Last accessed on 16.10.21
A propos du comité guinéen d’éthique pour la recherche en santé
L’esprit fondateur de l’éthique de la recherche dans le monde contemporain souligne la dimension morale inhérente à tout acte de recherche au service de l’humanité. En Guinée, l’essor du... concept est associé à la normalisation du cadre de recherche en santé et au développement des interventions de santé publique dans le pays. C’est au cours de l’élaboration de la Stratégie de la Recherche Nationale Essentielle en Santé (RNES) que le code d’éthique y afférent a été formulé. Il a été intégré un peu plus tard au code de santé publique ayant fait l’objet de la loi n°021/AN/97 du 19 juin 1997.
Le Comité National d’Ethique pour la Recherche en Santé (CNERS) a été créé l’année suivante par le Décret N° D/218/PRG/SGG du 29 octobre 1998. Il a été placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Santé Publique qui doit lui fournir les moyens de son fonctionnement. Son siège est établi à Conakry, dans l’enceinte de la Blue zone de Dixinn.
La première équipe du CNERS a été mise en place par le Décret N°D/99/078/PRG/SGG du 02 août 1999 pour une durée de trois (03) ans renouvelables. Lors de sa première session, en Octobre 1999, le CNERS a élu un bureau de quatre (04) membres, et a choisi une femme pour la présidence.
Policy Note #1: Myanmar Health Systems in Transition Policy Notes Series
The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is committed to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. In practice, this means that over the next 15 years the aim is to progressively ensure that all peop...le in all parts of the country have access to the health-care services they need – both preventive and curative – without suffering financial hardship when paying for them.
This policy note is the first in a set of four. It provides an overview of the challenges to be overcome in making progress toward UHC and sets out recommendations for how they can be tackled. The other notes look in more detail at three specific issues: how UHC can improve equity, and how strengthening the township health system and expanding financial risk protection contribute to UHC.
This brief gives an overview of disability rights in the Sub-Saharan region, with focus on Sida partner countries; DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Countries are making progress toward the global goal of 95% of people living with HIV knowing their status by 2025. However, considerable gaps remain in achieving these goals globally. Men in high HIV burden settings and men from key populations in all settings are consistently less likely to know t...heir HIV status than women. Globally, 78% of men ages 15 years and older who are living with HIV are aware of their HIV status, compared with 86% of women with HIV of these ages.
Offering HIV testing services, including HIV self-testing, at formal and informal workplaces has emerged as an effective, acceptable and feasible approach for reaching men. A 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) policy brief provides key guiding principles for HIVST implementation at workplaces. Building on the 2018 policy brief, this brief captures early experience with HIVST implementation at workplaces and discusses emerging approaches of sustainable financing that can be adapted for HIV self-testing at workplaces.
The primary audiences for this policy brief are ministries of health and labour, national HIV programmes, employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations (labour unions), enterprises, implementing partners, including civil society organizations, and health insurance agencies.
Willkommen bei Deutschland für Anfänger!
ألمانيا للمبتدئين
"Deutschland für Anfänger" richtet sich an arabisch sprechende Menschen, die neu nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Über Deutschland gibt es viel zu erfahren und zu wissen. Gesetze, Verhaltensregeln, Gewohnheiten, Traditi...onen, Rechte und Pflichten. Mit unseren Videos möchten wir Neuankömmlingen den Start in Deutschland etwas erleichtern. Geflohene Bürger haben verständlicherweise viele Fragen
HIV testing services
Policy Brief
November 2018
WHO Progress Brief
Progress Brief
July 2017
Information Booklet for Parents
El brote de la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) podría ser estresante para las personas. El temor y la ansiedad acerca de una enfermedad pueden ser abrumadores y causar emociones fuertes en los adultos y los niños. Sobrellevar el estrés hará que usted, las personas que usted quiere y s...u comunidad sean más fuertes. Cada persona reacciona de manera diferente a las situaciones estresantes. La manera en que responda al brote puede depender de sus antecedentes, las cosas que lo distingan a usted de las demás personas y de la comunidad en la que viva.
Sentirse bajo presión es una experiencia que usted y muchos de sus colegas probablemente están viviendo. El estrés y los sentimientos que lo acompañan no son reflejo, de ninguna manera, de que usted no puede hacer el trabajo o es débil. Atender su salud mental y su bienestar psicosocial en esto...s momentos es tan importante como cuidar su salud física. No está en una carrera de velocidad. Es una maratón de mucha resistencia que requiere autocuidado permanente y apoyo en algunas circunstancias.
Fostering resilient development through integrated action plan
The Myanmar Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017 is a comprehensive and unified action plan for disaster risk reduction with prioritized interventions across Myanmar till 2020. With a long term vision and considering deep-root...ed underlying drivers of disaster risk, it has set an overall target for 2030. it aims to provide a base for mobilizing and leveraging, primarily, national and external resources and will provide a basis for result printed outcomes.
The action plan identifies 32 priority actions under four pillars: risk information and awareness; risk governance; risk mitigation; and preparedness and response, rehabilitation and reconstruction. For each priority action, objectives, activities, outputs, duration, lead agencies, and supporting partners have been identified.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin 15/2022 p.21-23
Cambodia drafted and adopted the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2014-2018 in 2014. This plan finalized the required policies and legal processes to strengthen DRM in Cambodia. It also focused on capacity building at national and sub-national levels and provided dedicated resources ...for strengthening the NCDM and the Sub-National Committees for Disaster Management. Cambodia’s legislature then passed the Law on Disaster Management in June 2015. This legal framework for disaster management assigns legally binding roles and responsibilities, establishes institutions, and assists with the allocation of resources and coordination. NCDM is Cambodia’s lead government agency for emergency preparedness and relief. The NCDM provides the overall leadership of the Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) coordination in Cambodia. Cambodia has adopted the Cambodia Red Cross (CRC) as the primary partner for relief operations.
WRI develops practical solutions that improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive.
WRI have deep expertise in policy, research, data analysis, economics, political dynamics and more. WRI work with partners in more than 50 countries and currently have offices in 12 countries: Brazil,, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Evidenced-based multidisciplinary collaborative strategies are required to improve global mental health and avert possible catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic through the effects of economic recessions and social disruptions on already fragile populations with little or no social protectio...n. A concerted global partnership is needed to stabilise the struggling health-care systems of many low-income and middle-income countries
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its fro...ntiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
Urban poor communities including the homeless, residents of informal settlements, residents at risk of being evicted, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), undocumented persons, low-income renters, as well as homeowners are perhaps at greatest risk from both COVID-19 and the response interventions to... it.
These Blended Learning Modules have been produced in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs) as well as a range of medical experts and health science specialists within Ethiopia. They are being used to upgrade the theoretical knowledge of... the country's 33,000 rural Health Extension Workers to that of Health Extension Practitioners and to train new entrants to the service.
The Modules are Open Educational Resources (OERs) and are free for everyone to use. You can download them as they are or adapt them to fit your specific context. The OERs cover the full range of health promotion, disease prevention, basic management and essential treatment protocols to improve and protect the health of rural communities.