Aupres des jeunes, adolescents et la population dans les ZS de Kanzahla et de Tshikapa du 12 au 17/9/2018
Training On The Misp For Sexual And Reproductive Health In Crisis Part 2
The Blueprint is intended to guide programming, resource allocation, and commitments to achieve the national objective of a contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) of 36 percent by 2018.
You can also register into a free online course
Le gouvernement du Sénégal a mis à jour son engagement au Sommet sur la planification familiale à Londres, RoyaumeUni, le 11 juillet 2017.
Le texte qui suit résume l’engagement pris par le Dr Awa Marie Coll-Seck au nom du gouvernement du Sénégal le 11 juillet 2012, lors du Sommet de Londre...s sur la planification familiale.
Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH), a U.S.-
based nonprofit membership organization commissioned a
Family Planning (FP) survey of faith-based facility-based private
not-for-profit (FB-PNFP) health facilities in Uganda in 2013.
Country-wide health facilities of the Uganda Ortho...dox Church
Medical Bureau (UOMB), the Uganda Muslim Medical Bureau
(UMMB), the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB), and the
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) were contacted by
phone and interviewed with established questions related to
family planning, contraceptive security, maternal and newborn
Document on the commitment of the Government of Rwanda at the Family Planning Summit in London, UK on July 11, 2017.