À la suite des tremblements de terre dévastateurs qui ont frappé la Türkiye et la République arabe syrienne, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a livré 72 tonnes de fournitures pour des soins de traumatologie et de chirurgie d’urgence, y compris des traitements, afin de soutenir les opé...rations en cours dans ces deux pays.
Un premier vol affrété a décollé pour la Türkiye le 9 février avec 37 tonnes de fournitures vitales à son bord et un deuxième vol doit livrer aujourd’hui 35 tonnes de fournitures à la République arabe syrienne.
Les fournitures vitales livrées grâce à ces deux vols serviront, au total, à traiter et à soigner 100 000 personnes et à réaliser 120 000 interventions chirurgicales urgentes dans les deux pays.
Rueda S, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011453. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011453
The social impacts of Covid-19 in Brazil: vulnerable populations and responses to the pandemic
Passados os primeiros meses da pandemia do novo coronavírus no Brasil, o Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz, em parceria com a Editora Fiocruz e com o apoio da Rede SciELO Livros, traz para o público leitor... um conjunto de livros instantâneos sobre as análises nele realizadas desde que foi criado para subsidiar o seu combate. Nesta série Informação para Ação na Covid-19 será apresentado um balanço do conjunto de documentos (notas e relatórios técnicos, boletins, ensaios, informes, recomendações, ensaios, artigos, entre outros) produzidos em resposta à pandemia. Cada volume da série se estrutura em torno de um tema: aspectos globais da pandemia e da diplomacia em saúde; cenários epidemiológicos e vigilância em saúde; as políticas e a gestão dos serviços e sistemas de saúde; orientações para os cuidados e a saúde dos trabalhadores da saúde; impactos sociais e desigualdades sociais na pandemia. Com a publicação destes estudos em livros instantâneos e de acesso aberto colocamos à disposição do público o conjunto de informações e conhecimentos gerados no âmbito do Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz, realizamos um balanço e uma reflexão sobre como chegamos ao cenário atual e apontamos caminhos para um futuro próximo. E, ao mesmo tempo, mantemos o registro histórico desse conhecimento produzido a quente, no calor da hora.
In July 2015, The Lancet published a series on faith-based health care. The Executive Summary states that “this Series argues that building on the extensive experience, strengths, and capacities of faith-based organisations (eg, geographical coverage, influence, and infrastructure) offers a unique... opportunity to improve health outcomes”.
An estimated 84% of the world’s population is religiously affiliated. Faith is a powerful force in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide.
Final Report: Women in War
The rise of the discourse of 'trauma' as a major articulator of suffering within Western culture is a facet of the medicalization of life that has gathered pace in the last century. In recent years, Western mental health professionals have been increasingly involved in services addressing the plight... of war-affected populations - largely non-Western - in war zones or as refugees. Querying the extent to which their experiences can be reduced to a matter of mental health, this article addresses child refugees from war via three questions that go to the heart of the debate about how they are to be understood, the implications for their future maturation as individuals and citizens, and the role of psychological therapies aimed at catharsis of 'traumatic' memory.
Serie: Documentos Técnico Normativiso 495
Lancet 2021; 398: Series: Heat and Health
Hot weather and heat extremes harm human health, with poverty, ageing, and chronic illnesses as aggravating factors. As the global community contends with even hotter weather in a changing climate, there is a pressing need to better understand the most eff...ective prevention and response measures, particularly in low-resource settings. In this two-paper series, the physiological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to individual heat vulnerability, and the megatrends affecting future heat-related morbidity and mortality at the population level, are comprehensively reviewed. Solutions to address the physiological heat strain that underlies the negative health effects of heat extremes and hot weather, which can be employed across a range of settings at individual, building, and landscape scales, are presented.
Série de documentos de informação sintéticos do Escritório Regional da OMS para a África sobre a COVID-19 :10.ª série: a COVID-19 e tuberculose
Serie: Documentos Técnico
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos
Série de bulletins techniques
Tuberculose et co-infection par le VIH | 1 - 3
Accessed November 2017
Serie: Documentos Técnico Normativos
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos
02 - Series on Disability-Inclusive Development
Series on Disability-Inclusive Development | Fachpublikationsreihe Behinderung · Inklusion · Entwicklung
Series on Disability-Inclusive Development. This publication introduces the key concepts for disability-inclusive development and highlights practical examples by CBM, to contribute to the dialogue on disability-inclusive development
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos