Report for WHO Meningitis guideline revision
Dr Thomas Waite, April 2014
Field Epidemiology Services, Public Health England; UK
Report for the WHO Meningitis Guideline Revision (May 2014)
La présente analyse du projet HPP a pour objectifs spécifiques de documenter (1) les sources d’approvisionnement existantes des contraceptifs ; (2) l’implication des agents par catégorie dans la proposition de médicaments et de contraceptifs ; (3) les politiques et les directives actuelles d...u gouvernement concernant la distribution des contraceptifs et (4) les suggestions des participants pour améliorer le partage des tâches des services de planification familiale à base communautaire et les produits de PF.
Provisional recommendations May 2014
Skin and mucosal conditions are extremely common in all children and adults in particular in HIV-infected adults and children and are one of the commonest daily management problems faced by health care workers caring for patients with HIV infection
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This inventory has been compiled by WHO/Europe to help facilitate monitoring and reporting of national policies for the prevention of violence and injuries, in close collaboration with national focal persons officially nominated by ministries of health and with support from the European Commission (...EC).
The documents in the inventory reflect policy initiatives undertaken at national level in countries across the Region by different sectors involved in the prevention of violence and injuries, such as health, justice, interior, social affairs, transport.
Information can be viewed and searched on a country basis or in a summary table, listing all countries, by clicking one of the tabs above. This facilitates the sharing of information by Member States and comparisons across the WHO European Region.
This inventory is one of the products of a joint WHO/EC project on preventing injury and promoting safety in Europe.
More information about prevention of violence and injuries can be found in the WHO/Europe website on violence and injury prevention.
Mende Ebola Guidance Package