In this document, recommendations are provided on designing and implementing
a cross-sectional serosurvey using school-based sampling to estimate age-specific
DENV seroprevalence to inform a country’s national dengue vaccination program.
The document includes recommendations for methods for ...planning and conducting
serosurveys, including survey design, specimen collection, laboratory testing, data
analysis, and the interpretation and reporting of results.
This policy brief aims to provide a review of the current progress on implementing the Mali national action plan on AMR, identifies critical gaps, and highlights findings to accelerate further progress in the human health sector. The target audience includes all those concerned with implementing act...ions to combat antimicrobial resistance in Mali.
Communicable diseases are a major cause of suffering, disability and death in the world. The World Health
Organization’s Programme on Communicable Diseases provides technical guidance and support to national governments to organize and implement programmes aimed at setting up or strengthening ong...oing control of common diseases, reducing transmission, mortality, morbidity and human suffering, and gradually eliminating these diseases so that they cease to be a public health problem. In some cases, the aim may also be to eradicate selected communicable diseases
The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held a meeting on 3-6 October 2022. This report summarizes the discussions, conclusions and recommendations.
It covers the following items:
Global Reports
Immunization Agenda 2030 and Regional reports
COVID-19 vacci...nes
Polio vaccination
Ebola (Sudan ebolavirus outbreak update)
Practical guide intended for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical auxiliaries. This guide is not a dictionary of pharmacological agents. It is a practical manual intended for health professionals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses and health auxiliaries invoved in curative care and drug managem...ent. We have tried to provide simple, practical solutions to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulated field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized documentation in each field. Also available in French, Spanish and Arabic
Government of Nepal has an obligation to ensure availability of affordable and high quality basic health care services to its population
. MSF Essential Drugs Guidelines دليل عملي موجه للأطباء والصيادلة والممرضين والمساعدين الطبيين
UNICEF Syria’s series of think pieces. Every day counts. An outlook on child protection for the most vulnerable children in Syria.To navigate the complex and continuously changing context and attain sustainable results for children, UNICEF – along with other UN agencies - seeks to make a shift i...n its programming towards early recovery while maintaining the delivery of humanitarian assistance based on needs on the ground. This will help strengthen the linkages between the needs-based emergency response and essential service restoration, socioeconomic resilience, and social cohesion.
In many countries neonatal tetanus is responsible for half of all neonatal deaths due to vaccine-preventable diseases and for almost 14% of al¡ infant deaths. It is estimated that in the 1970s more than 10,000 newborns died annually from neonatal tetanus in the Americas. Neonatal tetanus is prevent...ed by immunization and/or assuring clean delivery and post-delivery practices.
The Sierra Leone National Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines were jointly developed and updated by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This Key Indicators report presents selected findings of the 2019 EMDHS. A comprehensive analysis of the data will be publishedin a final report in 2019.T he primary objective of the 2019 EMDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of key demographic and health indicators.
Core Indicators 2019: Health Trends in the Americas starts with a demographic overview of the Americas to demonstrate how the Region has changed over 25 years. These key demographic indicators provide valuable context to better understand the population’s characteristics and their impact on health.... Brief narratives accompany the graphics to highlight important information.
27 September 2022
These WHO interim recommendations for use of the Novavax NVX-CoV2373 vaccine were developed on the basis of advice issued by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) and the evidence summary included in the background document and annexes referenced below.
Transmission-based precautions (TBP) are used in addition to standard precautions for patients with known
or suspected infection or colonization1 with transmissible and/or epidemiologically significant pathogens.
The type of transmission-based precautions assigned to a patient depends on the trans...mission route of the
microorganism: contact, droplet, or airborne
Wenn geflüchtete Menschen aus Kriegs- oder Krisengebieten, wie der Ukraine, nach Deutschland kommen, sollten ihnen frühzeitig alle Impfungen angeboten werden, die die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) für die in Deutschland lebende Bevölkerung empfiehlt. Ein aktueller Impfschutz ist entscheidend,... um die Gesundheit von Menschen, die ggf. zeitweise auf engem Raum leben müssen, individuell zu schützen und Ausbrüche zu verhindern. Die Impfempfehlungen sind für die jeweilige Altersgruppe zu berücksichtigen. Diese Handreichung beinhaltet Informationen zu relevanten Impfungen für Geflüchtete und ist für impfende Stellen sowie für die Versorgung verantwortliche Stellen gedacht.
Stand 10.3.2022
Geflüchtete und Asylsuchende leiden primär unter den gleichen Infektionskrankheiten wie die ansässige Bevölkerung. Die anstrengende Reise, ein oft fehlender oder unklarer Impfschutz und die enge räumliche Situation in den Transit- und Aufnahmeeinrichtungen können jedoch dazu führen, dass sie ...empfänglicher für einige Infektionskrankheiten sind.
Stand 4/2022
Aktualisierung des Abschnitts „Hinweise zur Durchführung von Schutzimpfungen“ inkl. neuem Teil zu „Impfungen zum Schutz der reproduktiven Gesundheit, bei Kinderwunsch und während Schwanger - schaft und Stillzeit“
Epidemiologisches Bulletin ; 4/2022