkers proposed so far for the diagnosis and stage determination of patients suffering from sleeping sickness, with a particular emphasis on their translation into diagnostic tools for field applications.
For the molecular diagnosis of Chagas disease by real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction), optimization of diagnostic accuracy is desirable. The detection limit of real-time PCR assays for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi in human serum is affected by various influences including the choice of th...e nucleic acid extraction assay. In this study, three nucleic acid extraction assays were compared regarding their influence on the sensitivity of a T. cruzi-specific real-time PCR with 62 reference sera containing T. cruzi target DNA (deoxyribonucleotide acid). More than 95% of the positive sera were correctly identified after all three nucleic acid extraction strategies with a detection rate ranging from 96.8% (60/62) for the worst assay to 100% (62/62) for the best one. A matched pairs analysis for the comparison of the cycle threshold (Ct) values obtained with the 59 reference samples with positive real-time PCR results after all three nucleic acid extraction schemes indicated differences in a range of about 3 Ct steps. Summarized, all three compared nucleic acid extraction schemes were basically suitable for T. cruzi-specific PCR from serum with some minor differences. However, in the case of low quantities of circulating parasite DNA in the serum of a patient with Chagas disease, even minor effects can make a difference in the individual diagnosis.
Багато людей, яким доводиться тікати від жахливої війни в Україні, приїжджають також до Німеччини. В чужій країні неодмінно виникає безліч питань, особливо щодо ас...ектів перебування, медичного забезпечення та соціальної інтеграції. У десяти відео ми даємо відповіді на найважливіші питання для біженців з України і беремо до уваги такі аспекти: життя з ВІЛ та/або туберкульозом, права представників ґендерних меншин, вживання наркотиків і замісна підтримувальна терапія, також робота у сфері інтим-послуг та біженство без українського паспорта.
Viele Menschen, die vor dem furchtbaren Krieg in der Ukraine fliehen müssen, kommen auch nach Deutschland. In einem fremden Land treten unweigerlich viele Fragen auf, gerade hinsichtlich des Aufenthalts, gesundheitlicher Versorgung und gesellschaftlicher Aspekte. Wir geben in zehn Videos Antworten ...auf die wichtigsten Fragen für geflüchtete Menschen aus der Ukraine. Dabei berücksichtigen wir die Aspekte: Leben mit HIV und/oder Tuberkulose, queeres Leben, Drogenkonsum und Substitution sowie Sexarbeit und geflüchtete Menschen ohne ukrainischen Pass.
Многие люди, которым приходится бежать от страшной войны в Украине, приезжают и в Германию. В чужой стране неизбежно возникает множество вопросов, особенно в отнош...нии проживания, медицинского обслуживания и социальных аспектов. В десяти видеороликах мы даем ответы на самые важные вопросы для беженцев из Украины. Мы учитываем следующие аспекты: жизнь с ВИЧ и/или туберкулезом, квир-жизнь, употребление наркотиков и заместительная терапия, а также секс-бизнес и беженцы без украинского паспорта.
La prueba cutánea de la tuberculina le indicará si alguna vez ha tenido los microbios de la tuberculosis (TB) en el cuerpo.
The data on the coronavirus pandemic is updated daily
La presente publicación describe la evidencia científica disponible sobre la utilidad del uso complementario de pruebas moleculares y de detección de anticuerpos para mejorar el diagnóstico de sospechosos de COVID-19. La utilización complementaria de ambas pruebas podría mejorar la identificac...ión correcta de pacientes con COVID-19, incluyendo a los pacientes asintomáticos o con enfermedad leve, contribuyendo a disminuir su propagación.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
100 métodos de ensayo para 100 principios activos farmacéuticos
Para los proyectos Minilab existentes que quieran sustituir los manuales antiguos o las iniciativas que quieran iniciar nuevos proyectos, el nuevo "Minilab Edition 2020" puede obtenerse al precio preferente de 50 euros de nuestro logístico Technologie Transfer Marburg. La dirección de correo electrónico es
Dexametasona en comprimimidos
Dexametasona inyectable
Die neuen Podcast-Folgen werden dienstags gegen 17 Uhr veröffentlicht. Neben Christian Drosten, dem Leiter der Virologie an der Berliner Charité, ist Sandra Ciesek, Direktorin des Instituts für Medizinische Virologie am Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt am Main, ein regelmäßiger Gesprächsgast.
...Seit Ende Februar 2020 beantwortet Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten (Leiter der Virologie an der Berliner Charité) Fragen zur aktuellen Situation, erklärt Zusammenhänge und schildert, wie er diese Monate persönlich erlebt. Anfang September kam Prof. Dr. Sandra Ciesek (Leiterin der Virologie des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt) als Gesprächsgast dazu.
PERC has developed a dashboard on Tableau to visualize multidisciplinary data and guide decision-makers on their country’s current performance of the COVID-19 response.
In October 2020, the African Union officially launched the Trusted Travel platform as part of the overall Trusted Travel Initiative during a joint ministerial meeting of the ministers of health, transport, and information and communication of African Union Member States.
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2020, 00, 1–5
doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmaa072
Brief Repor
The CVIC tool is the WHO-UNICEF tool designed to assist countries in the process of planning and costing COVID-19 vaccination. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the use of the CVIC tool. The course is targeting national programme managers and personnel who have been involved in the costing, b...udgeting or financing processes of COVID-19 vaccine delivery in a country.
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