Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Impact Reduction for Injecting Narcotics Drug Users
NAPZA : Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya (Narcotics, Psychotropic and Other Addictive Substances)
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 74 Year 2014: Guidelines for Implementation of Hiv Counseling and Test
National Strategic Plan of Ministry of Health 2015-2019
Guidelines for early warning system in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia
Guidelines of Contingency Planning for Disaster Management in Indonesia
Guidance book about implementation of health crisis response for school children in Indonesia in facing earthquake as natural disaster
Are we ready to face the flood?
This book contains general knowledge about the flood, the efforts made before, during, and after the flood and what things can be done by children and adolescents while in evacuation. This book is done specifically for school children in Indonesia
Are we ready to face landslide? A manual book of health crisis response for school children in facing landslide as a potential natural disaster in Indonesia
Be-Friended to the Volcano : a guidance or manual book for school children in Indonesia of health crisis prevention during the natural disaster
Protect Yourself from the Smoke Fog Disaster ; a Book of Health Crisis Response for School Children in Indonesia
Manual book of field hospital management in case of natural disaster in Indonesia
Curriculum of Capacity Building for Technical Officers in Skill-Improvement in Using Communication Radio
Access : 29.4.2017
Access : 29.4.2017
Curriculum of Capacity Building for Technical Officers in Field Operational Hospital Skills in Indonesia
Executive summary of case studies in 10 hospitals and 10 Health Centers in 10 Districts with targets indicators year of 2016 in preparing for disaster preparedness in Indonesia
Mapping "Pro Poor" Policy in Aceh Province 2007-2011